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Rules of Engagement(for those that do not know)


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All I hear from you is every one sucks. Cheap kills. "the gunners" suck...bla bla bla.


Trienco...the only thing that sucks is the way you label everyone.

You like to saber duel...big deal, me too.

You get shot while standing around...big deal...life goes on.


You said: "dont laugh, one of them was even spending the whole game camping on a roof to snipe the duelists.. not only did he need three shots to hit somebody that didnt move at all, he didnt even leave when i jumped up to him, instead he fired and jumped around like crazy.. something a SKILLED player would never do, its just an invitation to be pushed off the map"


Who Care!!!

It was probably an 8 year old having fun with the game. People like you tend to go around servers and call people names like noob and cheap or alot worse. Its a game Trienco. Just play, be happy and be nice. If something upsets you in a server...leave..go to another.


Bottom line is there will always be someone to tick you off...just learn to live with it without whining about it.

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i give up, did you even read THIS part:


>so all of you that dont constantly loose every single gun fight or catch your own grenades with your face: cool down, i'm NOT talking about you.

if you're not searching the level to find someone who wont put up a fight to score a point: i'm NOT talking about you.<


when i say 2-3 persons out of 2x where do i say that EVERYONE sucks?

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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

Trienco, no offense...but why don't you just join a duel server? You won't run into stuff there...or even a sabers only server.


please read the 2 or 3 posts where i (and someone else) explains why duel servers are crap. i'm looking for saber only every time an none of them has a ping below 250 for me. probably because most people seem to just open a server with default settings.


let's forget about duels or not: would you spend your whole time on a server looking for people to shoot that are away/chatting/frozen?

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I already apologized once for my initial wording of my rules and I am not going to do it again.


Well just to give an update, last night I was on a good FFA server, fast not an enormous amount of people (I think it was 20 out of 32) and we ran into our first admitted cheater then.


This guy that was playing never died even after being force drained and hit with lightning, rocket and two hard style saber attacks. So some of the other players(including the server who was on fortunately) started to get suspicious and asked him what the heck was going on. He refused to answer so everyone attacked him....well he lived through 19 people hitting him with everything from rockets to thermal detonators. After all that he siad he was just trying out a hack and was quite happy that it worked, then he was vote kicked.


His name was Potimkin or something like that, odds are he will change it, but the fact remains that there is now a hack out that makes you invulnerable...so be aware.

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That's distressing if true (not arguing you, just didn't see it). I wonder if the server was 'pure' or not (force everybody to have the same .pk3 files)?


Trienco (and I guess Dar & others),


Whether you want to change the rules for the whole server, or just a percentage of the server is immaterial. Whether you feel the rules changes you want are 'just' is immaterial. The principle remains: you want to impose your rules on others.


The rules are set when we enter the server. Deal with them, and stop complaining that people aren't playing your way.




P.S. Why don't you guys just setup your own server, for crying out loud? In all the time you've complained, you could just do that and get it over with.

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ehm, i dont think 2 days are enough to make the money necessary to buy a fast enough machine and the connection i need to play with more than 3 others. but you're right, i cant expect 'fraggers' to earn their kills in an 'honorable' way.


btw. i always thought there already IS the general rule not to kill somebody who's busy and standing in a corner facing the wall.


so what, next week is modding time and i hope it wont be long til a decent way to have duels will come along.

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It's a game people. A game. If you join an FFA server, anything is fair game. If you turn your sabre off expecting not to be killed, you end up as nothing but cannon fodder. you wanna duel? Request one using K. You wanna type? Hide in a corner and prey that no one finds you. You want pure duels? Join a sabre -only or duel server. just don't come on an FFA server and expect civility (although I do agree with being a good sport and not complaining every time your ass gets fragged), 'cause it's survival of the fittest, and anything's fair game.

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Originally posted by Trienco


please read the 2 or 3 posts where i (and someone else) explains why duel servers are crap. i'm looking for saber only every time an none of them has a ping below 250 for me. probably because most people seem to just open a server with default settings.


let's forget about duels or not: would you spend your whole time on a server looking for people to shoot that are away/chatting/frozen?


Maybe it's just me be this seems to be comming off pretty badly. It seems like you're saying that you join the lowest possible ping server no matter what gametype and go in there imposing another gametype on people.


