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this is a starwars game and players are jedi knights. So lightsabres have to be most powerfull weapon in this game (other wise this game is same than quake 3, unreal and many other fps games and it's will die! sad but true.) But it´s not. This game lightsabres sucks. you have to hit at least 4 times to kill somebody. yes i know there is the light, medium and heavy attack. but heavy attack is very slow and defences are too low and this makes it worthless. if sabres would kill by one hit, it would bring some kind of balance between guns. It's difficult to hit eaven once a player who can jump, fire and push all the time. so lighthsabres must kill by one hit! and that forcepull think.. i think it's better if you can pull that weapon off in enemys hand every time you want . they can use absorb to stop that. So it's fair


maybe in future if you use the lightsabres you can use 2 force in same time.


(if i want only gunfest im going to play quake1, quake2, quake3, unreal, return to castle wolfenstein, medal of honor. or something else fps game.)


sorry my bad english :(

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you have to hit at least 4 times to kill somebody


You using Blue stance right?

I think blue stance has to be fixed, its insanely weak and many of the slashes are actually slower than yellow. Sure yo ucan chain a lot of moves together, but thats useless becasue the moves each take so long to pull off and have no recovery...


What I want it a way to turn that 25 sheilds OFF at the begining of the game and have no sheild packs. Sheilds do too much to light sabers. Without them one solid hit from almost any color (maybe not blue) will kill you.


The secret is to learn to switch stances in battle. Run in with blue slashing, switch to red once youve passed the guy, do the jump slash... or be like me and use almost exclusivley yellow ;)

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Originally posted by ilezi

but heavy attack is very slow and defences are too low and this makes it worthless.


I disagree,


A skilled saberuser can easy avoid getting hit while using the strong stance simply by moving and jumping. also the strong stance is the most realistic one i think, as for the blue one it takes way to many hits to bring your oponent down.

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While I am not the best with the saber... I enjoy the challenge of killing gunners with my saber....that is why you have things like mind trick and speed, just find a way to configure your force powers so you CAN use them with your saber to kill people with guns...

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I don't know... you know that part in Empire where Luke and Vader are fighting on the gangplank? Well, doesn't Luke hit Vader in the arm or shoulder... and it doesn't cut right through him. I think that there is still strength required to slice through things... therefore one shot kills with quick glancing blows isn't necessarily realistic. Besides... then duels would be really short and crappy all the time.


A kill with a lightsabre can still be quick and easy if you are using a little skill and not just running around holding down the attack button. A jedi's greatest weapon is his patience.


The biggest point I disagree with you on is that the players don't all have to be jedis. You are right, this IS a Star Wars game.... perhaps some people fancy themselves a bounty hunter like Boba Fett... should they be stuck using some crapptastic guns just because most people want to play Jedi? :rolleyes:

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even in the movies/books lightsabers aren't one hit kills.



There is the POTENTIAL for one hit kills (as with any sword type weapon) but they're not always one hit kills.


Don't believe me? Luke got hit with a lightsaber and didn't die. As did that guy in the Mos Eisely cantina.


"yeah, but they got limbs/hands removed" True, but in either Empire or Return (not sure which) Luke hits vader on the arm with his saber, and Vader doesn't lose the arm. He clutches it for a bit, but he doesn't lose the arm.


Also, having a one hit kill weapon in any game is plain stupid. The disruptor rifle in this game is one, but at least it's balanced by being accurate almost to a fault, and being slow to charge. If sabers were one hit kill, with how fast they can swing (and the fact you can do damage by just running into someone with your saber out) it'd be insane.

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in the star wars universe, a lightsaber is not the most deadliest of weapons. its meant to be a precision weapon, similair to a surgeons scalpel compared to a butchers clever. a butchers clever will cut a lot more meat in a day than a scapel will.


therefore a weapon such as the alt-fire guns SHOULD be more deadly than a saber, but a good saberist should be able to take out one player in a crowd and leave everyone else untouched, something that an alt-fire weapon can't do.


now I don't think there in friendly fire in multiplayer, but its more obvious in singleplayer. perhaps the solution to everyones problem of alt-fire weapons is to enable friendly fire and have all the alt-fire spammers getting voted off since they are constantly killing their teammates and getting negative scores for it also.

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Two problems.


One: In an FFA game, I don't want to take out one guy in the middle of a crowd. Didn't you ever see Qui-Gon or Obi take out droid after droid after droid with those things? It's designed to take out one guy at a time, sure, but it's also designed so you can take out a bunch of guys really fast.


Two: Not all games are team based. In FFA's, alt-fire repeater into a crowd gets the guy about five kills.

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In an FFA game, I don't want to take out one guy in the middle of a crowd. Didn't you ever see Qui-Gon or Obi take out droid after droid after droid with those things?
I didn't mean to say that it wasn't possible to take out multiple enemies...in fact it is possible in JK2....but there is the option to take out a single or multiple people with a lightsaber. with a explosive weapon, there is less control over the effects and thus collateral damage and friendly fire is a result. if qui-gon went in with thermal detonators there wouldn't be an obi-wan in episode 2! ;)


yeah I agree with your second point, but perhaps guns are the best choice for mass detruction though. it doesn't sound ethical, but its realistic. in real-life a nuke might not be all that sporting, but it'll kill a lot more people than a laser-guided bomb.

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