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Respect to your opponent before duelling starts

Lord Slart

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I've been playing a few duelling servers recently and have seen people bowing to their opponent before they start at each other. (Bowing is doen by turning off your sabre and crouching and then looking down to the ground).


This just shows respect to your opponent before your start trying to cleave their head in two and I think it is very noble so I started to do it as well. It makes the duels more civilised I feel.


A question to all you duellers. What combinations of moves do you prefer and find most effective? I tend to have just a bit too much random slashing in my style and would like to learn some more refined moves so any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.





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Yes sorry for the flaming but that is my opinion. I usually don't get worked up. When every single moron does it on a 10 person duel server it gets old real fast.


You are right Vader, that is the second biggest thing that pisses me off.


Specs in duel mode need the right to vote.


There are people who wait for there buddies and dick around, and people who didn't really come to fight. They just run all day.


I hope they fix it in a patch.

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Ok, sure, it's a little over the top, but the idea of a noble sabre fight is just cool, with both combatants acknowledging eachother, getting ready (rather than just hacking away) and then begining.


Now if only I could work out how to make it play the Mortal Kombat music when duel starts...



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Originally posted by VaderJM





That's a good idea.


You start a duel, both you're sabres are off, there's that funny glow stuff around you so no one else can kill you, the computer goes "BEGIN" and the Immortals "MK Movie" track starts up.


It would rock! Duel of the Fates is cooler, but I think the MK track would work almost as well.



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I never thought being a computer gamer I would ever call anyone a ****ing dork.


lol, that's great coming from someone who's nick is Tree ^_^


All jokes aside, though (sorry, Tree): Crouching and looking down does sound to me to be a bit over the top.


Although I've never seen it done, so it might be a touching act of chivalry, making it feel that the duel is a test of skill as opposed to a vicious grudgematch. An "it's nothing personal" aspect to duels might make the players feel that they're in a friendly environment, as opposed to in a duel with someone who'd gleefully attack them in RL.


Then again, I've never played MP "against a living" as Han Solo would say. I think I've had enough of bots. MAKE WAY FOR THE N00B|3!

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OK I see why it could be seen as over the top and annoying but it doesn't really take too much time to do. It just a sign to the other player that you respect them.


To Tree: I'll be sure to remember if I ever see you for a duel just to run in and start the duel no messing.


I like it and I think it adds to the atmosphere and realism of the game.


I mean obviously if a Jedi was fighting a Sith then we know that the evil Sith have no idea about respect or honour and therefore would not bother to bow. But if it was a friendly sparring duel between two Jedi I'm sure they bow or show their respect somehow.

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hey tree, since when do people and there opinions make them morons? that being said, should you be deemed a moron by anyone that disagree's with you, as you label them over something so trivial? or should you be a moron for your intolerance and subsuquent stupidity. you choose.

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When Qui-Gon and Obi Wan fought Darth Maul they all showed respect. They waited for eachother to remove their cloaks. Darth Maul could have easily have just slashed 'em both.


Personally I don't bow. I prefer to turn off my saber and taunt them.

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Originally posted by Shamrock

When Qui-Gon and Obi Wan fought Darth Maul they all showed respect. They waited for eachother to remove their cloaks. Darth Maul could have easily have just slashed 'em both.

sorry but I don't think that was respect, a sith never would respect a jedi. after reading many of the star wars books, my opinion is that any pause prior to battle was more of a "collecting thoughts" phase, since rushing into battle would simply betray their attacks and get themsselves killed easily.


plus remember, the first encounter with darth maul had him jumping off his speeder bike and attacking without pause.

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In the Showdown at Dagobah server this afternoon we were doing a series of 1 vs 1 duels (was a ffa server, but people just waited their turn and watched). A couple of the guys from the [siTH] clan who came in started doing this bowing. I quickly reciprocated, and it was a fun gesture that added to the atmosphere. Personally I'm all for it in the right situation.


As for the Darth Maul end of movie fight scene, I think there was a certain grudging respect on both sides heading into the fight. Certainly Maul did leap off his speeder bike into the attack previously, but he was on a tight schedule at that point, trying to stop Queen Amidala and the two Jedi from escaping.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

Screw that, once the duel starts all is fair game. I understand where you are coming from but 99% of people wont do this anyways. (Bowing down)


are you kidding me? 75% of the servers ive played have players who do this, maybe your playing against bots?

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Originally posted by Tree

I never thought being a computer gamer I would ever call anyone a ****ing dork.


But thats exactly what all you morons who bow are.


That is hands down the gayest **** I HAVE EVER SEEN in a computer game.


It is a complete waste of time. You want to respect your opponent?


Tell them GF after you win or lose.


You guys aren't samurai, and no one in the SW movies ever bowed that I can remember.


Respect people who have to wait in long ass lines before dueling and just fight.


Leave the gay **** at the door.




Its no different from a computer game you fool. Have you know respect for other people? Its to show your respect for the person. Sure you may rip them apart but after ward you can be satisfied that you had a nice clean match.

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I belive it was yoda who smacked luke and said never break eye contact???? I dunno cant remember all that well about the movies but anyway its jus stupid, u kill people in duels. LoL say u were in a hellish town where people shot eachother for fun? would u bow down to the guy before you ingage in a gun fight. I know its a video game but i think thats corney

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You mangs are right, screw the bowing crap. Duel acknowledgement is more than enough;) -Most of those Duel servers p!ss me off! Usually, it's a couple of gay-friends. Freakin' N00b peeps **** around so people who are waiting get impatient and leave so they can have the server to themselves. Freakin' gaddamn idiots! -I really hope Raven puts the Vote so waiting players can kick a player thats active and ****in' around like a puss. That would be so sweet-LOL!:p Btw, hello all:D

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Originally posted by Lord Slart

I've been playing a few duelling servers recently and have seen people bowing to their opponent before they start at each other. (Bowing is doen by turning off your sabre and crouching and then looking down to the ground).


This just shows respect to your opponent before your start trying to cleave their head in two and I think it is very noble so I started to do it as well. It makes the duels more civilised I feel.




Haha, I think this is a great idea! More people should do this in FFA matches as well.

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Originally posted by ChronoWarrior


Its no different from a computer game you fool. Have you know respect for other people? Its to show your respect for the person. Sure you may rip them apart but after ward you can be satisfied that you had a nice clean match.


I don't know about you but I have respect for my fellow players anyway. That I should have to press a key and move my mouse forward to show them that is a bit abusrd. I assume that when I play anyone they know that I respect them... unless, of course, they start doing something really stupid, e.g. team-killing.


Yes, I do switch my sword off to show I'm looking for a duel on a FFA server and 90% of people I've met acknowledge that it means that. However, not all accept the challenge so I just keep my distance. If they want a 1 on 1 they too will stop. Having "rules" for all of this is not needed. I think we're seeing them happening anyway.


As for duel servers.... they are ****e. If it isn't one guy waiting for someone, then the server has a high or even unlimited frag limit. Apart from which, I still find MP dueling ****ty when compared to SP, so I'll wait until a patch comes out to sort it all out.

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