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No handed cartwheel and a front flip


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I have a question about 2 different moves that I see NPCs doing.


1 is a front flip that makes them do a flip thing and they go straight. It is used to catch up to me, or flip through holes. They don't jump up, but they jump straight ahead of them. Weird...does anyone know how to do that? What combination?


2nd is a no handed cartwheel with the lightsaber. I don't know how to do it...does anyone know the combination to that?



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In regards to number 2, you need to be in 'yellow style', medium.


I can't remember the precise keystrokes, but if I use yellow it tends to umm, 'pull itself' off. Just jump and fiddle with the keys a bit, you'll eventually get it ;)

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In single player it's much easier to do.

Press attack + jump + forward when you are a near an NPC and you will flip over them and slice them as you go over their head.


This can also be done in multiplayer, but I've found it's much harder to pull off, and it leaves you very open to attacks for what can seem like an eternity.


Still, it is very cool in single player to use on troopers and the like.


Hope this helps.



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For #1, try running in any direction and tap the Crouch/Duck button. You will dive into a roll. I think that's what you're talking about.


I use it to get to lower ledges a lot, because it's faster than jumping, and it propels you forward. The roll lasts about 1 second and then there's a half second recovery time. If you're falling to a lower ledge that recovery time is spent in the air, so you hit the ground running!! sort of like having someone give you a mini-Push from behind for added speed.... the Nar Shadaa ctf map is a prime map to use this little tactic on.

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No, i know what you're talking about. It's when you do a full front flip (not the one where you tuck your knees, but fully extended), or a fully extended side somersault.


As far as i can tell, you need to be in mid stance (yellow). I think pulling it off has something to do with where your opponent is when you do it. And maybe the side somersaults have something to do with proximity to a wall (but it's not a wall walk), if this is making any sense.

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Both moves your talking about are NPC only, which i hope they'd eventually ive to players in a patch.


1. the front somersault is kinda like a straightforard burst of speed, might be overpowering if given to players(especially in MP)


2. the no handed cartwheel isn't the yellow stance move some of you are thinking of, it's basically the npc version of the roll.

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Kinopio - I think it is possible to do a cartwheel as I just found out while playing the Ladder SP level. I just don't know how to do it and didn't get any screengrabs - but I will keep trying.


I know I can do a back flip but haven't noticed the front flip yet - although it did get a little hectic!

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kinopio knows what I am talking about.


the front flip/speed thing is done by the NPCs and I was hoping we could do it too. Load up Luke by doing "npc Spawn Luke" and then just watch him as he follows you. This goes for the no handed cartwheel thing too. HE does it when someone shoots at him or sabers at him.


But we can do it, but we have to be by a wall. Go next to the wall and strife right or left (whichever the wall is) and then jump..i think force jump, so hold it down. Then you do it. But I would love to be able to do it when you are just standing there.


*little hint about getting other saber stances...*

There are two more. If you type in "SetForceALL 5" or "SetSaberOffense 5" You will get two more stances. Cycle through them and you will notice that the blue and red stick twice, but you move your sabers to the "yellow" and "blue" stance. Try it out and you will notice it.. One is really quick (the blue) and you use mostly one hand. and (the yellow) extra one is alot like the other one with one hand, though slower and different moves. They are really cool and alot faster than the regular ones. NPCs use them.

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Dragon, that's the so-called 'Death From Above' move. It's performed by using the following combo: when facing an opponent, press 'primary attack' + 'forward' + 'jump' (the 'forward' and 'jump' can be vice versa too).


If already on this topic, does anyone know how to do the scissor kick (the one performed by Darth Maul before he Force throw's the object to open the door)?

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Originally posted by Ushgarak

Damn! I still have never pulled off that move! I keep doing the somersault kick instead. Mind you, I rather liked the somersault kick! Well, cerrtainly aginst the bots, they don't seem to have a clue what to do about it.

If you're doing the kick then you must be close enough. All you gotta make sure to do it press the attack button right before jumping.

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That kick rocks! The best bot-killing strategy I know of is to kick them until they fall over, then medium-stance strafe-attack them!




In order to get the "FLIP FORWARD AND ATTACK DOWNWARD" attack (see page 23 of the JO Manual) choose a SP level where you have the lightsaber, go into GOD mode, max out your Force powers and try to attack using the forward, attack, and jump buttons at the same time. The reason to max out the Force (or to level 3) is so you can use Force speed to slow everything down so you can learn the timing.


It can be done in MP, but it's hard to time. Harder than in SP by far. Timing it can be a *****

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