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Rules of Engagement(for those that do not know)


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These rules would be helpful if those kinds of idiots could read. But that takes too much brain processing power.


Just find a password protected server with some friend and have a good time playing the game.


Let the rest of the world put up with crappy public servers.

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Originally posted by H.B.M.C.

No offence, but if you're walking around in a server that allows guns with your sabre off, you deserve to die.


And if you're going to complain about it, shut up and move to a sabre only server.







almost forgot people werent allowed to voice their opinions without being told to shut up ...


why do people throw hate around here so easily ...

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to an extent Kyuss you're right, but i feel that i agree with the topic starter (forgot his name already) and i wish that people would use a little bit more code of conduct ... it's no grave stone if nothing changes, but it's nice to see people who won't molest you down just to get a few more points ...




just my opinion :fett:

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i agree with you about the blue aura .. i wish they would make it look normal to you and your dueling opponet, but make everyone else in the server see the blue aura ... or just get rid of the blue aura ...

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Halflife?, geez don't get me started on the cheatfest, almost-if not as bad- as counterstrike....cheats galore.


That brings up an interresting point.

I'm actually a vet HL player. Never used cheats and never will. Its not the actual cheaters that bother me the most but the people that are always whining "Cheater this, cheater that". I hope this doesn't happen to JO but I can imagine that even if their are no cheats people are still going to whine about cheats or unfair play.


When you or other start saying..."oh that weapon is cheap...that kill was lame" and so on...you are brushing very close to the same whining as people crying "cheat".


It just makes everything suck for everyone.

If you don't like a specific game setup...find one that suits you. But don't blame the whole world because people are not playing by your rules.


If the server uses those rules and is moderated in such a way...then cool...but barging in on any server and being upset because people are not playing like you would like...doen't make much sense now does it.

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Originally posted by Dar

Have you ever been on a duel server?? It takes forever just to get a turn. Now if Raven would allow maybe 4 players to duel at once, that'd be fine, but for now, I do not go to duel servers.

Has anyone ever played the Rocket Arena mod (for UT or Q3A) ? It's basically a 1v1 mod, where the winner stays on, and is played over the best of 3 rounds. But what is really cool about it is that each map is divided into many arenas - so that if you join a map there are 6 different and totally independent arenas to fight in. So, if one arena is occupied or there is a big queue, you can always jump to another one quickly (you can ask people to join etc.) It would be a good way of solving the waiting problem, which does get tedious. Just a thought :)

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Originally posted by IMF-Arel-

Once again, you need to learn how to deal with this. It is part of the game and is available to you as much as anyone else.


i HAVE learned how to deal with it but chasing a drain-gripper all around the map and switching absorb on and off is NOT a ls-duel, it's annoying, not the way i like to play and the reason i dont play on those servers. and as there are obviously a lot more like me i dont think it's asked to much to enable people to play it in a way they prefer.

if everybody just run around to collect the weapons before you do and steal them from you using pull the moment you get one you would begin to look for another server. but for us there is no other server.



Has it occured to you that perhaps not everyone knows about the "dueling-spots"? Once again this opens the door for anyone and everyone to start dictating.."this is a dueling spot, thats a shooting spot, thats a spot to go pee if needed...bla bla bla"


it's not about 'from now on this place shall be known as place for duels and nobody using a gun shalt ever enter it'.. it's about common sense. two people are duelling while 3 others are standing around them and watch it. what do they do?

a) waiting for them to finish so they can start their own duel

b) looking at the wonderful textures

c) waiting to become cannonfodder for a looser who cant find any other way to be on top of the list.


just to use a similiar example. if people are playing chess in a park you dont put your tray on the board and say 'hey, its a free country, im allowed to eat here'.


I'm sure there are some decent servers out there that can come close to your needs. If not its only a matter of time. Until then keep a smile and don't complain about people playing a Free For All on a Free For All server.


as i (and some others) explained. there are no decent servers close to our needs. if half a dozen players move the edge of a map and even use force fields to have some privacy and still 2 or 3 people have to show how superior their skill is by firing hr or rl into the crowd it's obviously NOT 'free for all'. there's even a feature to challenge someone so you can have duels in ffa and what do you get? usually you loose because you lost your oppenent between all the explosions or idiots (sorry) who just dont get it, that they CANT harm you.


and before you ask. NO, i cant just open a server with the settings i like, because i dont happen to have neither a fast pc nor a fast connection. i can pick from about 20 servers with acceptable pings and i cant move to another country where better connections are available.

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you know what this reminds me of.


there was a comic I read a while back which went as follows.


