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Lightsaber in SP VS MP


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I would be greatly interested in an answer to this question. Like most, I jumped into a Multiplayer game to see the lightsaber combat before getting to it in the Single Player portion. I was confused why people were so excited by it.


It wasn't until I ran across my first "Reborn" in SP that I finally understood.


Any Developers care to shed some light on this? It's a true shame lightsaber combat feels so "limited" in Multiplayer...

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Most likely the saber "tweaking" in Multiplay has been done for low spec machines and/or none broadband users.. Though given the unique type of duelling that happens with the Singleplayer type of saber fights, I truely hope the saber fights will be the same in MP as they are in SP..


Off course taking notice to the low spec users it might be an idea to put a "Single player saber physisics" option in the next patch, so servers can switch advanced saber gameplay on or off.


And maybe a client option/filter as well, so we all can choose wether to use it or not.


Maybe it's an idea that if it's a too heavy code matter with many players in a server to allow the Single player saber physisics in Duel games only. remember Duel games only have two players (and sabers) fighting. And that shouldn't be a problem netcode and PC config wise.


But these ideas aside, we surely need those Single player saber fights in MP please :) Currently MP saberfights, though good, have a slight feeling of "seen that before", and not too immersive to a level it was actually intended as Single player clearly shows.

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I entirely agree. SP saber battles were a blast. I've spent the last few days just spawning bots and fighting hordes of jedi bots. Then I tried jumping into the multiplayer thinking I was ready to take anyone, boy was I wrong! I learned in the first 30 seconds that MP saber battles are nothing more than hack and slash with the strong saber style. I have literally not seen anyone use medium or weak styles and win. THERE IS NO DEPTH TO THE MP BATTLES! Either the next patch should include an option to use SP physics and parries (etc), or SOMEONE should make a MOD. Seriously, I think developers should stop worrying about low end people and focus on the bulk of the community. For God's sake, you can buy a 1 Ghz motherboard/processor for $70 now. That's the end of my raving. I'll see you guys in MP when my demands are met :).

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MP Duels are not as bad as some of you guys make them out to be. I thought the same at first, but then I got better. I love challenging people to duels, it really levels the playing field and bring lots of honor... I use mostly strong and medium styles, I generally don't duel with light, but I'd say I use medium just as much as strong, and I usually win. There's a lot of strategy and timing involved, and it can be very cinematic, and very fun. What annoys me is when I put my saber down and challenge someone to a duel, and instead of accepting, they stand there and use force lightning on me or something. Dishonorable *****es. I always play light side by the way.



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Like I said before, it might be a fruitfull idea to try it out in Duel mode, with only two players being in the arena.


As for the lag/braodband issue, I also promted to make it selectable for servers/clients so low spec users can still choose servers with the normal MP saber physisics.


If you don't give it a try, it'll never happen... the implementation of Single player saber physisics sould be tried out on the minimal amount of players, that is a 2 player duel server. And maybe it should be tried out if it can be done for LAN play if Internet doesn't work.. or simply botmatch (no server) with Single player saber physisics.

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1. SP duels are faster than MP duels because there's no way to sync all that data over a network without massive lag in MP mode.


2. SP saber physics in MP *MIGHT* be possible in the Duel game mode, but probably not. Faster duels, yes but maybe not as fast as SP. What would be great is to have a server option to set different speeds for the saber, so if your playing on a 100 Mbps LAN you can use the SP physics with no problem (maybe even a 10 Mbps LAN).

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Not sure... I read somewhere that Singleplayer and Multiplayer were created simultaniously, so maybe any tweaking on the way how saber battles can be improved aren't really done yet.. maybe Multiplay was finished under a strict timetable (read: rushed) and that further features to the saber battles in MP are planned for future patches, especially now when Saber battles are quite populair online.

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In theory this should be a client side option, shouldn't it? I've noticed that sometimes sabres just cross over each other and seem to hit the opponent (and you) yet no damage is delt...wouldn't that effectivly be the same as the block/parry seen in SP?


Or is the collision detection actually sucky? It seems to me that in that case the main thing that would be choking is the server's cpu usage.


I think that the MP saber style is here to stay, as how would one sync a 200 vs. 50 pinger's screen?

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at first I thought that there was a huge difference between saber fights in SP and MP, but after playing this game constantly I'm beginning to think they're closer than most people think.

I found myself taking out reborn in one hit medium stance it seems in sp now, the bosses are still long battles though.


I think the difference that people are seeing is that a strong stance is adopted by 90% of the people fighting out in MP and those are one hit kills. so what we see is people jockeying for a chance to swing and thats the fight. I've done a lot of dueling and when I encounter someone that uses a medium or light stance the fights seem to be more the sp style, usually a lot more dramatic at times though since the opponet has a wider range of force powers and isn't a auto-force-counter capable bot.


if people stop swinging wildly then they'll see that MP saber fights can be as fulling as SP.

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