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Nothing I hate more...

Sith Kaliber

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Than people calling me a cheater and booting me from servers simply because I use the arms model. Why don't they realize that it's not cheating? You'd think that they would know that if they never downloaded a model that was just 2 arms, they wouldn't be able to see a model they never downloaded. I got booted from a server today and made everyone simply leave in another. When are people gunna learn this is not "cheating"? I happen to like the model, if people can't deal with that they don't need to ruin people's fun. I'm not gunna use it anymore simply so these ignoramuses don't boot me from their server anymore. Please, tell all your friends it's not cheating :(

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the model is just TWO arms? That's it? No head? Body? Torso? Legs?


Uh... I wouldn't call that cheating, but I'd call that EXTREMELY cheap. That's like the old "Oddball cheapness" from the GoldenEye game.


Using a model like that would unfairly throw off peoples aim and concentrating. I'm sure as hell would be too annoyed to play properly if all I was fighting against was a pair of arms!



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Originally posted by Caster

the model is just TWO arms? That's it? No head? Body? Torso? Legs?


Uh... I wouldn't call that cheating, but I'd call that EXTREMELY cheap. That's like the old "Oddball cheapness" from the GoldenEye game.


Using a model like that would unfairly throw off peoples aim and concentrating. I'm sure as hell would be too annoyed to play properly if all I was fighting against was a pair of arms!




I agree with every word!

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yeah, i wouldn't call it cheating, especially being as it comes with the game, but as someone above said, it is pretty cheap. To use a skin which is only 2 arms and whatever weapon you are using puts you at a much greater advantage to everyone else, if only for the simple fact that often, people won't register only 2 arms and a weapon as a player and will think that its a glitch or them seeing something in the textures that isn't actually there (admitadly (sp?), that last one doesn't apply if your holding a lightsabre).


i'm all for using the skin against mates for fun, but on servers where people are trying to have a decent game against other people, i personally wouldn't appreciate someone coming in using a skin which is effectively, the equivilent of half a skin-hack, whether i had the skin on my hard drive or not.



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Raven couldn't make it so all you could hit was the arms, silly padawans, the model is still THERE but you can only SEE the arms. I still get hurt the same I did before but now it's easier to hide and prepare for an attack. It's not at all cheap, they can still hit me. Besides, when my saber is drawn it's hard not to see where I am. So if you think about it, it's not limiting my places to get hit, it's limiting places to be seen.

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You just answered your own question, Sith Kaliber -- it makes it easier to hide and prepare for an attack. Easier than it would be for other people who _aren't_ using that model.


That certainly sounds like it constitutes an unfair advantage.


They can still hit you, but the immediate hand-eye coordination thing tells a player that there's less to physically _aim at_. I mean, you're nearly invisible, save for the arms and your saber.


Gut feeling? ...yeah, it's cheap.


Would _you_ want to fight someone with that player model?

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If you do not think it is cheap then tell every one in your games HOW TO DO IT TOO and see if you like fighting them then.


Just because you can be hit in your invisible parts does not mean people will shoot there as (call it instinct but) no one would shoot into "thin air" when there is a body part visible. So if you use it knowing peoples logic then you are cheap. Also if someone saw a couple of arms, and a full model in the same area of course they will go for the full body model.


Actually you are so cheap your BANKRUPT!


And why would you like a model with invisibility? It cant look good as you can not see it! So your only real reason for likeing it is that people can not see you as much which means you are a COWARD for not having the guts (or at least the bravery of the average player) to use a model where you can be completly seen.


You really do deserve to have no opposition in your games while you are acting to bankruptly. And I hope you get kicked out of every game while you still choose to play the coward model of invisibility.

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Why on earth do people feel the need to use the model anyway? They know bloody well that it is less easier to spot and thus gives them a slight advantage. Anything that looks suspect online will be seen as cheating, and I'm sorry, but rightly so. Don't expect the people you play with to have surfed the net looking at forums and thus be aware of any "extra features".

