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WinXP + JK2 - 256 MB RAM not enough?


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I just did a clean install of WinXP after a fatal Win98 crash, and I have the following problem:


Even with several services disabled and nothing running in the background, I get frequent disk access and jerkiness in Jedi Knight 2. I've checked the Windows task manager, and my page file grows to 340 MB (!!*) during gameplay. Cacheman is installed, the disk is defragmented, and no program loads automatically. I have also deleted all spyware except those required for Kazaa. No virus, either.


My hardware: P4 1.7 Ghz at 1963 Mhz, Abit TH7-II, 256 MB RDRAM running at 460 Mhz, 30 GB 7200 rpm HDD.


So is it possible that WinXP needs more than 256 MB to run Jedi Knight smoothly? The game ran silky smooth in Win98. THanks.

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I bet if you'd format your computer, reinstall everything, it would probably work just fine... And I hope that since you have that computer, that you DID build it, and that you installed everything. ;)


It would make it much easier, but it's probably something that you DID, or some other program has done... Also, don't hesitate to check up on your BIOS settings.

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Your problem is your OS. Windows XP is a peice of crap. I don't know how else to put it, but it really does suck. I would suggest running Windows 2000 Professional, but it's really expensive. I think they came out with a Home version which is probably cheaper but I don't know how good it is.


Your system is really nice, but to tell you the truth your problem is XP.

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I have WinXP, 384RAM, 1.7GHz, and a Geforce3 64MB


No overclocking software or anything like that and the game runs perfect, on every left, even Yavin.


But in the game Giants I couldnt run unless I turned my sound card hardware acceleration off to run it.


Maybe you have similiar problem in JKII??


maybe this will help.


And personally I like XP, everything seems to run fine, I havn't tried win2k, but it's a hell of a lot better than ME.

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Guest PissedJedi

ok from the 3dfx underground website Frasa has posted some settings that you might want to change and its good for alot people not just 3dfx users.


here it is..


"Just check this tweaks to improve the gaming experience in JK2:


open the jk2config file in the BASE folder of the directory, and change/ add this stuff


seta s_khz "44" ............old value was 22( hz sound quality )


seta s_mixPreStep "0.0"..........these 2 cause the stuttering, change

seta s_mixahead "0.2"...........them to this, to remove all stutter!


seta com_soundMegs "32"

seta com_hunkMegs "128".......added these myself via wolf recomended


seta cg_runpitch "0.000"

seta cg_runroll "0.000"

seta cg_bobup "0.000"................change to this, removes bobbing,

seta cg_bobpitch "0.000"............increases framerate, and gives

seta cg_bobroll "0.000".........you a smoother movement and mouselook


seta com_maxfps "100"..........your refresh rate here for Vsync


seta r_lodbias "0"........ below 0, looks wayy better, above 0, looks worse, but framerate goes up some... this is Level of Detail area. ( try from -1.5, to 1.5 ), in increments of .5's


seta s_soundpoolmegs "32"........default was 24, more sound memory

seta s_UseOpenAL "1" enables EAX


And this is from Gawen, a devloper at Raven:


"There is a file in the \GameData\base\ folder called jk2mpconfig.cfg. Open this file with notepad and search for a setting called hunkmegs. Default it says hunkmegs "64". This is the amount of RAM the game is set to utilize for graphics rendering. Performance can be drastically increased on machines with 256+ meg of RAM by increasing the hunkmegs value to 192 for 256k machines. As long as it does not exceed 2/3 of your total RAM your ok, so the value can be set even higher for machines with 512. After changing the value just click on save and play the game & wallah! "



Good luck all.

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On the Microsoft site, the following products are listed for Windows 2000:


Windows 2000 Home

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows 2000 Server

Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Windows 2000 Datacenter



I know there's a Pro, a Server and an Adv. Server, don't know about the other two. I'm currently using Win 2K Pro and I love it :D

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I got Win XP, GF3ti200, 384 MB (2 memory cards - 256 and 128) and JK2 runs smoothly for the most part. Only when I'm in laggy internet games or 40 some stormtroopers come running out and lots of explosions occur does it ever slow down.


Memory is pretty cheap, especially just the 128 mb cards if you have an extra memory slot.

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Then I guess just steal a memory card from a friend while he's not looking. I got 256mb for like 30 dollars like 40 months ago, can't believe they're about 4 times as much now. A 128mb card is around $60 though. might be worth it if nothing else works

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Thank a lot guys. This is a great forum. I'll try those settings. As to reinstalling XP, or another OS, that's out of question. THis is also my work comp and I need stability. Also, re-installing everything I use is a pain.

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