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Shadows in JK


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It's really annoying. I noticed that the volumetric shadow works okay with Radeon, but with GeForce 3, I am getting really crappy shadow effects. I get very blocky shadows or a shadow sticks on the wall while the person is standing right before me. Did anyone have any issue with shadows in this game?

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i have the same problems. Vol Shadows work fine with Radeon and not with Geforce 3. I think this is the first time i had a problem with the better of the two cards. I hope that a patch is coming to fix this problem or someone has a work-around, other than turning shadows to simple.

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Is it really just Geforce 3's? I also have one (Ti200) and find that the volumetric shadows on the characters keep disolving into the faces of thier meshes. I thought it might have been a problem with the engine but obviously not if they work fine on Radeon cards.


Perhaps we should start a petition for Raven to patch it ASAP?

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I've tried Vol shadows on a GF2 MX 32MB, GF4 MX 440 64MB, and a Plain Geforce 3 64MB and am experiencing the same problem. I was running the 28.32 drivers on each card. I tried the game on a TI4600 as well but the shadows work fine on that. Its pretty weird. I'm not sure if its the game or the drivers. I'd have to lean towards the game since the TI4600 works. I haven't tried the game on any ATI cards so I have to rely on what I've heard from others that Vol Shadows work.

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I jumped the gun on the TI4600. While they do look a tad cleaner then on the other Nvidia based cards they still show the same problems. Now that it looks like the Rad 8500 does the same thing I would be safe to say its a game issue.

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So I wonder if it's a Q3 engine problem or a JKII problem. I can't think of any other Q3 engine games that try and map shadows over the game characters.


If the Q3 engine has a problem with this I wonder why Raven tried to incorperate it?


Most importantly, I wonder when it will get fixed...

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my system:

amd 1.3

geforce 3 /28.3 drivers

512mb ram

win 98


the shadows look ok on mine, tho with the sabre on you get the flickering effect due to the light source obviously


my problem is the HUGE performance degradation when you switch the volumetrics on, it goes from my set FPS of 150 down to 60 or so even with no npc's around, and will drop to 20fps in a room full of troopers while if its off rarely drops below 70fps in the same situation


i know computing proper shadows for 10+ troopers is very HW intensive but surely not this much

the game looks soooo much better with the shadows on too



anyone know if theres a way to keep volumetric shadows on for the player character and off for the enemy npc's?


would be nice to keep the atmosphere when sneaking around, as its not so important in a pitched battle

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How bizzare Mcloud,


My system specs are almost identical to yours except the processor which is an Athlon 1600 XP approx 1.4 GHz and I get bad shadows with the lightsabre on or off.


But I never get slowdowns due to shadows. The only place it slowed down for me was the sinking/rising bridge in the Yavin Jedi trials level. I have no idea why it slowed down there but as soon as the brige was above water it was fine. Whenever the bridge was under water the game crawled.


How odd that too very similar specs can produce such different results? FYI I run at 1024x768x32Bpp with FSAA on.

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