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DOOMGIVER SHIELD LEVEL - Totally, completely, stuck. Plz help *spoilers*

Arkay Firestar

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I've saved Jan, and I've gotten to the room with four or five pipes, extended the one I'm supposed to, killed all the walking droids, killed everyone else actually, opened up the four sewage doors, found the one that has two more tunnels and a door above, pushed it open, explored all three levels of the new area, killed the shadow trooper...but now...I'm stuck!!!


No doors are unlocked anymore, and there are no buttons I'm seeing, and no way to use droids...on the third level of the room that initially has two trip mines along the top walkway, there is a room with a window showing a large room with droids behind shields and I haven't been in there but I can't find a way to open the door that takes me there! They're both locked! I'm assuming perhaps a glitch has occured and having killed the trooper should have unlocked the door...so please...HELP!

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