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JediKnight or BanthaFodder? Things That HAVE To Be Changed


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I've played the game now for about 3weeks and I have come to a conclusion on the game overall,


1; Sabre Battles In MP Aren't Varied Enough


I have played Severance which had a crap end I might add, anyways the variation of moves you could perform where excellent, in addition to that they where easy to perform, Ive been playing Jediknight and I have pulled off alot of moves, but neither the less it was pure luck half the time, anyone noticed sabre locks can be made via walking into someone? i've never done it attacking someone? now thats crap...


can someone sort this out so sabre battles are as interesting as SP or Severance


2; SP just isn't as interesting as JK1, JK1 was the first game I bothered playing to the very end due to its quality. JK2 is just a load of irritating puzzles which aren't interesting and boring.


nothing can be done about this but maybe JK3 can go back to the JK1's quality of game


3; based on 1 have the same system of movement as severance mouse controls the same as JK2 but the keyboard has one set of keys for strafing another for combat. it looks real stupid when you swing for someone you run off the edge of a platform coz your strafing trying to perform a move, if you've played severance you'll understand what im saying and making wall walking more useful.


thats the end of my rant... soz about that


but I really feel this game isn't as good as it could have been


JK1 story + Severance combat = JK2 (good version)


and before I get flamed, I love the game neither the less these are a few points which would have made it so so so much better


Skywalker out... :duel:

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3 weeks? How did you get the game one week before the release?


And I dunno, the saber fights are fun in my opinion, Duel mode especially, the SP adventure sure is interesting enough for me. I can't wait to complete. And I find the puzzles to be fun ^.^ But that's perhaps because I like to push colourful and interesting looking buttons anyway... but in real life I never get to do that because who knows what might happen, here I can push away :D

And the controls sure don't bother me, I'm still getting a bit used to it after using the JK system for so long, but I'm very happy with it. So hey, to me it's a great game. Now to complete it and wait for an exciting expansion pack/fan made levels.

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