First panel:

two guys are watching TV, the news says that an avid computer player who went by the monikor: D00droxorguy (something like that.) Went on a killing spree at a local high school.

One of the guys says that he had played games online with that same person


second panel:

The newscast continues: Out of the 30 victims, only 3 were killed.


third panel:

The same guy stands up and shouts "A whole room full of people and you only killed 3. There are some things you can't blame on lag!"



Do you see what I am saying? Don't get upset because you died trying to duel someone. Welcome to Earth, would you like a cup of Human Nature?


Humans are deceptive, we are all out to screw each other over, and the internet is worse because you can do so without feeling any remorse.


The only solution is as follows: GET REVENGE! KILL KILL KILL... DIE PIGGY DIE!

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Originally posted by DannyDiplo

Has anyone ever played the Rocket Arena mod (for UT or Q3A) ? It's basically a 1v1 mod, where the winner stays on, and is played over the best of 3 rounds. But what is really cool about it is that each map is divided into many arenas - so that if you join a map there are 6 different and totally independent arenas to fight in. So, if one arena is occupied or there is a big queue, you can always jump to another one quickly (you can ask people to join etc.) It would be a good way of solving the waiting problem, which does get tedious. Just a thought :)


Yeah, I've played it once or twice. =P



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Originally posted by Hell Raiser

I would personally like to see a chat bubble appear over your head like in Quake 3 so you don't get fragged because you're tryin to type somethin.


Give me that and I'll be happy. :D


That is actually a very cool idea! You got my support for it!:D

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First off let me say my original post was not meant to offend or accuse anyone....I think I should have worded it better since I was seriously sleep deprived and quite tired. On top of that getting bushwhacked 14 times in one game by the people you issue a challenge to simply because they did not know how to accept a challenge, is annoying.


Those are my general guidelines that I follow, and I know quite a few others who follow them as well.


Alas the game is still new and people are still learning(I myself am by no means a master) but I should also just accept the fact the what I hope for and what I actually get are going to be two different things.

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Common Sense states that you watch your back, if you want to challenge someone make sure you are clear to do so. (I am a saber only user)I like the challenge aspect, but it is a battle and as battles go if you get shot from behind, you learn not to stand in one place....

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Originally posted by Trienco



and before you ask. NO, i cant just open a server with the settings i like, because i dont happen to have neither a fast pc nor a fast connection. i can pick from about 20 servers with acceptable pings and i cant move to another country where better connections are available.


Ok, I'm gonna use an analogy. I really like CTY, I think it's the best gametype in JK2 there is. (This is true) However, there are 3 servers (Last time I looked a day or two ago) that run CTY. I ping well to none of them. I also like small 5vs5 games of CTY, none of them are 5vs5 servers, they're all double that.


That means I don't get to play CTY the way I wanna play it ever.


Do you think I should join a CTF server and start initiating votes to change the map to CTY? When those votes fail do you think I should critisize the players and call them skill less? (Or even worse?)


This is what you, and the majority of the people with this gripe do when they wanna turn an FFA guns server into a saber only duel server. The difference is I'm not selfish enough to go into a server running a certain game type dedicated with 20 other people playing on it and enjoying themselves, and attempt to hijack it and turn it into the type of game I want to play, despite the fact that the server variety doesn't accomodate that. And I would never, ever, critisize and call the players "skill less" and "llamas" who disagreed with me.


To further compound this fact, you CAN actually duel in FFA once in awhile with your ping conditions, I can never ever play CTY under the conditions I want.


Strangely enough, because of you and your type, I can't actually play FFA unbothered either, because every time I join an FFA guns server, there's always at least one guy trying to vote to kick me or generally calling me a "gun faggit" That's despite the fact that I'm actually playing by the rules and supplied resources of the server...

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I enjoy playing on gun servers for this reason: Since I only use a saber, it's a challenge for me to have to avoid the blasters and rockets while fighting with a more honorable weapon. All the "gun whores" are just dark jedi acting like it. I don't have a problem with that... It just makes it more fun to saber them.



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Apparently then the 12 year old gunwhores have better reading skills than the adult saber "masters" because they can actually read what is and isn't allowed on a server they go in to play on?


There are duel servers, use them, if you can't connect to them, learn to cope like the CTY, Holocron FFA, and Jedi Master fans have learned to do. Since duel servers and saber only servers are actually very common (duel being second highest dedicated server type in my query I did a few moments ago) and you can still actually engage in your sacred duel every once in awhile on an FFA server I fail to see the constant whining that the "mature" saberists are lobbying at the FFA players.


