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Lightsaber practice


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Load up a Multiplayer Server on max players select 8 or something make sure that all are set to ..whatever bot you want... and just leave one Human slot for yourself. Then set the Bot's skill to the easiest and play the game up to 50 then keep doing it as you get better put up the bot skill and then you'll be ready.


Good luck, And may the FoRCe be with you ;) eheh always wanted to say that in the right situation.



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Well, one thing to keep in mind is that when ur enemy is airborn they are vulnerable to your force powers. So one thing I tried during the duel is that since she jumps around a lot, I just pushed her straight up over the side and she plunged to her death. Its pretty funny actually cause all the sudden she'll start screaming.


Yes, that is admittedly cheap (I didn't think it would kill her outright when I tried it) and its definitely more satisfying to strike her down, but the point is u don't have to saber her to death to win.

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Here are some things to watch out for, and to try against her.


1) She is MUCH faster than you are, so you need to prevent your swings from taking to long. Switch to weak attack stance (the blue one), to recover more quickly from strikes.


2) She is very susceptible to Force Push. While I haven't been able to plunge her off into the depths myself, like Newbalicious (great nick :D), I have been able to push her down into the little pit, then jump down and slash her before she could get up. Make sure Force Push is on a key where you can reach it instantly (mine's on the R key), so you can hit here whenever you have an opening.


3) Back off repeatedly and heal yourself, and let your Force Meter recover.


4) She throws her lightsaber OFTEN at you. Sidestep it, then move in for some easy slashes (or some lightsaber throws if you're skilled at them).


5) Finally, Force Speed. It's cheap, but it gets the job done. :)


And don't worry, Tavion IS, in my opinion, the toughest battle in the game, so once you're past her, you're good to go.


As for setting up a multiplayer server to practice sabering, don't bother. Lightsaber attacks are SO totally different and so much slower in MP than in SP, that I really don't feel as if it's worth the effort..


Good luck!



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Srike first with force lightning, any damage is good damage. Then just sit back and wait for her to jump, then force push. Kepp doing this it weakens her. after a buch of those shes easy.

Get your mind out the gutter.

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I found that the only way tokill tavion was to use sweeping side to side attacks. then i jumped into the pit in the middle of the landing bay, ran through the tunnels collected some much neded power ups then I listened for her to be above me and slashed her from toe to head.

mmmmmmmm good.

She did not follow me down the pit tunnels and she has a habit of staying clsoe to edge of the landing bay.

Hope this helps

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Tavion, in my experience wasn't that bad at all.


First off i play in Jedi Knight mode.


Tavion was quite easy, she attacked me and i was forced to step aside to avoid being hit by her lightsaber but as she tried to strike again i hitted her fully in the gut, then it was quite easy, i got into a saber lock with her (wich i won) and slashed her down


so it took me about 3 hits in total.


off-course i was being served 4 times before i managed to kill her.


but quite franctly she's not so diffucult at all.

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Lost 2 battles before I finally did her... without a scratch! Like Creston said, she is very susceptible to force push. As soon as the battle starts, run to the other side of the hole (she should be facing you), then do a force push. When she's down, slash her till you win. The battle was over in 30 secs, MAX.:amidala:

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