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Can't you feel the love on these boards? My my children, stop jumping to conclusions when you don't even know me. If you have ethical problems as to what's cheap and what's not, fine, don't let me know. I never asked for all your opinions on what's cheap and what's not, I simply stated it's not cheating. Why are you all attacking me as if I killed your mothers. Don't you think raven would have left it out if it's too cheap? BTW, calling me bankrupt? Please would you act a bit more mature. This is a game, I don't hound ever person who heals 24/7, or drains for that matter. I also stated I would stop using the model, simply because of simple minded people like you can't handle it.

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To tell people it's not cheating? I was kicked because the host thought I was cheating. Emon seems to be the only sane person in this thread besides me. We should probably end this before it turns into a flame war. So anyways it's not cheating, and I stopped using the model due to popular demand.

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Mate it does not matter what YOU the user of the cheat/cheapmodel thinks. It is how the people who have to fight you perceive it. And rightly so if they have to aim extra hard to shoot/slash you then any other player because there is 90% less of you to see then it IS a cheat. It may not be a cheat technically but


One definition of cheating is: (v.i.) a trick used to gain an advantage by underhanded means.


Tell me this... was your model of two arms available in the model-secting section? Or was it something you needed a console command for? Console commands are things not everyone knows - and hardly anyone would know it. You had to use a console command to activiate this model so while technically it isnt a cheat (no outside mods or user-made files) - it still fits under the definition of "cheat".


And you will still disagree with this as you are one of those very sad individuals who can not admit they are wrong and thus will not change and forever be this bloody stuborn.


Just realise that while you are still under the dillusion it is a legitamate model to use, the rest of the JK2 world knows better and sees you for the cheat you are.

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Originally posted by Sith Kaliber

To tell people it's not cheating? I was kicked because the host thought I was cheating. Emon seems to be the only sane person in this thread besides me. We should probably end this before it turns into a flame war. So anyways it's not cheating, and I stopped using the model due to popular demand.


Its not cheating... "TO YOU". Admins have different views on cheating, and obviously most of them dont share your views. A common view is "using something that wasn't meant to be used" is considered and unfair advantage and/or cheating. In this case, the arms model. Use good judgement when determining whats legit and what isnt going by this rule.


God mode is an unfair advantage. It is also a controllable cheat. The arms model is an unfair advantage. It is an exploit, beyond the control of an admin.

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I use it too, but not for the same reasons as others, I dont go around slashing people with it, I use it as an "Avoid people who would kill you while your sabre is retracted looking for a duel" model. It becomes visable during a duel, so I use it as such.


Anyone who DOES use it to go DMing, well should just be shot on sight, at least in my opinion.

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Is the original poster so thick that he doesnt realize that just because you CAN do something, doesnt mean you SHOULD do something.

Hey buddy , I have a penis and im stronger than my girlfriend, so that means I can rape her. Extreme example , but think about.

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ok...i'm falling off my chair laughing here


are u guys so shallow?


the model is not cheating, it is in a directory in the models which u can just call up. secondly, the model is still there, but u can only see the arms, big deal, when he uses his saber u can have enuf eye proof to see him. and people can do the exact same thing with mind trick, except with mind trick ur completely invisible with no arms or saber showing.



thirdly, if u really think its cheap its because u are not exploring ur force powers are u? use force see why dont u, u'll still see the model as if he's using mind trick, woohoo, i saw him. its not really that hard dammit. geez.

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I played some guy the other day named s something he was using it, anyways i was top on the server by far so i dont think it gives you "that" much of an advantage, he was a really nice guy anyways so i didnt care. I dont feel its a cheat, its kinda lame but thats life eh...there are ways around it, i just used seeing, twas all good :)


To all you people flaming him for using something built into the game..get a grip. Adaptability is a way of life.


Im a old schooler from the counter-strike community, if you think this is a cheat...you aint seen nothing yet :dozey:

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