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My way of beating Imp Reapers BBOD...


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Eh, It works more often then not, but has a draw back, you need force pull.


Basicaly jump near / ontop of the Blue Ball of Doom lamer and keep hitting force pull, they'll eventualy drop their weapon and trip... then you slice.


Ofcourse, they can force push, or outrun the force pull, or just get lucky and land a ball on you.


I use force pull more then force push anyway, because it rapes gun llamas and trips melee sword fighters for a longer time then push.




Hope this helps.


(note: yes this does work)

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And if the gun "lamer" has some skill and dodges / pushes you away / kills you before you have the chance / *god forbid* strikes you down with his saber once you have his weapon?


I make sure any known force puller hangin' around gets a good shove before I turn the ball 'o' doom on him.



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Well like some sith lord said " If only u knew the power of the DARK side" :vadar:

I can pull the gun using RAGE to survive the alt-repeater rush him and pull the gun out

The problem i have is that i succomb to the "dark side" of the gun :D

Cause this combo is really ultimate at dealing with gun users but also i figured using Rage + guns is also a LOT more ultimate than Rage + saber to Rack up kills quickly

So the problem i foresee , is that Rage users will arise to deal with gunners and also compete as gunners....not unlike JK 1 having only one competitive class aka the Force absorb gunner


Also this is another one showing that Dark side IS the stongest .....sorry about the little green dwarf but he was obviously wrong :lightning

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I have some easier solutions.


1. Shoot back with a gun.

2. Force push the concussion grenade back at their face.

3. If you think it's wussy for a gunner to fight a saberist, well your wrong. It's called Free For All for a reason, and if you think gunning people is wussy go play on a sabers only server.

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Lol easier :rolleyes:

try to find easier that rushing straight in conc shots and pull the gun .....that s what does rage + pull


Next time plez actually play the game before sayin nonsense and wastin our time


Ho well coz i m a KIND person i ll just explain what does rage so u don t have to play it u lazy boy


Rage :

-Speed up movement by 100% ( yes even more than lv 3 speed )

-Absorp 50%damage ( and don t drain your force like mad like dumb protection )

-Speed up attack speed by 33%

-Cannot die ( reduced to 1 HP instead and then power turn off )


So as u can see u can close up to a gunner in no time and his shots will only shrugs u , the only thing u got left to do is pull his gun ( if a lamer say pull don t steal 100% of time plez BAN him :D)

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I try to use the pull method whenever I run up against a gunner. Sometimes it works like a charm...others, ugh. A few times I have wasted my whole force bar trying to pull the gun away, he was only 10 feet away or so and was even facing toward me, and he wouldn't let go of it :( Then other times even when it does work after you have pulled one gun they just pull out another, kinda sucks to pull 4 guns outta their hands and they STILL kill you. It went like this one time. Pulled the Merr Sonn, then pulled the Golan Arms, Then pulled the Repeater, THEN pulled the crossbow, after that it went to the disruptor rifle and i was disentengrated...

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