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Is it just me? (Bots and NPCs)


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Is it just me or are the A.I. routines for the JK2-MP bots seriously inferior to the ones of the NPC enemies you encounter in SinglePlayer?


What I mean is, when I open a local MP server and add a maximum-difficulty (It's "Jedi Master", I think) "Tavion" bot in it, it's piece of cake - I slice her to pieces before she's even done with depleting my 25 spawn-shieldpoints.


Now back to SP. I enter that certain shuttlepad (this time on easiest difficulty) and she (metaphorically) whips my a*s.

(Tavion is somewhat like my Nemesis... Desann, ShadowTroopers, Reborn *yawn* - never have any serious problems with them, but HER? *shivers*)


Well... just what exactly is wrong here? I mean if a PC-controlled opponent makes my life miserable in his 'easy' incarnation in SP, then why can I slice him up without much effort in a multiplayer game?

Or, asked the other way around : If the dev's were capable of creating an artificial enemy that is REALLY a challenge in SP, then why didn't they just copy/paste that AIscript into multiplayer?



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Researched a bit and it seems that the MP bots are indeed all steered by the very same (ok, there are 2, light and dark) AI script, so the Tavion model is nothing but a skin for the default MPbot AI.


But still - the main question remains. When they are able to create a really nasty saber-enemy for SP, then why can't they transfer that difficulty level to MP bots?


I mean training with 2 or 3 SP-like Tavions in MP would SURE be a good exercise. :)


*shivers again*



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Hmm... I just read something about Desann and Tavion having their own two saber-styles. "Extra-fast for" miss tattoo and "Extra heavy" for master desann.


Don't know where it was, these boards are moving so fast... pretty exhausting to keep on track around here.


Nevertheless, it might explain why SP-Tavion fights different than MP-Tavion who's basically another AI persona with a "Tavion skin".


*erm*... btw, can a player somehow select those two styles for himself? Would really be interesting... anyone know?



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There are several reasons :


1) SP strategy is different from multiplayer strategy, thus different AI's required. (Tavion and Desann will never fight more than JUST you, so they don't need to focus on any others. MP bots DO need to do that.)


2) SP saber combat is much more complex than MP combat, and the SP Tavion does not need to know how to use guns.


3) Hitpoints and (presumably) force powers are higher / more powerful.


4) Her own (ultracool) lightsaber stance.


And yes, you CAN use those stances. Enable cheats in console, then type


setSaberOffense 5


Cycle through the stances, and you'll notice you now have two blue and two red stances. The blue stance is Tavion's, the red is Desann's.


They both rock, but are hard to use properly :)



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Why couldn't the reborn ai be modified for use in mp? They may not know how to use weapons, but they can focus on multiple enemies.


Try mindtricking a stormtrooper while a reborn is in the room -- the reborn fights the stormtrooper and you.

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your best bet would be to go into single player, enable cheats, do a devmap (mp_mapname)


spawn a couple of tavions... and enjoy.


that's the only solution I can think of... not sure if you can do it in multiplayer; but if you can, then you can respawn after dying.


just a thought.


the MP bot issue does need to be resolved.


I'd like to see some modders out there take the tavion AI from single player, and pop it into multiplayer.


but only time will tell.

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What emon said is about the best example, in MP bots tend to follow "rally points" to where weapons... armor... health are placed around the level. When is the last time you saw Tavion look for health in SP. They are 2 complete different AI sets. Bots have always been this way, when a bot gets low on health it wants to look for more, thats why half the time they just run away.

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The mp-bots may have the same AI script, but they do have differing abilities. Try setting up a good v evil FFA, e.g. lando, luke, kyle... vs Desann, Tavion and so on. Then spectate.


Know who wins this most often? Lando, hands-down. If you look at the readme (or resource files), you'll see that Lando has awesome accuracy, but doesn't use forcepowers (and thus no saber).


Guns baby. :-)



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