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Help with "grippers"

Homosexual Ewok

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Pretty much seems "grip" is the flavor of the week on most servers I play on, it's a cool power and all but to honest the "lift-choke-drop over the edge" thing is kind of getting annoying. My question is: What is the best way to counter/defend against this?

It seems I no more turn a corner or hop up on a ledge and I'm chunked down a hole. I have tried a full power lightning blast but unless they are at a low health level I never kill them before I get tossed. What do some of you guys do to counter this?


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there are many stategies here are a few of mine


push them and break the hold(works with push at 2nd and third levels, sometimes doesnt work)


pull them as they let you go and take them with you(this one is funny, hard to time right but really funny when you get it)


use drain and take all of their force...


try to grip them back


or lightning(most people drop you when you start using lightning)


I ljust started playing with light so I will ge back to you on those(I like light side better for some reason(MIND TRICK ROCKS)

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I'm what you would call a "grip-feind," and the best thing that counters me is push. Pisses me off when someone pushes me away too.


What really pisses me off is when they pull me over the edge witht them. It's funny as heck but it sucks and is rather embarassing. So I suppose pull or gripping back is the best counter.

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Originally posted by BioHazzard

pull them as they let you go and take them with you(this one is funny, hard to time right but really funny when you get it)



LOL, I never even tried that. That is really funny. :)




"Or you can try to grip them back".



Does that actually work? I was under the (maybe mistaken) impression that you can't counter grip with grip?



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Absorb, absorb, absorb, absorb!!!!


Absorb with, not only instantly break the grip, but it will also suck up the force power used by the grip and net you like 2/3 of your force bar instantly. Works well with lightning too, making you invulnerable to the lightning, while you suck up the force from it too. It also drastically reduces the effects push and pull have on you (though you did get moved a little, so watch out when jumping over pits.)


The only problems with it are that it only blocks drain, it doesn't give you back any force, so it's only a partial counter to the drain monkeys. Also, that you glow bright blue when it's on, so the drain monkeys just have to wait for your force to run dry from the absorb, and for you to stop glowing, before they start spamming it again.


But anyway, absorb is the ultimate counter for most aggressive force powers.


Oh, and it wont protect you from heal spammers either. ;)


Absorb (just didn't think I said it enough in this thread.) :D

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Somehow push is the best force power against grip. I drop and sometimes kill grippers with strong pushes. I am a gripper when I first learn it but I use more push than grip now. However, I latestly meet a very good gripper who run so fast that he is under me and I can't push, grip or lightning him. I learn the skill and choke once and weaken several. So good grippers still kill.

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