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Episode 2


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Guest Generalchang

There have been a few threads like this already but what the heck here I go:


I think Episode I was different in its underlying theme and just did not have the magic that the previous three movies had. I believe that Lucas?s wealth has tainted the movie. He fails in Episode I to get a complicated and deep character and instead goes to the shallow but cool looking Darth Maul.

I believe that Episode II will be much like Episode I on these terms.

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Originally posted by edwardc87

Hey everyone!

The title for the new Star Wars has been out for a while and I think the title stinks. What do you think Episode 2 should be called. (I think Anakins Fate sounds good, to me...)

Attack of the Clones has grown on me (as I knew it would). I don't have that big a problem with it anymore.

Not to slam your your title but Anakins Fate sounds too "small". It needs to have a name on a broader scale. Plus Putting a person's name in a SW title just doesn't seem right. ;)

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Guest Master Yoda

I still cant stand the title Attack of the Clones it just doesnt sound like part of the SW series. I agree with you General Chang, except for the part about Darth Maul, I thought he was just straight up stupid, but after having Darth Vader as a bad guy,there just isnt going to be a bad guy as cool as him.:vadar:

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:eek: You thought Maul was stupid?! I can see him being shallow since he had no real speaking parts in the movie, but he was pure evil so he didn't need any ;) ! He was in no way stupid! :mad:
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Guest Master Yoda

what about that part where u first see him on the Holo, he appears next to sidious and crosses his arms, it just looks dumb. I guess everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. But Vader is still the ULTIMATE bad guy!!

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Guest Gamma732

I agree 100% on the comment that "Attack of the Clones" doesn't sound like it belongs to a Star Wars movie. It sounds like the generic name that SNL or The Simpsons would attatch to a bad SW spoof.

I also agree with the comment that wealth, profits, and marketing have negatively influenced the new movies. It seems to me that the franchise is trying to attract new, younger fans. I don't see why they need to do this, look at a lot of the people that post in these forums. Not all of us(Myself included) were around when the original trilogy came out, and yet here we are. But after seeing Episode one, the whole tone of the movie changed completely from that of the originals.

In E1, there was sooo much effort put into comic relief, it made many parts of the movie seem like a joke to me. Jar Jar and the Gungans for the most part were only filler to add slapstick comedy. I'm not saying the originals lacked comedy, Han had his remarks(I liked those), Chewie had his misshaps with the Falcon, amoung other things, and R2 and C-3PO had their moments. Even at their simplest moments, these were always semi-serious and didn't entirely take away from the overall serious atmosphere of the trilogy.

However the majority of the humor in E1 was slapstick nonsense not too dissimilar to Luney Tunes(Hand stuck in racer, tongue zapped). A lot of the final battle between the Gungans and the TF just seemed stupid. In the originals, the battles were really well done, and pretty serious. The battle in E1 was a joke. I didn't for one minute feel bad/worried/anything for the Gungans(cept maybe for Tarpals, he was the only one that had that SW feel to him in my opinion). It was for the most part, lighthearted.

Now I may sound like I want an all out action movie or something, but what I really mean is what I loved about the original trilogy was how it was a sci fi movie with all kinds of aliens and other futureistic stuff, and it seemed really serious, you wanted to know what happens next, you were worried for the heroes(or the villians). I found very little of these same elements in E1. Instead of thinking, "I hope he doesn't die..." or "This is great! I never expected that!" or anything like that, I found myself thinking "This is Star Wars??", "Why did they include that??", and "Is it almost over yet?".

I almost think they were trying to keep it at a PG level. The ratings are stricter today(anti-violence activists), I think that if it were released for the first time, today, the original trilogy would have good chance(I'm not saying definately) to be PG-13. Theres also a good chance of it getting a PG rating, but thats not what they should be concerned about. If its not broken, don't fix it! We loved it the first time, so why not continue? Anyway, after all that, in regard to E2, I'll quote Han:"I have a bad feeling about this." It sounds like more of the same.


Anyway, that turned into a lengthy rant, and if you guys bash me mercilessly for it, I'll understand. And YES, I know that in ROTJ(My personal favorite),there were parts involving Ewoks that were similar to the Gungans, but I don't think it was anywhere near as propagated as it was in E1, I won't get into THAT ;) hehehe But if any of you guys uses that to bash me with, its on :D Thanks in advance for putting up with my frustrated venting

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I understand your problem with jar-jar but did it really ruin the movie that much for you? I thought he was stupid at times but it never ruined the movie for me..

