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To the saber only folks.


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How many of you use mouse look? And if so what is the rest of your set up?


I cant decide on which i want to go with. I am better with the regular UP, Down, Left, Right, buttons, but that tends to have a real slow turn around and leaving your back open to your opponate. When i spectate other duels and faa (saber only) it seems as if alot of good people fighters use mouse look. And im kind of interested on how the rest of the set up is.

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i think you'll find the majority of the "quake" crowd use mouselook. myself i use a nostromo speedpad and a intellimouse explorer.


left mouse = attack

right mouse = jump

middle mouse = alt attack

4th mouse = use

5th mouse = saber stance

-->oh and wheel to hcange weapons


use the d pad to move

joy 5 = duel

joy 10=crouch

joy 4 = push

joy 3 = pull

joy 3/8/2/7/6 various force power depending if i'm light or dark

and finally

joy 1 = scores

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Intellipoint mouse and keyboard:


wsad for forwad,back, strafe l/r

q,e force power next and prev

f use force

c crouch

space jump

lmb attack 1

rmb attack 2

mouse 3 taunt (very important :D)

mouse 5 issue challenge


I use the same kind of setup for all my fps games, HL, CS, JK, Q3 and I just fiddle the mouse sensitivity until I can perform a full 180 in either direction within the limits of one wrist motion.


I still smile when I find people use the old Doom controls :D

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leftclick- fire

rightclick- saberthrow

3rdmouse - stance


high sensitivity.


my 3rd mouse button is a scrollwheel in the middle. im trying to get the scrolling on it to control force powers rather than weapons. I'm forever accidently rolling it in ffa when in sabering with someone, and switching to bryar....






speed still f3


thats about all i use...


standard mouselook. i used to be a keyboard only player in JK for a while... but i changed my ways...

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wow, insertnamehere

how did u get through FPS games with the arrow keys...wolf3d...


i think u should get used to the mouse (get an optical, less ball trouble) because it becomes a much more fluid instrument.


LB - primary attack

RB - secondary attack (saber throw)

MB - use inventory item

mouse4 - grip


WASD movement


q - push

z - pull

f - lightning

x - speed

r - drain


better to get a 50 button mouse...

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Well this is my first time at a fps. I usually play 2d games :) Anyways im loving the fps player vs. player, way more advanced i would i have to say. Im trying to get used to the mouselook, kind of troubling. I would like to thank everyone for thier replys it helps alot.

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sigh... I actually beat every FPS up to unreal with the keypad only...


Now I wouldnt give away my mouse for the world. I use it in everything that I can.


Mouse is REQUIRED for saber duels, it allwos you to mre precisley turn and aim your saber blows, and spinning while in a slash gives you a larger area of attack. Not to mention the over head slashes that you do by pointing up and pulling down.

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I use mouse look and the number keys. if you scoot you keyboard over then you have access to every key you need. and its easier to learn if you have been playing with the arrow keys.


8 =forward

2 =back

4= strafe right

6= strafe left

. = crouch


7= force push

1= force pull

5= force absorb or force speed.

/ =retract saber

Enter= use key

+= secondary function for weapon


I have the microsoft intellimouse w/ 5 buttons.

primary fire


cycle up or down through weapon (scroll) and force mindtrick on the scroll button

change stance for light saber

throw sabor

and i still have a couple of keys left on my numpad to fool around with. all within easy reach. and its not awkardly off to the left or right like the awsd style

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I dont remember what game it was, but a fps moved me from wasd to esdf. It allows your pinky to use 3 more buttons, thus maximizing your layout.

I have

esdf layout

mouse 1 primary attack

mouse 2 secondary

mouse 3 use force

mouse wheel cycle force

mouse 4 crouch

mouse 5 use

w push

r pull

a taunt

z accept/challenge duel

q cyle weapon (i am saber only)

g heal

t mind trick/grip (light or dark, changes)

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Personally I use pretty standard keys, the old WSAD with the ZXF for force powers.


Seing as my servers always runs Sabre Only... the mouse is set to Standard except that the MWHEEL alters stances, very useful if you like doing a lot of stance switching depending on opponent etc.

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I used to use the normal keys, but when mplayer heats up it got tedious having to find the force u want to use.


i have WSAD movement

Space - Jump/Force Jump

Control - crouch

R - force push

T - force pull

F - force drain

G - force lightning

C - force Grip

X - cycle force forward

Z - use force

E - use

N - taunt

lmb - primary attack, rmb - throw saber, middle mouse - change stance, mouse 4 - challenge


since i mainly use dark side powers, i use these keys on most maps

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I use...MS Optical Mouse


'WASD' keys for movement


q - force grip /heal if jedi

r - lightning


left mouse - primary attack

right mouse - alt attack


wheel up - force push

mouse 3 - drain

wheel down - next weapon



Still not 100% perfect, but we can only get better




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left mouse = attack

right mouse = jump

middle mouse = alt attack

4th mouse = crouch

5th mouse = saber stance


wsad = movement

q = push(liek the only force power I really use, really should lern to use more)

e = saber

capslock = other force(that I never use)

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(Coming from Yun's Jedi Outcast Standard Configuration)

(Which I hope to release soon)


Movement Keys


A=Move Left

S=Move Back

D=Move Right



Q=ForcePower1(Grip on Mine, but it can be changed ingame)

Z=ForcePower2(Drain on Mine, but it can be changed ingame)


Mouse Keys




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I use mouselook with the sensitivity at 40 and I have cg_thirdpersoncameradamp set to 1. Also, I have the mousewheel bound to saberattackcycle to switch style.


uparrow - forward

downarrow - backward

rightarrow - strafferight

leftarrow - straffeleft

/ - jump

enter - use

l - crouch



I still can't get used to WASD for some reason.

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My controls might seem odd but here goes


Left mouse-attack

center mouse-alt attack

right mouse-move forward

wheel and / change weapons

.-strafe right

,-strafe left

m-mouse look(I hold the button all the time when I let off it centers my view)



v-step spin


I can go into the force and Item ones as well if you like

just let me know


Just so you know I am no means one of the great players

I am uaually about the middle of the scoring list

but my name is going up all the time.

This is the first FPS I have played online so I am open to any suggestion or advice.

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LM - Attack

RM - Forward

Wup/Wdown - Weapon change

ThumbM - Throw


C - Back

V - Left

B - Right

X - Crouch

A - Push

S - Pull

D - Grip

F - Throw

(then usual F keys for other forces)

Space - Jump

G - Use





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j=strafe left

l=strafe right











,=mind trick

left mb=primary fire

right mb=secondary fire

3mb=view change

side mb=style change


i use a Logitech USB Mouseman w/ wheel.


i started out playin' fps with the standard controls but when i got the original unreal, i decided to change. I've never been back.


it is hard to adjust to, but, trust me and everybody else that uses a mouse, it's worth it

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