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Blood mod?


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1. The internal core of a lightsaber is extremely hot and immediatly cauterizes the wound it makes. Lightsaber wounds should not bleed.


2. The blood seen in EP4: A New Hope is an inconsistancy and shouldn't even be there.

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Actually, the bloody seen in ANH is not an inconsistency. Watch TPM, at the moment where Obi-Wan halves Maul: there is a spray of red at the bottom of the screen (Widescreen shows it best). Blood? Yes. Plus, it is impossible to instantly cauterize a severed limb, especially considering the fact that a lightsaber blade produces no heat.

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1. There's going to be some blood created when the wound breaks open, yeah. But THAT much blood seen in EP4 is either an inconsistancy or that guy was a hemophiliac.


2. The internal core of a lightsaber is extremely hot. This is how it cuts and why it can cauterize wounds and cut through doors; e.g. EP1 where Qui-Gon's saber is MELTING the door apart. However, only the actual core is hot; the actual blade produces no heat (it won't heat things around it).

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without blood, hardly know whether hit or not by saber.


I think having bloody effect is more easy to know whether hit or not.


forget about realism, this is just game.

just adding a little blood to game makes JK2 saber fight more fun.

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The movie is a fanatasy movie and thus not needing to comply with real-world phyics. (Just look at how you can hear sounds of the ships and lazers in space - that just can't happen in the real world but since it is fantasy no one could care less)


Same goes for the sabres. The movies say the sabre cauterises the wounds leaving no blood. This is the official reason but we all know the blood wasnt there as it is a PG set of movies and not an M15+ which I would have been if the blood was there.


Why the need for blood anyway? That would be extreamly un-starwars and (more) people would scream QUAKE 3!!! over and over. The blood really wouldn't fit in with any starwars game - unless it was for a blood test or something like that. But even the blood test in Ep1 didn't have any blood visible. So blood REALLY has no place in Starwars movies, games, or books (I have not read all the books, or even most of them so I could be wrong with the books. But it would still be out of place).


(ps: I think the people who think JO is just Q3 with sabres are fecking wankers as the only similarity is they use the same engine - because it is a GOOD engine. They do not use the same levels or guns or characters or storylines etc)

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The only place I can really see blood fit in Star Wars is from a blaster wound, and it doesn't spray out, it bleeds after the blaster bolt hits (look at Leia's wound in RotJ).


One other place JK2 could have had blood was on the Artus mine mission where some Stormtroopers were killed by those little biting spider things... How the blood would get through the armor I don't know... Infact how those things even penetrated Stormtrooper armor, I really don't know.

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Oh and one more thing...


You do know when you are hit and when you hit the other person. Unless you're deaf or I have super-hearing... When you hit someone they make a screamy/moaning/arrgh! noise.


So that reason for having the blood is not really that valid.


If you want blood try another FPS game as Starwars will always be non-blood. It is just how it is and nothing will ever change in that respect.

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

(Just look at how you can hear sounds of the ships and lazers in space - that just can't happen in the real world but since it is fantasy no one could care less)


Yeah... you wouldn't be able to hear the music either... no wait... :o:p:D

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You know what's not needed? People saying, "Noooo, a mod like this shouldn't exist, because Lightsabers don't produce blood from wounds. Noooooo...Blood's not Star Wars. Blood is bad... Blah, bleh, blah...."


1. Yes, Lightsabers cauterize. But for continuity's sake, it absolutely cauterizes human wounds. There might be races out there with high blood pressure that break Lightsaber wounds. The guy from ANH wasn't human. And Darth Maul was definately, not a human. The blood spray could very well be perfectly acceptable for his race. The 'Saber cuts through his skin, evaporating lots of the blood as it cauterizes. You'll notice that when Maul falls into halves, there's not blood that eeps out.


2. It's a game. Since when can humans use Bowcasters? It's a Wookie-only weapon. Since when don't Thermal Detonators vaporize a huge area upon explosion? Why aren't personal shields more popular? And it should take one blaster shot to take out a Stormie.


I agree that exessive blood in this game wouldn't be "Star Wars", but we're not talking about blood in that ammount. And even if blood breaks through the cauterized wounds, that wouldn't be such a continuity breaker. I mean jeeze, lighten up!


A mod like this should exist, because it's obvious that people want it. If you don't want it, fine. Don't download it. I just get annoyed when people seem to verbally oppress the community by saying certain viable things are just plane wrong.


I really hope someone makes this mod. I'm in a programming course right now, so who the hell knows?

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Im a fan of gratuitist (sp?) gore (in SOF I went through almost exclusivley with the heavy machine gun blowing off limbs. So satisfying) however I do not thinkg that gore would work here unless you TOTALLY changed the game. If you added swords instead of sabers, yes, throw blood EVERYWHERE. However with sabers... no...

Also, cutting osme one in half with a saber would cause HEAVY bleeding ;)

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It's just a fantasy computer game. Don't get bogged down in semmantics and nitpicking.


If someone wants to be able to see blood in their lightsabre duels, then let the see blood. Don't try and use real-world physics and logic to confirm or repute the physics and logic of a fantasy world.

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