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UnOffical Player Rules


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Another one, when a player is standing still....don't kill him/her! -Obviously that means the person is either sparking up, grabbing a beer, bathroom, or had a sudden phonecall,etc; -I always ignore a player that is standing still and hate players that go for the cheap-frags!

-Alot of us, including myself, take things like those into consideration but unfortunately....there's also alot of lamer a$$hol3s out there that just don't give a sh!t!:mad::rolleyes:

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I suggest the following:


Rule #1) Don't make up new rules.


Seriously, if getting killed in a game makes you so annoyed that you run here to post, you have an attitude problem and should try something tamer.



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Bantha Fodder


Registered: Mar 2002

Location: Florida, USA...I think

Posts: 39


Rules of Engagement(for those that do not know)

It is getting rather annoying when you turn off your saber to challenge someone to a duel and some lamer comes running up behind you or snipes you from long range...so I decided to put together these simple rules that are easy to follow. Now most experienced players already follow these rules of engagement(though there are some who do not--most do).


1. If someone has their saber drawn but not lit(you can do this by pressing 1 to draw your saber than press 1 again to turn it off--press attack to relight it), DO NOT ATTACK THEM, they are trying to type or issue a challenge to you or someone else.


2. If you are challenged to a duel for pete's sake press the K key(yeah it's the key between the J and L keys) to accept or simply walk away, do not fire at the unarmed person challenging you.


3. When two people are dueling they have a blueish/black glow about them, you cannot hurt them while they are dueling, so do everyone a favor and just leave them alone. Do no try to fight them as it serves no purpose and you just get in the way.


4. Remember only two people can enter duel mode at once, so if you see some dueling, then you know you cannot accept a challenge or issue one till they are done, so don't waste precious killing time trying to.


5. Good players will find a spot and post a challenge where they are so others can come duel them(you'd be amazed at how many can teach you some moves or two)....if you go there, use the saber...don't go in with guns blasting or tossing detonators like candy.


6. Remember it's just a game, but everyone deserves courtesy. No need to get mad and curse at players. Heck there are many a time when I have died and I congratulated they person who killed me. Players remember such and gameplay becomes much more fun all around.


There is prolly more that experienced(and some inexperienced) players can add, but for me, I have been up all night and I am tired...so if you want to add something--be my guest.


I quoted this from Dar but I very much agree.

grtz dis

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Here are the actual official rules:


1) If the server has a password, or is being played on by someone with rcon access, whoever runs the server or has the rcon access makes up the rules.


2) If the server doesn't have a password or is being played on by someone with rcon, there are no rules.


3) See number 2.


I'll now give a good reason why saber off is not a good "rule".


1) Select your saber.

2) Select Fast Stance.

3) Turn off your saber by "selecting your saber again".

4) Stand perfectly still, and then hit your keys bound to the following three commands:





This "saber thrust" attack does 70 damage, and works even though your saber is off. "Saber Off" does NOT make you a non-threat... in fact, it makes you more of a threat than someone with their saber on since you are QUIET with it off.


I've actually hidden to the side of a portal with my saber off waiting for someone to run through the doorway all loud and with their saber waving around and pulled this special move off for an easy kill.


Here's how you wait for a duel:


1) Go to the Player Menu.

2) Click on 'Spectate' on the bottom right.

3) Hit Jump until you find people who are dueling.

4) When it looks like it's almost over, go back to the Player menu and hit 'Join'.

5) Force Run over to where the people were dueling and stand there dodging bullets and saber swings from other players on the server until one of the Dueler's dies... then quickly run up to the winner and hit your key bound to "engage_duel".


If you aren't concerned with the score on a FFA server, then restarting your score every time you have to wait shouldn't be a problem.


Or... you can just find a private FFA server that people actually wait for Duels.


Or... you can wait for someone to make a RA-style Duel mod for JK2 that has multiple arenas on the same map.



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Im new , but i picked up the "dont attac when saber is off" rule. then I started seeing guys who would cheap kill you doing this. turn there saber ,wait for you to relax and or turn yours off then kill you. one guy even said'sucker" after he did this. So i wont follow that rule. if someone needs a break say so. I wont attack but i wont relax either.

