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I am REALLY stuck on the Cairn Reactor, someone please help!


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I really need help on the Cairn Reactor level. I've got past the red cylinder, but now I am stuck on the cylinder with a load of spinning parts going around it. I can step on the main cylinder, but the spinny bits glow red and when I step on them I get vapourised. There's a reborn on the middle bit of the cylinder. I don't know how to get past the glowing red spinny things. I have tried force jumping, force jumping whilst using force speed, and dropping to the floor to go under, but that results in me dying as well.

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You should be able to jump those spinning parts. You are making sure you're holding onto jump when you do it, right? Speed won't make any difference to how far you can jump. It merely slows time down.

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Here is a cheap way to take out the reborn in the middle without breaking a sweat.


Break out your blaster with the Zoom. Zoom all the way in on him. When he starts goofing off with his saber..(spining saber on his hand....) Blast him... You might have to taunt him first with a shot or two..... But once that is done.... be patient and wait for the twirl of the saber and blast him... LOL


As for getting across... Follow the advice given by others on getting across.

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So I've done the whole reactor level without any problem, except for one part. I cannot figure out where to go in the room with the last red reactor shaft. You know, the one right after the big one where the Reborn was. All I can see is a doorway up above me, but Force Jump won't reach. I've tried everything else, even timing Force Speed just right to put me on top of the red shaft, but I get killed every time. What have I missed?

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