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My skin for jedi outcast!


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Hola guys. You may know me from the quake 3 skinning scene, or maybe not as the case may be. Anyway since friday I have been fidling around with making a skin for the game (just an edit mind) Anyway i'm quite happy with what I have got so far... just I don't know how to take screenshots in the game! I am bloody dumb no? It is probly written down somewhere only I can't work out how to do it or indeed find out, so I thought I would ask you guys.


Anyway just to say once the sdk come out and we get some 2dwires I will be making original skins by teh bucket load as I am loving this game so far.


ps. Please help me take my screenshots!

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Twinstar02: thanks for the help dude.


Asheen-Shugar: cool I am glad you do dude!



Anyway I have now taken a few shots, please bear in mind that this is just an edit, well the mainly the face is about 90% mine, and so isn't really all my work. I think I could do better than what raven did! Not the best skins ever. anyway here he is...






ps. remember once we get a proper sdk I will produce MUCH better work that is ALL my own.

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