As for looking for people who are away/chatting/frozen, nobody does that. They simply see them by chance and kill them. But I have never seen somebody consciously hunting away from keyboard folks down for the sole purpose of getting free kills. Don't get me wrong, I don't do stuff like this , but it is just as much everyone elses right to do this as it is your right not to do it. Your rights as a gamer do exist...but they end where the other players blaster begins.


You can't afford your own server? Too bad. I can't afford a BMW but you don't see me trying to steal somebody elses car do you?

Get a job if you want to afford one. If you've already got a job perhaps you should consider a better career path if you don't get enough money to support yourself.


Gosh, I've seen this same argument many times before...the last of which being the predator cannon in aliens versus predator 2...

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Please, you should understand that saberfighting suffers at least twice to three times as much as gunfighting from lag, show a little pity on them, all they ask is to watch your shooting, and if you kill somone who you then relise was typing, an apology wouldnt kill you. Not trying to force rules down your throat, just saying that just because you cant see them dosent mean that they arn't people too :D

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Guys, the only rule I acknowledge outside of the server rules is the Golden Rule.


I expect to get shot when I leave myself open [for any reason whatsoever], and do the same in return. I occasionally ignore people running into a corner, but I really don't work too hard to avoid it.


It's only a stupid frag, for crying out loud.



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Originally posted by Jedi-Bert

There is nothing more satisfying than a saber kill against a gunner.



And i must ask: does this mean that when i finaly recieve my copy I am going to get called a n00b and told to go to a saber only server when i try to take down gunners in FFA???


Please, the lack of respect between both sides is awful!



A good player will use their saber in all gametypes, the difference is they use it when it's appropriate. Heck in CTF when I'm capping I use it 80 percent of the time because of the defensive bonuses. I even use it once in awhile in FFA.


As of yet, I've yet to see a single person initiate to vote to kick a saberist, I've never seen someone call someone a "skill less newb" over getting their butt handed to them by a player with a saber. Comparably that happening at least once per map on every single FFA server I've been on to players utilizing guns.


So no, I don't think anyone is gonna tell you to leave. It will be if you start trying to turn the game away from FFA into sabers only duel that people will have a problem with you. If you wanna chase down gunners, great, more power to you, but if you do that and then gripe every time when someone owns you and call them "skill less gunwhores" then that's rather a different situation.


PS: I don't think saberists are "newbies", "Retarded" etc. I think the saber is a viable weapon in all gametypes and use it when it's appropriate, my problem is with the breed of saberists (Who in my experience usually aren't very good, maybe that's why they don't go to duel servers) who turn FFA games into saber games, who gripe about guns, initiate votes to kick and countless other scenarios.

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Ok, I've read most of this thread and have a few things to add...


First, let me tell you what I do. I play two ways: for honor, or for wins. When I play for honor I particularly avoid things like the Repeater alt-fire, the missile launcher and pushing people off of ledges. And I always play lightside no matter what. When I see someone alone I put down my saber and challenge them to a duel. If I'm standing there, saberless, challenging them, and instead of accepting, they lightning/grip/shoot me, yea, I tell em they're a jackass.


When I play for kills, I don't do those things. I use guns and saber, whatever will help me win. However, if someone puts their saber down, stands still, or starts challenging me to a duel, I always accept, and usually win. And I still play lightside.


Now, to address some other people... what's this crap about telling other people they have no right to complain or that they're trying to "impose their will" on others? You can do whatever you want on a server. It's completely democratic, unless an admin is there, and he serves as the dictator. If you want to complain, go ahead. If enough people think you're annoying, they can kick you. If you want to initiate a vote, that's what the feature is there for. There is no way to "impose your will," and telling people they "have no right" to complain or want a gametype to be changed or vote is doing just that.


And how can you compare dueling in FFA to duel mode? In duel mode you spectate until it's your turn. In duel mode you can use all the force powers unless the server is set up to disallow them. It's completely different.


So yea, it's a pain in the ass when people are stupid on servers. I'll never stop being annoyed when I play something like Nar_Shaddaa streets, which I don't think is a great map anyway, and people just won't stop draining and gripping and dropping and pushing and whatnot... it's just obnoxious. There are no laws against being obnoxious, but don't we wish people wouldn't do it? The one thing to which I'll always comment, though, is when I put my saber down and challenge someone to a duel, and they proceed to grip and drop me off the ledge. Come on, that's friggin stupid.


