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Vader... work in progress...


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I was in Austin yesterday, in an anime store, and they had an Episode II comic...and Count Dooku was on the front...and for the first time, I pronounced the name...and I was reminded of this episode of Ninja Turtles where April smelled the deadly "Douku (I think) Plant" and Spliter had this total freakout. I just started cracking up because when I say it out loud, the names sound so similar. Lamest thing in the world, I know, but DAMN it was funny at the time.

As for the Vader model, I can't wait. ;) I had the Quake 3 version, and I loved that one, but I've been drooling over the thought of playing him or playing against him in Jedi Knight 2. ;) Thank you Sithlord-II. :)

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Personally i hate this kinda pointless posting... but count Dooku's name is even funnier for the portugese speakers.


Lemme explain.


Dooku will be pronouced in two way I believe

* Doo-Koo

* Dow-Koo


Well either way will work fine for a good laugh in Portuguese.


* Doo-Koo

Portuguese: Do Cú

Do -> "from";"from the" or "of the"

Cú -> @$$

Count From the Butt or Count of the Butt/@$$????


* Dow-Koo

Portuguese: Dou Cú

Dou -> verb "to give"; "give";"offering"; "offers"

Cú -> same as above

Count Gives @$$ or Count Offers (his)@$$???


George should consider other languages before naming his characters ;P

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Originally posted by Epimetheus

Vader's not the only one that can go one hand; Tavion and Desann both have special saber stances that are one handed. Just use give all or forceall 99 to access them... tee hee.


is this for whoever you are usin in single player or just desann.

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*laughs at the Portuguese thing* That's just...cool. I looked at those one-handed stances. They're about right, but I was thinking more along the line of the stance in Saber Battle X where you could hold the sword down at one side in one hand. That was really badass. Unfortunately, unless you have the money to buy SoftImage...

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Im very impressed by sithlord's model on Darth Vader and I must say that Raven should be wise enough hire this guy as one of their designers! LoOK at wHat A LONG WAY this thread has come! This no doubt will be one of the most eagerly awaited models to come! KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK SITH!:D

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well slight problems for me, a few setbacks here and there unfortunately. I'm still toiling away at it when i get the chance to, the importing isn't going quite so smoothly, shall i say. i set the skeleton up and had it imported to modview but the results have been.... questionable. Still messing around with the skeleton setup but a good deal of it is making me draw a blank.


blood and i have been trying to go past it, once i have something more to show i will put it up here. I do have it exporting decently with textures et al, not inside out, as a gLM file but the skeleton is the one snag holding me back.

again thank u guys for the support, we'll see how this guy turns out now

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Just a Quick Idea for the Vader breathing effects sithlord I don't now if you noticed yet but if you pick shadowtrooper in multiplayer

and jump he makes a breathing sound like Vaders just a little quicker and not as loud but I'm sure you could edit it to work:fett:

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god damn the excitement is gettin to me. this is model i have been dyin to use and from the pictures, its so f1_1ck1n perfect. great work. you have made me and all other vader fans very happy. how are the problems that you were havin comin along. hope you get through them quickly.

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