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FoCom, Hit or Miss?

Guest Wedge

What Do You Think of FoCom  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What Do You Think of FoCom

    • Great
    • Ok
    • It Stunk

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It was "ok". The only thing good about it was you got to control an ATAT in 3D. I only got it for 9 bucks so it was worth the money :D

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Guest Tie Guy

i'd definately define it as a "near-miss." They could have a done a couple things and it would have been a really great game, but they didn't.

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Guest Boba Rhett

At least for me, it had several rather large bugs. After about a hour of play the game would start slowing down and finally the controls would disappear and many of the things on screen would turn white. I wasn't the only person to have this error either. Any of you guys experiance anything like that?

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Guest Boba Rhett

I had that problem at first also. FoCom seems to be very picky about things. :mad: Did you at least try messing with your video card settings? :p

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Guest xwing guy

I think it was ok b/c my comp is VERY high performance and graphics so it ran smooth all the time just about and I didn't experince any of the problems that yall are talking about. But one thing I know that I would have changed would be that stupid command point system.:mad: It was the most bothersome things I encountered in the game.

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Originally posted by xwing guy

I think it was ok b/c my comp is VERY high performance and graphics so it ran smooth all the time just about and I didn't experince any of the problems that yall are talking about. But one thing I know that I would have changed would be that stupid command point system.:mad: It was the most bothersome things I encountered in the game.

X, when are you gonna learn it not the power of your comp but how you use it :D

I probably have one of the worst machines here but Focom ran smooth on it. What I didn't like was the gameplay and the air units were cheesy!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

FoCom was terrible. Zero pathfinding (my AT-PT once took FIFTEEN MINUTES to find a way around my AT-AAs...), hard as hell, cumbersome interface, clumsy camera control, ugly graphics, unbalanced gameplay, very little variety, buggy code (especially netcode), incompatibility with many system setups (problems with voodoo2, Matrox G-450), boring and unskippable tutorials, and to top it all off, a patch that invalidate your savegames!! *breaths heavily*

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What I didn't like was that all maps were designed for 4 player games only and that the rebels SUCKED. The unit AI was awfully bad too... the TIE fighters and bombers never landed and the sound they made was so annoying... and as Sherack said, the pathfinding is pretty bad. The only good thing is that it didn't bug but that seems to apply to me and a few people only.

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while path-finding was indeed one of the worst things about FC, i found myself enjoying it now and again...

the bunker-idea was great, and i really enjoyed building mech-armies. a let-down was the force-points system. You'd want to have more direct control over your army's growth, i gather.

all in all, i voted ok.

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I wont denie it. I cheated at that game. I hated the way you gain "points" insted of credits. I enjoyed playing both sides of the game, story line was pretty good. And I agree with Leon, path finding was the worst.


I like the buildings, they all looked great in my opinion and etc. But the terrain was a bit disappointing.

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Guest crazy_dog

I liked the story, the settings and the characters. But the graphics could be better, and I didn't really like some of the units. It also has an annoying bug of not loading properly and when I try to minimise it, it crashes :ball: . I voted OK

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Guest crazy_dog

By the way, I loved the infitrator units. They could take over :atat: 's , At-ST's, structures and they also spoke really cool :cool: :cool: :cool: .

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