Anyway, that's what I think. Of course you can and should use guns on gun servers, but try not to be an ass in general. Somebody who goes around using only drain, lightning, and repeater on alt-fire is annoying, and that's it. Anyway, enjoy the game,



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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

Maybe it's just me be this seems to be comming off pretty badly. It seems like you're saying that you join the lowest possible ping server no matter what gametype and go in there imposing another gametype on people.


nope, im trying to find a server with _playable_ ping (below 250 would be nice, because its no fun to die before you see youre oppenent moving at all)


As for looking for people who are away/chatting/frozen, nobody does that. They simply see them by chance and kill them. But I have never seen somebody consciously hunting away from keyboard folks down for the sole purpose of getting free kills.


finally we get there. but nobody is wrong. maybe the majority doesnt, but those are not the ones i call 'lame' or 'cheap'. and i dont mind if someone comes around the corner, sees somebody and shoots. thats a reflex you need in those games.

but yes, there are people who find out 'oh, over there are a bunch of cheap kills' and do nothing but pick up a big gun and head over there. and to me it's pretty much the same as hunting for people that are away.


You can't afford your own server? Too bad. I can't afford a BMW but you don't see me trying to steal somebody elses car do you?

Get a job if you want to afford one. If you've already got a job perhaps you should consider a better career path if you don't get enough money to support yourself.


well, a lot of people cant afford it, and i wouldnt mention that, if i wouldnt hear 'run your own server' from some people. and as long as i spend my time with studying computer science i can't find a job that. (would be pointless anyway, every cent i earn would be deducted from bafög and i end up with the same).


i don't mind being shot with my saber off running around, or in a corner when i _again_ have to apply my force points because for some reasons no force works when i first enter (though they are assigned). i dont even mind it when i stand on the edge of a map with some others. but i DO get annoyed with people that come back every 10seconds to get cheap kills. if they want to play ffa with guns, why dont they do so?


you can play however you want and i never called anyone names or told them what to do in a game. all i will do is thinking 'great, another lamer that cant win the regular way'.


i cant expect everybody to think like i do, but you cant tell me not to think of people like the ones described above as 'lame' and say so.

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I just want to paintball you while you play chess in the park...please tell me what park you are in. hehe

Just Kidding :)


Seriously I think ya just need to let it go. Don't call anyone "lame" even if its not the majority. Because you will just upset someone else...and the S*** will hit the fan again, again and again.


I always keep in mind that the person I'm playing against could be 6 years old like he/she could be 60 years old. So I really think its a good Idea to just play and keep the name calling and/or whining to a minimum.


If the same person keeps coming up to you and shoots. Maybe thats how he enjoys the game. Perhaps its a 8 year old having the time of his life. You can ask a person in a nice way to not do that. If they keep on doing it and it bugs you that much, go to another server...unless that same exact person follows you...he won't be on another server:)

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phew, its getting more civilized *g*


i dont even like to play chess. you could say i 'suck' in that game because i never plan more than maybe 1 move in advance *g*. so you would probably rather find me with a mask and a gun in my hand (though trying not to hit the people that dont play my game)


sorry, the reason i didnt care about calling them lame is because i dont expect that kind of player to care about going to a board and discuss the game.


the problem is that it obviously upset the wrong people (the one i WASNT talking about).

also i dont understand 'lame' as an insult. just another way to say 'unskilled' or 'using cheap tactics'. i call the drain/grip tactic lame without wanting to insult the ones that use it (knowing that sooner or later they will meet enough people that know how to defend against it).


hmmm.. 6 was an extreme example i hope *g* my nephew is 9 and still i wouldnt let him play online (though i guess other 9 year old DO understand the basics of a team game and dont shoot anything that moves.. or at least try to)


great, now i feel bad for killing that 6 year old coming back all the time to disturb the duel and spoiling his fun.


btw. the last few times i realized something new on ffa servers with a small 'duel community'. while two are fighting the rest is kind of guarding. suddenly force grip is a great way to get rid of them. so consider my complaints as pointless (by now).


though i still would have to advice some people to just play offline with a couple of bots and turn off the ai. same result. or if it should be more like on a 'real' server, let 3 others join the game and try to collect 20 'bot-kills' before they can score 20 kills by fighting each other.

hmmm.. now i see your point. my nephew would love that, after all in sp the first thing was shooting at jan, missing and being killed by the stormtroopers *gg*

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If there is one thing that I don't like, its when I see someone still with lightsaber unholstered so I leave them they see me then next thing they are taking out a gun and kill me.


Therefore, if you want to stay still do the right thing and be a sport when you die. :)

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