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Please help me get the sabre


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Hi, have just read the previous posts and I still cant get the sabre. I have just got the force speed and am in a corridor with 4 doors opening if I stand on the button in the floor, but the column at the end will not go down. Also I cannot see the cage anywhere.


Please tell me what I am doing wrong guys.



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You have to use force push on all the wooden pegs which hold the column up. Once it is all the way down you will see the cage on top. Then you will see the walkway that goes downhill with a stone wall at the end, this wall is a platform that will go down when you're standing on it & that's how you get the cage to open. Find the platform from up top & jump on it & wait till it's all the way down. The cage will be up now but as soon as you step off it will start to close again, so use force speed to get there fast & force pull to get the saber out before the cage closes.


Note: If you've used the give all cheat before this point you won't be able to pick up the saber because you've already got one & it will just lay on the ground. I had to start the game over from scratch to get past this point after using the give all cheat code. So if you want to play the game as I did assuming that a seasoned mercenary on a planned mission would be better prepared & armed with more than just a pistol, you'll need to use the give weaponnum X (X = 2 - 12) code for each numbered weapon you want to start the game with. I entered all the ones he had from the previous games.

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