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A Place for your Skin

Grand Moff

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Well there have been some skins posted on these boards


and when you get to these sites they dont work because they are over bandwidth or what not.


So i have been thinking of putting up a skinning site.

Anyone interest?

I happen to work for a large hosting comapny and ISP so I get a large sight and a lot of bandwith for free....wooowhooo!

and its just been sitting there.




Of course you would have to send me a link to get your file and some screen shots of the skins at least 2 a front and a Back.


I will be putting only starwars skins on the site. I love homer simpson also but I dont want him in game.

I will be rating the skins

I dont want to discourage new skinners but if you skin bites and I put it up on the site be prepared to have me say exactly what I think is or is not good about it.



I'm also open to ideas anybody got any?

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I think this would be a great idea! I have thought of something similar to this myself, something like the "XWA Upgrade" site!


Anyone could submit a skin, and if there are more than one of the same skin, the best one would stay untill someone makes a better one! Does that make sense?


Anyway, you would end up with the best models and skins ready for download in an 'Ultimate StarWars SkinPack' kinda thing... :D

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