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Invasion of Coruscant Campaign

Wraith 5

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This thread is to anonnce that i am working on an invasion of Coruscant!!!


I am still working on it, (i have one mission done that is being tested right now) but i wanted to let everyone know incase they were hoping someone would make one.


In this campain you will take the role of a New Republic General who has been choosen to lead the gournd forces that will liberate Coruscant. This will be a Six part campaign set.

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Well that is one of the things i am working on...


It will most likly be a metal map, with a lot of buildings around and some deep cassams insead of rivers...


I havn't gotten that far... I don't want to give to much of the suprics away but the first mission is in space...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

One storyline problem. Why would the New Republic attack Corascaunt? They own it. It should be the rebels attacking Coruscaunt. In the books and movies and books they never tried to take it over because they already owned it. The New Republic that is. The Emperor died on the second Deathstar so he couldn't control Coruscaunt. So the Rebels started the New Republic and made Corascaunt thier capital. they cleaned it up a bit and that was it. So you may want to change the storyline.

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