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Jar Jar Binks


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Jar Jar Binks

There should be a mission where the player meets Jar Jar Binks. From then on, the stupid alien follows the player everywhere for no reason, level after level. The stupid alien could mumble incoherent things with his pseudo creole language in the background, just to annoy the player while progressing through the levels.


At some point, Jar-Jar's clumsiness allows to win a battle.


When the serie of missions ends, Jar Jar is rewarded for saving the world -- not the player.


That would be cool and totally in resonance with the spirit of Episode 1.

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Originally posted by placebo

Jar Jar Binks

There should be a mission where the player meets Jar Jar Binks. From then on, the stupid alien follows the player everywhere for no reason, level after level. The stupid alien could mumble incoherent things with his pseudo creole language in the background, just to annoy the player while progressing through the levels.


At some point, Jar-Jar's clumsiness allows to win a battle.


When the serie of missions ends, Jar Jar is rewarded for saving the world -- not the player.


That would be cool and totally in resonance with the spirit of Episode 1.


Gee... that post wasn't just a blatant excuse to attack Episode I. :rolleyes:



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ROFLMAO!:p -If Episode1 was just a 30-minute short film with just the saber battles it would have been superb! Rest of that poor excuse for a 16-year wait for a new SW movie was just plain magnola-crapola!-DOH!:mad::rolleyes::p

-The trailor for Epis2 looks good but then again, so did the 1 for Epis1. I remain very skeptical about Epis2. Hell, I'm lookin' more forward to the new Spiderman movie....now that's sad considering I'm a major SW buff! -Well, except ROTJ....that just plain suckes arse too!:rolleyes:

-You can bet this though, If Lucas screws up Episode3....well, he won't be living long:eek: :p

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I loved Episode I.


Jake Lloyd's "Yippes" will continue to haunt my dreams, but other than that the movie rocked.


Palpatine was good, I loved Nute and Rune, Mace is the most badass Jedi around (even when just sitting there delivering lines), Maul was cool (although in it to too shorter time), and Jar Jar was only trying at the begining (his "How Rude" annoys me).


I didn't mind him in the final battle as he didn't do a great deal, and most of the action was concentrated on how bad the Gungans were getting kicked.


TPM was fun. It was a happy movie. It was meant to be. The next one will be darker.


Why are we discussing this here anyway?



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There should be a mission where the player could control young Anakin Skywalker and enter a pod race.


The loose over-sized goggles Anakin wore would prevent the player from seeing most of the track, so it could be true to the movie. Then in a cutscene, the player could see a Jedi illicitly gambling the 6-year-old's life (player) with the local mafia in a death-race.


Then in subsequent missions, player would have erratic control of the character so Anakin could destroy things inadvertantly like when he destroyed the space station in the movie. The player would hear Anakin utter the cute little "oops!" each time he blows up things unwillingly.


It could be a new force power. It would be fantastic and please Star Wars fans and gamers alike.

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suddenly, in the middle of the game, u mysteriously become young anakin skywalker, running around destoying stuff going "oops"


would be particulary cool in the levels with luke.. i would bind a key to say " i am your father"



what are you on dude ;) ?

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Originally posted by power_ed

would be particulary cool in the levels with luke.. i would bind a key to say " i am your father"


LOL! AHAHAHAHA! :D That's a good one.


Just every now and again, you'd go "I am your father" for no reason! LOL!



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In this level, the player controls a Gonk droid. The challenge of this level is that the droid is so slow that it takes patience getting from one place to another. The level could be poorly designed so that the Gonk could fall in places where it is permanently stuck. There would be no other way of getting out than rebooting the game.


After having solved fun but tedious puzzles (such as pressing a button to unlock a cargo bay door miles apart from its controls) the player finds C3PO.


The object is to reunite C3PO with its builder and creator, the Sith Lord Darth Vader (he built it when he was young Anakin, it was the missing puzzle piece that made movie viewers understand why the protocol droid was so annoying).


In a cutscene, the player could see C3PO chattering with the Gonk droid. The Gonk droid would emmit the same dull sample again and again, but C3PO would understand something different each time.


Ultimately, Gonk (player) boards a Stardestroyer and introduces C3PO to Darth Vader. With a few gonks to convince the latter, the dark lord finally admits and reaches out to C3PO, dramatically uttering "C3PO... I am your father."

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In this level, with the collaboration of acclaimed transe medium and Quake III level designer Chris "Crystal" McTavish, player meets with a cute but vicious dark Ewok jedi. Chris has channeled the mind of George Lucas to come up with the idea of this inspiring level/mission pack. It is now complete. Here is how it goes:


After solving fun but illogical puzzles (such as facing a panel of buttons and finding which one activates another series of buttons used to unlock the cargo bay door located miles away), the player has to find which of the 12 dark Jedies is his father.


This plot is brought up without any prior scenario development, but the music played in the background brings a sense of urgency. The combination works quite well in getting the player deep into the story.


All the dark Jedies wear a mask and all look like Darth Vader (this saved the developers time with designing news skins).


The only way the player can discover who is his father is to slay the opponent in a sabre duel. After each battle, a cutscene shows the player removing the cyborg mask of the dark jedi to reveal his identity. Each time, the Sith Lord will utter "I am not your father" in the agonizing voice of his dying moments. This will occur until the player ultimately finds his father. When the player finds him, he has to bring his progenitor to the light side.


The dramatic but cute moment is when the player does find his father. He removes the cyborg mask to find a furry fun-loving Ewok face. The expression of evil, fragility and cuteness blends into an awe-inspiring scene, sustained by the powerful John Williams "Cantina" theme. The Ewok says "yum-yum!" and dies. Very evoking.


Unfortunately, there is still an unresolved bug issue that prevents the player from completing the mission since you massacre and dismember your father to death with a lightsaber (you have to save him).

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