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Again...is there ANY kind of DEMO even PLANNED??

Qui-GONE Jinn

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What's the last first person shooter you played? Outcast has alot of settings i.e. you can turn off LOTS of the features so it plays as smoothly as possible on alot of systems.


I'd think if you had around a GeForce 3 card and 800mhz Intel P3 or higher, 500 mhz AMD Athlon or higher, you'd be fine.


Lucas Arts posts the requirements for the game here:



They say a P2, which is fine for installing the game... :) It's interesting that they list alot of old low end video cards as well. Be interesting to actually try and play on those systems.

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Well the last fps I successfully played through was RTC Wolfenstein, which worked perfectly on my extremely low-end computuer (although it was of course not maxed out on graphics and stuff..)


MOHAA would definitely not run because my Banshee doesn't support multi-texturing. Does JK2 require this?


I already posted my specs, and it was concluded that I could probably run it, but they weren't sure if the 3dcard would handle it...


I'm reckoning "hey, I ran RTCW, so why not JK?"

Is JK more akin to MOHAA or RTCW...'cause if it requires a "multi-texturing-able" 3dcard, I'm lost..


Well, again, my specs:


PIII 450

128 MB RAM

Voodoo Banshee 16 mb


I have no ambitions of playing this with the best graphics, I just need to PLAY it ;)

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Qui-Gone, I play JK2 on a computer with the same specs as yours (though my 3d card is a GeForce 2) and I can run the game fine at 1024x768 with nearly all the settings at max, except for texture detail which I set to high rather than very high. Oh yeah, and I use low quality sound. You won't be getting 100 FPS or anything like that, but the game is still very playable with just a little slowdown here and there.


I dunno about JK2 needing multi-texturing....

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Guest PissedJedi

um ouch. Your system would barely run the game.

I wouldn't suggest it. Until you get some upgrading done.

First off you gotta get yourself at the 800 mhz mark either duron,celeron or p-3

At least 256 megs ram

and at least a 32 meg memory 3d card.

That's if you want to be able to run the game decently.

IF you want it to run at least 30 frames average possibly.

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Originally posted by Navaros1

If there was a demo then people would realize how much the game sucks and not buy it. LucasArts is being smart by not releasing a demo.

People should listen to you. I'm serious - the only thing to consider is that you have the exact opposite opinion of everyone else, so it's gotta be a good game. ;)
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I'm running JK on a Dual PIII 450 and it runs fine, with the graphics all turned up. A slight slowdown in large outside areas but thats it.


Perhaps I could get around that if they had actually enabled multithreading! The Q3 engine supports it and they neglected to take advantage of it.... shame

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Well, just to put all you ''low-end system users'' at ease, I have a:


PII 266

288mb RAM

32mb TNT2


Obviously, I get some slowdown in massive areas chock full of enemies, but its still playable...i.e 20fps...


Somehow I can run nearly every game on the planet, except for Medal of Honour and Ghost Recon...CPU upgrade time if I wanted to play them...but I don't, I only want to play Jedi Outcast...


Now isn't that just dandy :D


Qui-Gone, I'd say don't worry about upgrading your CPU just yet...The EASIEST way to triple your performance is just to wack on another 128mb RAM...Next, get yourself a TNT2 or Geforce 2 as a minimum...Both these items really are dirt cheap these days...It'll save you buying a new computer for a while yet.


Although if you want to play JO, I'd recommend getting the new vid. card first...Not too sure about how well that Banshee will handle it.


EDIT: Oh, and I run JO at:


800*600 resolution

Low Geometry

Medium Textures

Normal Shadows

Dyanmic Lighting on

Low Sound

Vsync off

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My brother has a PII 333, 16mb Voodoo Banshee, and 128mb of ram. The game runs smoothly on his machine with everything on low detail. Try to turn anything up and it'll run at about 10fps. So yeah, it'll run on your pc, but the 3D card will be the drawback.

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Thank you guys, and especially you, jedimasterm! your brother's computer really put my mind at ease. :)


We'll see if I can pick the game up soon. I think my brother and I will buy the game together, so that my budget don't suffer TOO heavily if the game doesn't run..;)

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