BTW That is the longest post on these boards that I have seen!:D

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Guest Gamma732

Its not Jar Jar specifically, but the feel of the whole movie. The pod racing for one. Everyone tells me how great that was, but I just don't get it. To me it wasen't great, it was too dragged out. Then the announcers WERE something out of Looney Tunes. he two heads was ok, but the comments weren't very good. Then the whole battle at the end. The Fambaa(sp) sheilds were a cool idea, I'll give you that, but it just didn't have the SW feel. Jar Jar saves the day by trying to hide! That particular incident asent horrible, but it was one of many straws that broke the camel's back, then crushed the rest of him ;) Sure, some things in SW were serindipidies* but that was just wayyy too much, coupled with Anakin's method of killing the control ship, much too much.

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Guest Master Yoda

I agree Gamma, there was to much slap stick comedy and some of the stuff just didnt look right. Like when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used the Force to run away from the Destroyer Droids. I have to admit though that some of the special effects were really good, though not a whole lot better than the Special Edition of the Origanal(sp?) Trilogy. It didnt have that suspense in it like in Origanals.Though the lightsaber battle at the end was pretty good. I think the book was better than the movie.

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Well I think you've just turned into an evil person and can't see the fantasy that epi. 1 brings ;)

But really I guess it's all a matter of tastes. I don't like NJO in SW but I do like epi.1, some like it the other way around. It's all a matter of opinion

BTW Obi and Qui, running away from the droids did look rather pathetic.

Gee your posting long posts now *phew*

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Guest Gamma732

*In an "Evil Voice"*Bah! Kvan.....must you persist in being my arch nemisis ;) Its not the fantasy aspect, I have no clue what the word is, but its not the fantasy. As for the NJO, Vector Prime was a very good book(I'm not comparing it to Zahn) but it was just the serious kind of stuff I wanted to see more of in the SW universe. The rest of the NJO is just ok, not great, but I certainly can see it as SW.......but they really are holding off on the assault on Coruscant a little too much. What exactly about the NJO doesn't feel SW-ish to you? I'd like to hear what someone else thinks on something like this. I haven't been to the book store in the month due to summer reading, so if somethig new came out please alert me, and DON'T TELL WHAT HAPPENS PLZ! :)


Oh and as for me being an evil person....as i said in a RPG post, all my friends(who got me into SW back when the SE came out) are all turned off to SW by E1, but I'm still here, I'm only moderately evil muwhahaha

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Originally posted by Gamma732

*In an "Evil Voice"*Bah! Kvan.....must you persist in being my arch nemisis ;) Its not the fantasy aspect, I have no clue what the word is, but its not the fantasy. As for the NJO, Vector Prime was a very good book(I'm not comparing it to Zahn) but it was just the serious kind of stuff I wanted to see more of in the SW universe. The rest of the NJO is just ok, not great, but I certainly can see it as SW.......but they really are holding off on the assault on Coruscant a little too much. What exactly about the NJO doesn't feel SW-ish to you? I'd like to hear what someone else thinks on something like this. I haven't been to the book store in the month due to summer reading, so if somethig new came out please alert me, and DON'T TELL WHAT HAPPENS PLZ! :)


Oh and as for me being an evil person....as i said in a RPG post, all my friends(who got me into SW back when the SE came out) are all turned off to SW by E1, but I'm still here, I'm only moderately evil muwhahaha

Oh, so I shouldn't tell you that Lando died? :)

I think the two things I don't like about SW is it seems too dark and gruesome(for StarWars) and I don't like the whole idea of a group of aliens that come from past the outer rim to take over the galaxy. It sounds more like StarCraft then SW.

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Guest Master Yoda

Ep. 1 isn't real bad but it wasnt what i expected. I dont mind the NJO up to the point where the chewie gets killed and I wont read that book or any after it. It CANT be a SW book or movie(After Ep. 4) Without Chewbacca!!!

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Guest Gamma732

Yeah, well, Chewie's death.....I'll give you that. As for it getting like SC...not yet, I haven't seen any bad Civil War throwbacks yet ;)

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Originally posted by Gamma732

Yeah, well, Chewie's death.....I'll give you that. As for it getting like SC...not yet, I haven't seen any bad Civil War throwbacks yet ;)

Chewies death sucked! A moon fell on him, sad.

