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Dark Force Powers Too Strong? Yeah Right!


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I've been hearing so much *****ing and whining about how the dark jedi is far too powerful. Please cut the cra* I've never had a problem and for the last 5 days I've been playing ONLY duels and winning most of them.


And yes I use the light side of the force and I WIN fair and square. I especially love it when they try the dark powers and loose. It is easy, just use the force power which protects against other force powers.


The tactic is to have as much force points as possible and you should be fine. As soon as they use grip/drain/lightning.. just turn on your little aura of protection..


When you do, there is a split second where they can't do anything.. .strike them and kill them.


Stop whining and crying the game is bloody fair. If you can't take the heat get out..


Besides if you still whine just use the dark powers, so I can slay you. It is easier to use the dark side of the force, but once you master the light side of the force, the dark side doesn't stand a chance.


So stop *****in/whining/crying plz.





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Well, Im sure there is a few of us Dark Jedi Masters that could still give you a run for your money. Its all about not just doing what everybody else does but try and learn new things your not always gonna be able to depend on drain or absorb. Thats all the advice I can give.


Dark Side is easier to learn but it does get more advanced than just hitting drain all the time, Light side is definatley abit more powerful to a well trained jedi but still the forces even out with both sides knowing what they are doing.

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I am sure you could.. lol..


Sorry I think I came off as really arrogant. I am not saying that I am really awesome, but what I am saying is that the Light side is good to use too..


Once you practice enough it is better than the dark side..


Anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering.. suffering leads to a bad prequel.

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Actually, should explain that.

Most of the posts I've seen on this start with 'Nobody can beat this....'

They whine that a certain tactic always defeats them, or their certain tactic always wins.

The conclusions that come out of the smart people are

You lose - adapt, look at strategy, learn...

You win - Find another way to win as well cause there's no true method... ..and look for that person better than you...

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Dark powers dont give me any problem at all. They try to lightening or grip me, not a problem, force absorb and tada I have a full bar of force in a split second (I keep absorb maxed out the majority of the time). The only time I have trouble is if I have force absorb on level one where it drains my force almost as fast as force drain and then I get gripped off the edges or something.

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I have no problem with dark or light powers persay, I just would like an option for the server to take out healling and drain(at least the healing part of it)...I am fine playing against them, but when to people in a dueling server ALLOW each other to get enough force to completely heal themselves that is just wrong.

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You are right. It is balanced.


Those players who constantly use lightning or drain can be countered by using absorb. Those who like rage can be countered using protect. It just takes the knowledge of what to do.

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I like how you say to "just" turn on Absorb.


I also like how you say you only play duels ;)


Some of us have stated (myself included) that it's more of a problem on FFA servers, where it's often 1 lightsider to 6 or 7 darkside.


It's hard to turn on absorb when you have 7 people draining you from multiple directions.


I can't speak for others, but that's always been the focus of my arguement. And for the record, I'm not a whiner ;) Check my posts if you don't believe that.

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But by the same token, it would be hard for a lone Dark Jedi to use Drain or lightning to good effect on a server where there are 7 light jedi.


Or for an alt-fire repeater spammer to use the spam to get kills against three light jedi charging at once.


Or for any jedi to rush a flag with 3 tenloss snipers gaurding the hallway.


Combined forces are part of the game, and don't indicate balance problems, IMHO.

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Originally posted by Sterling

But by the same token, it would be hard for a lone Dark Jedi to use Drain or lightning to good effect on a server where there are 7 light jedi.




Combined forces are part of the game, and don't indicate balance problems, IMHO.


In a way that's true ;)


Where it falls apart though, is that it's rare that light outnumbers dark. The majority of players right now play dark side because it's easier. This serves to multiply any perceived balance issues.

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This makes sense for Raven to follow the movies perception of the light and dark side, the dark side is easier to learn, but the light side is harder to perfect and is stronger in the end, anyways, I don't use the dark force powers because they seem pretty lame to me.

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Yoda: Yes, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice!


Luke Skywalker: Vader. ...Is the dark side stronger?


Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.


Luke Skywalker: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?


Yoda: You will know... when you are calm, at peace, passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.



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Originally posted by Amorpheus

Am I the only one who thinks you should not need Absorb to survive Drain?


I'd LIKE to need Absorb to survive Drain, but it DOESN'T. It would if Absorb got a refill of force power from Drain, but all it does is block it (since no health damage is being done).



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Personally, the only force powers I use are push, pull and drain. I will only use drain is if my opponent heals himself and I'm only using it so he wont be able to heal.


I pretty much only play duels so I dont really deal with the lightning spammers and such but I have never needed to resort on my Dark powers to win a duel.


Every power can be countered except for heal. All they have to do is run and hide till their force builds up and poof, they are back to full. That is the only thing that bothers me. People who spam their powers usually end up with a saber to the face.


Its all good.

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Absord counters drain? Not in my experience! Absorb only works on powers that do damage, I thought. Certainly as far as I can see absorb does nothing to drain.


BTW, the Light Side isn't meant to be STRONGER, the two sides are supposd to be balanced.

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Anyone who's saying that hasn't played JK. This is a huge improvement from Force Destruction


Drain is fairplay. If you read the book Episode I you'll notice somewhere it mentions Darth Maul being able to restrain Obi-Wan's connection to the Force. It definately prevents a Jedi from healing too much.


Grip isn't that strong either. Just use Force Push and you'll usually get free.


Lightning just plain isn't that powerful. You know that protection power you Jedi have? Use it.


What the battle comes down to is who can be unpredictable, using a new style that the target can't counter. It's the best saberist who will win.

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