Please, if I'm missing a detail, do enlighten me. I'd like to understand how it's mature and logical of you (referring to saber militants in general, not any specific poster) to attempt to enforce your will on a server playing certain rules, and then act selfishly, whine, and cuss out the players who don't agree with you, when the second highest server type in the game accomodates you and your flavor.


PS: You'll actually find the best saberists there are on those dedicated servers duel/saber only servers, their skill might also be drawn from their intelligence, that they pursued the game they wanted to play instead of fighting an uphill battle on a server dedicated to the gametype they deplored. Perhaps you should play there if you're looking for that sacred duel.

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There is nothing more satisfying than a saber kill against a gunner.


I dont know about you, but in JK1 I would hunt down the guy with the rocket launcher or concussion rifle just for the chance at the glory of watching him fall to my saber!


And i must ask: does this mean that when i finaly recieve my copy I am going to get called a n00b and told to go to a saber only server when i try to take down gunners in FFA???


Please, the lack of respect between both sides is awful!


Saberists: mabye gunners use that because they enjoy the thought of blazing away in glorious battle, mowing down scores of enimies


Gunners: mabye saberists love the majestic feel of a face to face confrontation with your opponent, trying to land that death blow and recive all the glory



Please, stop tossing around 'n00b', 'gunwhore', etc... this is a game, and people bought this game to enjoy it. Thats the best thing about the Jedi Knight series, there are MANY MANY styles of play, even within the same game mode!


Listen to me you should,


Valid points have I :yoda: hehehehe =o)

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Well put Bert...I am a saberist and I say to my fellow saberists, quit complaining and find a way to kill them if it upsets you that much...and to gunners, dont make fun of us for running around trying to kill someone using a rocket launcher with our sabers.....it is just what we, and you find more fun...

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This thread is becoming more ridiculous by the second.


I just wanted to recap on a few things here.


First of all...I enjoy the light saber as much as anyone. I can understand that people are starting to give themselves ways to get into a duel. That’s cool by me. Like I said before...I usually only shoot at people that seem to be active anyways. So up to this point you are safe with me.


Where I disagree is when you think everyone should follow these unwritten rules so the saber freaks can get their jollies. Like I said, I enjoy the saber like everyone (if not more) but if I get shot in a FFA because I was just standing around waiting for a duel...then that's my tough luck now isn't it. I sure can't complain about a guy shooting me, because that’s what the server is for.


I imagine that servers will show up more and more with their own specific rules. For example a FFA map with the rules "sabers only" or "duels only". Which is great. Even better so if they take out the specific weapons they don't want people to use. I'm sure there's already servers of this kind if you give a look. If there are so many people wanting to play in this manner...then servers will appear.



To respond to the comments: "I bought this game for the purpose of saber duels..."

Cool...that’s your reason for buying it. To be honest...I also bought it for the saber and because its star wars.

But has anyone stopped to think...that perhaps someone else bought it and they happen to enjoy the riffle...or the rocket launcher? I mean...they paid for it just like you did. They are entitled to shoot you as much as they are to saber you.


One last thing...Do you people realize how dumb it is to refer to players as Noobs? We are all Noobs..The game has been out for hardly a week. Already people are acting greater than god and dictate how things should be. (ohh excuse me..let me change the word "god" to "yoda" so the delusionals will understand...hehe)


My posts might come off as being rude or harsh. You might even wonder why I even bother writing all this. The thing is I've seen this countless times in every game imaginable. There's always someone that doesn't like this or that. It gets even more annoying when people actually start to complain on servers and/or forums saying: "That weapon is cheap...ohh that shouldn't be there...ohh cheater...ohh noob" That is just the incompetent player whining cause the world didn't revolve around him.


When I started to play half life...I kept getting fried by the tau cannon. (Anyone who knows half-life...knows what I'm talking about) Well I didn't call people noobs or cheap. In fact I just played harder and now, guess what, I'm the one doing the frying and can pretty much dodge anything. People call me a cheater almost every time I play. Just because I have the skill to play and some beginners ego gets hurt...everyone cries "cheat" or "cheap shot". This is really what these post remind me of. People whining because they didn't get killed the way they wanted to die. Or because: "Hey, I'm a Jedi...It's not very Jedi like to get shot down". Please...give me a break. Next time use your "Jedi like" reflexes to get your butt out of a jam. I'm a "star wars freak" myself but I'm not going to start planning my day as a Jedi.


So to make a long post short again (sorry 'bout the long post..lol)

My main point is...Don't whine no matter how you get killed on a FFA. The day you have your own servers, with the rules you want, the weapons you want...then complain. But until then...a JO owner has just as much right to launch a rocket at you as he does a saber duel.


