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did this ever happen to you?

ric i fieD

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You're in a map like streets or something, where you can fall to your death.. and you grip someone, and they grip you. Both of you move the other over the pit, and let go, each one of you plummeting to your death.


It's pretty funny, actuall.y

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but yeah, it feels damn good to hold them above the pit... and they're swinging their sabers at you frantically trying to get free. boosts my ego.


I remember somebody tried doing that to me, and i pulled them off the ledge with me. Pompous prick. xP

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Yeah i love that. I was on streets with 5 other people, and we were barely using our sabers, we just gripping and pushing eachother. At first you may think, this is gunna be lame. But it was actually hillarious and great fun. It was only force and saber challenges... one of my best games yet.

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