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Campaigns - update


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In two evenings, i finished both the Learning Campaign, the Trade Federation Campaign and the first two Gungan missions.

Right now i'm in the Spearhead-mission in the Gungan-campaign.


Thought i'd let you know the progress on that.. :D

The second Gungan mission (uniting the tribes) is an awesome display of how you can make a fun scenario. It doesn't all have to be about fighting.

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I finished the Trade Fed campaign over the weekend, then moved onto the Empire, currently on the Battle of Hoth, where I keep losing General Veers or running out of troops :(

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

Thought i'd let you know the progress on that.. :D

The second Gungan mission (uniting the tribes) is an awesome display of how you can make a fun scenario. It doesn't all have to be about fighting.


That mission is much like the Ghengis Khan mission in AoK. I liked that. With the gungans I am now at the mission after the mission where Amidala asks for Boss Nass' help.


I don't play in a specific order. Altough I focus the most on TF and Naboo at the moment

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