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The "Unoffical Player Rules" means that you can follow them if you want to, but most of the servers I have been on follow pretty much the same thing Essobie posted.


I'm not saying create a new set of rules that EVERYONE must follow...It's more of a honorable thing.

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In all honesty this is a game. I try to be polite and don't go in calling everyone names cos i loose, (i shout at my moniter instead :p). No one will abide by these *rules*. This is game and i will teat it as such. It's a game were u do not know your oponent and i find it difficult to care for someones feelings who may be sitting somewere on the other side of the world. Yes it's anoyng if some pulls a cheap shot on you but deal with it, so what, u were fragged while u were on the phone, dose it really matter?


Bowing..mmm...i certaintly will not be bowing to anyone, it's just takeing a game way to far. Its not like your a real jedi, plus i don't recal darth maul bowing down before obi wan or qui gon?


Just play the game and enjoy it, if you get anoyed take it out on your moniter :D

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Who said bowing was about being a jedi? :eyeraise:


It's about showing repsect and setting the scene... sure this is a game and I play it to have fun but I consider duelling fun and think the bowing makes duels more *Epic*...


I'm the one running around with his saber off, I don't care about kills I only care about finding a decent opponent and have a long and hard fought duel. Also I really don't like ANY of the duelling maps whereas bespin and the temple maps are perfect for duelling that is why I play on FFA servers.


So feel free to kill me (or try to) if you see me running about, I really don't care I just get on with what I enjoy... duelling. :lsduel:

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Originally posted by Mr_Sharky

Who said bowing was about being a jedi? :eyeraise:


It's about showing repsect and setting the scene... sure this is a game and I play it to have fun but I consider duelling fun and think the bowing makes duels more *Epic*...


I'm the one running around with his saber off, I don't care about kills I only care about finding a decent opponent and have a long and hard fought duel. Also I really don't like ANY of the duelling maps whereas bespin and the temple maps are perfect for duelling that is why I play on FFA servers.


So feel free to kill me (or try to) if you see me running about, I really don't care I just get on with what I enjoy... duelling. :lsduel:


good to see someone not caring about being the l33test person on the server :cool:

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Wait times are often long on dueling servers. Its worse when everysingle moron wants to turn off the sabers and bow before each match. It adds up.


I've said this before ITS A COMPUTER GAME.


How old are you people that do this?!!??!??


Respect that other people are waiting in line.


You want to respect your opponent say GF afterwards.


Krak3n summed it up perfectly


"Bowing..mmm...i certaintly will not be bowing to anyone, it's just takeing a game way to far."


Thankfully I don't see it as much as I did a few days ago. I think people are realizing its a complete waste of time.

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I only use shooting offensive weapons in CTF or Team FFA. I am in a team and I must backup my team mates. Using every weapon is therefore necessary. In FFA, I use only saber and force power. I feel like killing and being killed and see whether I can hunt down a gunner. Sometime I turn the saber off to look for good duel. If someone fire at me, I will definitely grip or lightning him. Normally I die before I can fight back. I just want to tell people that the game is not another FPS, it is more than that.

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Guest PissedJedi

If there were rules.. Raven would have put em in.


Conduct is determined by the players themselves.


If they want to be an ass.. they will be an ass.


If they want to be cool they will be cool.


IF they want to die.. They will duel me.


That is all. :)

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Originally posted by Tree



No they don't.


Bowing is gay.




You know what gay really means right?

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I am somewhat of a "newbie". And yes, I have killed players who were standing still, no saber, whatever..


This game moves so fast at times, I don't pay attention to who's

saber is on,etc. I just go for the kill before I get killed.


If people want to chat, don't chat in the middle of a melee

where all hell's breakin' loose! And if you need to stop suddenly (phone,bathroom...), go to spectate mode.


I've been killed so many times just trying to get myself set up

for a game, it drives me crazy!!


People forget about the "newbies" who are just starting out.

If you've been playing awhile and are getting 20+ kills in a

30 minute game, don't complain about getting killed while standing still. Some of us are still learning and are lucky to get a handful of kills in a game!

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