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Bug in Artus Topside - stuck!! <spoilers>

Guest miked

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Guest miked

...either that or the walk through is wrong.


At the very start you avoid an AT-ST coming toward you, take elevator up to where prisoners are pinned down, and you use the gun turrent.


The walk through says, you must use this turret to take out the AT-ST below you just ran from, THEN more importantly take out a second AT-ST on your upper level that soon comes out of a hanger toward the prisoners - fail to do this and too many prisoners die resulting in mission failure.


Problem - the turrent only has enough ammo for one AT-ST !!!! When you jump on it, the ammo bar is only half full.


Is the walk through wrong , and I must kill the upper AT-ST and later dodge the lower AT-ST after returning to the bottom?? If so this is going to be deathly difficult.


Or is this a bug?

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Guest miked

No there definitely isn't a second turrent in the area I am on. Ie where the prisoners are. You may be thinking of the upper level across the valley where the Ion cannon is .

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Guest miked

Whether its the ammo counter or hits counter , damage to the turret is irrelavent to its firepower.

On one attempt, I got hit by the lower AT-ST many, many times while I was busy shooting storm troopers and then got the "Weapon Ammo depleted" message . Thus preventing me from destroying the AT-ST on my level once it appears, kills all the prisoners resulting in mission failure.

On all of my many other attempts, I have a fixed number of shots in the turret (haven't counted them yet). They are just, JUST enough shots to kill ONE at-st, ie every time the last available shot kills the AT-ST. So I still have the same problem.

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That sure is a hectic mission =)


I got through the mission by shooting the top AT-ST and then, after sucseeding to keep enough prisoners alive, running and dodging the lower AT-ST.


Slide down to the boxes (do not use the lift) and then start you marathon run dodging the AT-ST, a legion of stormtroopers and near the other side yet another AT-ST :D


take the door and lift that goes up, and use the turrets topside later on (read: later on...)

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Guest miked

Sorry - Crack 6 was right and I was wrong. The red bar is a damage counter - as long as it doesn't reduce to 0 you can fire as many times as you like.

The trick is to take out the lower AT-ST quickly enough , then you are free to blast all & sundry as long as you like, including the upper AT-ST.

Thanks for all your help.

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Something that I noticed when I played it yesterday, it seems that the turret "health" bar is directly equivalent to your own health?


Has anybody else ever noticed that? Because I walked up to a new turret, went into it, and it was only 3/4 full, and I KNOW that nothing had happened to that turret yet (the last one near the ion cannons).


Later when I reloaded a savegame (Artus Topside sucks on Jedi Master difficulty :( ), I healed myself before I went into that turret, and it's health was full..



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Guest miked

I think Creston is right about the health bar being linked to your own health.


In my defense its a bit misleading to display a message of "Weapon Ammo Depleted" when what has actually happened is too much damage is taken and the turret doesn't work any more.


So maybe I was in effect right about a bug?

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it is not an ammo counter it is hitpoints, each turret has infinite ammo - however if the turret is destroyed it will incorrectly say out of ammo

the first at-st shouldnt destroy your turret (up near the prisoners) then you can shoot down the stormies off the roof without taking too much damage and you can blow up the at-st that emerges from the hangar without a problem before it even starts to move. the one further down you should run past and blast with one of the upper turrets

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I must have tried killing the AT-STs about a hundred times. I thought you had to conserve ammo. It's just the opposite. In order to beat the AT-STs I had to take the turret at full health and fire non-stop. Thanks for the info - even the walkthrough didn't really help me.

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