Don't get me wrong...I'm well aware of the "dueling spots", "the facing the wall typing". But I'm not going to complain if I get shot in a FFA server. After all, the shooter was only playing the map as it was meant to be played.



And just a simple reminder...FFA is Free For All.

Not: Free for All except non-moving player

Not: Free for All except holstered sabers




Say it with me...



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To Trienco,


I just had to reply to this...because your example made me laugh so hard.


just to use a similiar example. if people are playing chess in a park you dont put your tray on the board and say 'hey, its a free country, im allowed to eat here'.



Let me make a more realistic example for you Trienco.

First of all...this is no ordinairy park we are talking about. This is a FFA park, complete with guns and sabers. This makes your Park more like a Paintball Park. Now let me ask you...If you are sitting in this park, playing chess, do you REALLY believe that you will sit there and play chess without getting shot by a paintball???


If you tell the paintball shooter...."well there's no were else to go but your paintball park" do you think everyone well say: "ohh in that case...lets all play chess"



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:





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The way I see it, if you're not the server owner then you have no right to change the way the game is being played end of story.

Likewise while you can play any way you want within the boundaries of the game it's always a good idea to not be an asshole to everyone in the server.

Be friendly to everyone rather than a pompous leet dewd and you will be amazed how much nicer people are.

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Originally posted by IMF-Arel-

To Trienco,


I just had to reply to this...because your example made me laugh so hard.





Let me make a more realistic example for you Trienco.

First of all...this is no ordinairy park we are talking about. This is a FFA park, complete with guns and sabers. This makes your Park more like a Paintball Park. Now let me ask you...If you are sitting in this park, playing chess, do you REALLY believe that you will sit there and play chess without getting shot by a paintball???


If you tell the paintball shooter...."well there's no were else to go but your paintball park" do you think everyone well say: "ohh in that case...lets all play chess"



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:






maybe my english is not good enough to make myself clear. if i play chess in the corner of a paintball park i dont mind if i catch a stray bullet from time to time and i DONT expect the rest to play chess as well. all i expect them to do is to fight EACH OTHER instead of spending all their time with coming over to that corner to score kills with the chess players.


AGAIN: catch me in the heat of a battle or alone in a corridor go on and shoot me. if i stand around in a remote area with a couple other people, leave us alone.

obviously you ALL accepted that it's lame to shoot people standing in a corner facing the wall. and now tell me: wheres the difference?

boy, a while ago it was "get lost, join a chat room if you want to talk and dont whine". now suddenly most of the non-noobs have accepted it. that means they accepted it's lame to shoot that are not taking part in the shooting right now and thats exactly what we are trying. finding a part of the level where only few people ever come by.

nobody expects the rest to drop their guns and use sabers only because WE like it like that. but tell me on thing: there are 15 people running around that are much closer to you. is it so hard to ignore the fact that half a mile away others are trying to have their fun?


and how come that out of 20 people its always about 2 that always come around to get a few cheap kills? because the majority obviously realizes it's lame to go after easy prey just to be on top if the fun comes from FIGHTING each other. always going to those places is in no way anything else than shooting people that are chatting/away or spawncamping.


and by now i feel this whole discussion is useless. first, the gunners obviously dont even take the time to think about what we're talking about. instead the only argument is 'its ffa, dont expect us to use your rules'. how much of the level is the platform or one of the conference rooms in the deathstar level? a few percent? and still it's impossible for some to just ignore those few percent?

or could it be, that the very people i complain about and call 'lame' or not even taking part in this discussion? because those very people are the same that will shoot you in the back while you answer the phone, run away from every single enemy til they find a group of distracted enemies because they suck so much they cant even dodge a charging bryar? (dont laugh, one of them was even spending the whole game camping on a roof to snipe the duelists.. not only did he need three shots to hit somebody that didnt move at all, he didnt even leave when i jumped up to him, instead he fired and jumped around like crazy.. something a SKILLED player would never do, its just an invitation to be pushed off the map).


so all of you that dont constantly loose every single gun fight or catch your own grenades with your face: cool down, i'm NOT talking about you.

if you're not searching the level to find someone who wont put up a fight to score a point: i'm NOT talking about you.

if you are spawning, getting the hr and head to the place where you know 5 people are having their duels because you so desperately have to be number one: yes, i AM talking about you.


this 'park' has a lot of free tables and i dont see any reason to use just the one thats used by others to play chess. i dont expect the rest of the people start playing chess to, all i expect them is not spending their time with shooting footballs into the table just to feel like they 'rule'.

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