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Taking a map out of rotation


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I'm trying to take a map (ffa_ns_streets) out of my ffa server rotation. Here is my map lines in my server.cfg:


set d1 "map ffa_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ffa_deathstar ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map ffa_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ffa_ns_hideout ; set nextmap vstr d5"

//set d5 "map ffa_ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d6" this map sux

set d5 "map ffa_raven ; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "map ffa_yavin ; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "map ctf_yavin ; set nextmap vstr d1"


map ffa_bespin


Yet on my server, ns_streets still rotates in. Any ideas?



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On an off chance, have you restarted your server (or done an exec server.cfg) since you made this change? How about g_autoMapCycle "1"? If you deleted it from the config, you might need to either seta g_autoMapCycle "0" or go into the jk2mpconfig.cfg and set it to 0 there.

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well maybe not, i set it to zero, but now it just replays the map over and over again, here is my map cfg lines



//Duel Maps Rotation Cycle


set d1 "map duel_bay ; seta nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map duel_carbon ; seta nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map duel_pit ; seta nextmap vstr d1"


vstr d1



i'm not sure about the last line vstr d1, but i copied this from someones config and changed it, so tell me if something is wrong here

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set d1 "map duel_bay; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map duel_carbon; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map duel_pit; set nextmap vstr d1"


vstr d1



Ok, I changed what you had a bit. First off, just use set, not seta in the rotation. Second, does your server.cfg file call your map.cfg life like so:


exec map.cfg


If not that's your problem.

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Just as a side note, it's not necessary to have a separate map.cfg (or similar file). It's just convenient somtimes to separate the various parts of the config into components. For example, you might have a public server that is occasionally used for clan practice, scrims and matches. The config files might be setup thus:


server.cfg //public configuration of gameplay/server settings

map.cfg //map rotation used while in public mode

practice.cfg //passwords server, sets gameplay/maps for practice

scrim.cfg //passwords server, sets gameplay/maps for scrim

match.cfg //passwords server, sets gameplay/maps to be consistent with ladder requirements


At the very end of the map rotations in practice.cfg, scrim.cfg, and match.cfg instead of putting "set nextmap vstr blah" you put "set nextmap exec server.cfg" Then, at the end of the practice/scrim/match, the server will return itself to normal public function. The beauty of this setup is that it's modular. You can remove, alter or add to it without "disturbing" any of the other parts. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have my maps working great with Jedi Master. Now I tried to add a duel into my rotation by execing duel.cfg which also rotates back to server.cfg when done.


The Problem is, I even checked it too. The dueling starts, I go to my server and type: nextmap, it tells me D1 variable which is great. After the 1st duel is over and a new person gets rotated in I check: nextmap, then it tells me RAVEN!


How do you stop it from defaulting back to no rotation after a duel is won?

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