You saw it as a Civil War throwback too?! I saw the similarities also! :D

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Guest Gamma732

Well, gee, the 'Confederacy'......I don't know how I noticed that one ;) Yeah, SC's one of my absolute favorite games(it was the game that got me online in multiplayer games, into RTS games in general, and into online community stuff) but all the Civil War stuff got kind of annoying at some points.....Confederacy, campaign name "Rebel Yell", the Terran Vulture pilot, the Terran Marine, New Gettysburg, the Confederate flag on that battle crusier. At points it seemed like overkill. But I still love the game......and ironically, Terrans are my fav civ ;)


I'm wondering......did you notice that in almost every cinematic for the terrans, just about everyone is smoking?

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, everyone has to die sometime. What's wrong with someone dying? It made for a noce plot sequence throughout the series though.

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Guest Gamma732

I don't think it stinks that Chewie died, someone needed to die, their not invincible(Even though good ole Pelleon's still very much active in the Imperial Navy after over 70 years in the service :eyeraise: ) But its just the thing how the moon hit him, I have a feeling that if a moon was colliding with a planet, things would have happened quicker....the moon racing by numerous times was a bit.......cartoonish if you ask me, and we all know what I think of SW being cartoonish ;)

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Originally posted by Gamma732

Well, gee, the 'Confederacy'......I don't know how I noticed that one ;) Yeah, SC's one of my absolute favorite games(it was the game that got me online in multiplayer games, into RTS games in general, and into online community stuff) but all the Civil War stuff got kind of annoying at some points.....Confederacy, campaign name "Rebel Yell", the Terran Vulture pilot, the Terran Marine, New Gettysburg, the Confederate flag on that battle crusier. At points it seemed like overkill. But I still love the game......and ironically, Terrans are my fav civ ;)


I'm wondering......did you notice that in almost every cinematic for the terrans, just about everyone is smoking?

I saw all that, but I also thought the Terrans were the confedrates (besides their name) because they are very mobile. During the Civil War the South was a very mobile army, it could pick up and move pretty quickly. I saw the Protoss as being the Union since they are not as mobile and are very defensive(like the Union was, through some of the Civil War). Thats just my take on it :) BTW Before anyone asks, I was doing a theisis on it and playing a lot of SC at the sametime, thats how I drew my conclusions.

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Originally posted by Gamma732

I don't think it stinks that Chewie died, someone needed to die, their not invincible(Even though good ole Pelleon's still very much active in the Imperial Navy after over 70 years in the service :eyeraise: ) But its just the thing how the moon hit him, I have a feeling that if a moon was colliding with a planet, things would have happened quicker....the moon racing by numerous times was a bit.......cartoonish if you ask me, and we all know what I think of SW being cartoonish ;)

Personally I wish the EU would have left the main characters out of the books! Just create brand new characters that have nothing to do with the movies. I would enjoy a book about an Mon Calamari Star Captain or a Rodian Smuggler. They need to get inventive and brake away from the main characters.

Ok, maybe make a book about the movie characters once in awhile. And when they do tell a story with the movie characters, make it special, not some Dark Empire comic crap (sorry to those who liked the comic :) ).

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Guest Gamma732

Excellent point. Now that you point it out it makes a lot of sense, thats very good. Especially about the mobility issue. But that leaves the question, what are the zerg supposed to be? hehe I'm a semi-history fanatic so I'll think of something eventually......then I'll post a long, drawn out essay on it ;)


As for the EU leaving out the movie characters, the X-wing series did something like that and I thought that was a great series. I'm wondering, with that point of view did you like the "Tales from the..." books? I believe "Tales from the Empire" had no movie characters in it.


Wow, no one has been on...I'm gonna get up tomorrow morning either banned for spamming or with everyone in the forum bashing me for the long posts. Not a good day for me....at least my quote button is working.

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Yeah, I did like the "Tales of the Empire" and other such books! I also liked the X-wing series (I haven't read all of them yet). I really wish they'd come out with more of them :(

You won't be banned, I believe only one person has ever been banned and that was for posting porn. Your long posts are good, that means your thinking, unlike some ;)

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