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Force DRain Balanced????


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I know there are many threads about how drain is too powerful and stuff but i'm too lazy to post in one of them so. . .. I think drain is actually more balanced than we think. I've heard many of you complaining about how annoying it is when you're about to waste a guy and the guy drains. But it is also annoying when you're about to waste a guy and the guy heals. Same crap! ! ! !

And i don't seen any darksider complain about it. There aren't that many forces on each side in mp if you think about it. I think the majority of each side only uses two of these forces(cause otherwise there be no point to have a level one grip or wutever). So i think it's pretty balanced! ! ! ! MY force config in JEDIMASTER darkside is level 3push,pull,jump,attack,defend,saberthrow,drain. Level 2 sight and speed.

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The obvious reason is the following: it only takes a short pulse of drain which consumes relatively little force to empty someone's force pool. Any dueler with five brain cells can figure out that after a few seconds have elapsed since the initial long burst of drain that a little "re-unfresher" is needed.


I have two strategies against drain:


1) If I can hit absorb quick enough (with lag this is unpredictable...people who are saying this is a consistent counter are probably only playing with good connections)


2) drain my force with other stuff so at the very least they cannot gain health (ditch effort)

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Well conut me as the first group I have cable and can hit aborsb quick enough to stop drain I have it bound to Q. The intsant I see a hand go up it's on he's either gonna thorw lightining, drain, or grip. I have no problems with it now at first it and lightning seemed overpowered but as I played and moved the keys around I saw it more balcned then many think. If anything some of the dam guns need some tweaks that 4 barrel shot gun thing is insane.

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i always use the dark side, and i don't like drain at all nor do i use it even though everyone else does, if i did it would become a contest about "who can drain the other first". Its cheap, annoying and doesn't even make sense how someone could do that. If the player is known to the "force" then they would know how to deflect something like that. i really think it should be taken out, it takes all the fun away...they should replace it with deadly sight or destruction i think...

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