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JediF model


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I've been wondering about this, too. I think this is a good model, and would be great for MP, and it also has great editing potential (thinking Mara in an all-black jumpsuit).


I've searched both .pk3 files, and I can't find anything anywhere. Having successfully spawned her in SP, this really puzzles me.



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along this same sort of topic, has anyone figured out how to activate the second head polygons for some of these characters? if you like into the prisoner model, for example, you'll see that there is a head 1 and head 2 file, along with face 1 and face 2. now head one and face one are the bearded face and head with the puffy hair. face 2 and head two however, show a clean shaven face and what looks to be a buzzed or bald head. the problem is when you apply the second head skin, it doesnt fit around the puffy hair...it ends up looking wierd. does this second head image go under the first or something? or is there a second head model without the puffy hair?

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I might be wrong. But I belive the JediF model is the same model and textures as the regular Jan. The goggles and jacket are seperate things added to the base JediF model to create the Jan model.


Just as in Medal of Honor, where the helmet or hat and vests can be seperate models from the rest of the character's model.

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I am wondering how the single play NPC's, such as the JediF model or even the Jedi2 model can be extracted for multiplayer as well. I can't seem to locate the Jedi2 graphic files, though I have found the hair to the model. The reason I wish to use the Jedi2 model is due to the fact I wish to use the head for a bald character.

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I was curious about it too, so I took a look at the NPCS.CFG file and noticed that it is the "Jan" model that has parts removed. Is there a way to duplicate this in MP? Maybe thru the one of the animation.cfg or model files?


See below...




playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

saberColor random

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jan

sndcombat jan

sndjedi jan

health 200

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0

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Sorry to take this slightly off topic, but in that snippet from the npcs.cfg file, If i change the dismemberProbHead/leg/waist values from 0 to say 5 or probably any non zero value that I can start chopping my enemies in half etc?


Im sick of just arms and hands flying off! lol




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I've been trying, but I just can't get anything to work. I didn't think it would work, but I tried puting the surfoff stuff in the .skins, that made Jedi Knight II real mad. Everything else I've tried just didn't have any effect.


We probably do have to edit the model directly. Though it would be nice if we didn't have to.

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I tried the surfoff and surfon in the .skin file aswell and it worked for the .tga files. The model was the same, but the texture was omitted. If there was only a way to do that with the model parts instead!




surfOff head_goggles,models/players/jan/accesories.tga

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try adding "nodraw" in the .skin file for the mp version of the skin... just extract the files you need (textures) make it into a new character and type in "nodraw" next to the bits you don't the game to draw. For example in quake 3 doom has 2 arms... and in the .skin you can write nodraw instead of doom.tga or whatever and then you have a doom with only one arm. I think it might work like that in jk2 as well.

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It works! Typing nodraw instead of the filename works! Example:


change this:



to this:



Not that I took the face away or anything....although it would be interesting :D


Thanks Arco for solving the problem.

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I found a slight problem with this, though. Try removing the belt and chaps from Jan....It creates a big, gapping whole at her hips. Oh well. Guess you can't have it all.





Removing Jan's vest creates the same effect, only it's her chest that's removed.

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