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Looking for clan please read


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Hey im looking for a smaller clan with a few people no more than 25 peeps i played the old jk im just re learnign it with jk2 im not doign too bad im a good team player and i owned a jk1 clan so i have leading experience. Can do any role im pretty good at defense tho.

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Hey Banana, you've been recruiting pretty heavily, but you don't seem to distinguish geographical locales when you ask people if they want to join.


UK/Euro clans are UK/Euro clans, US/Canada clans are US/Canada clans.


Pan-Atlantic clans just cannot be feasibly done with the global internet as it is today.


Most US players, even on fairly good broadband connections will be less than optimal latency playing on UK or European based servers and the reverse is true for UK/Euro players connecting to US based servers.


So unless your gonna run a US division and a UK division. You might want to go as far as asking, "Here now, old bean, which side of the pond are you on? Boy if I couldn't do with a sticky wicket right now I must say."


Haha, thats my one "Poke fun at the Limeys" Joke for the year. Too bad it was so awful.

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