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Fun game to try in MP: Jedi Jousting™

The D

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A friend and I came up with a fun new game to play in multiplayer. Unless somebody makes a map/mod specifically for this, you currently have to have a server with cheats enabled.

The game is called Jedi Jousting. What you do is find a long narrow walkway (the middle pipes at the top of each flag room in ctf_bespin are perfect) and 2 players stand on opposite ends. You then run at each other, jumping in the middle and whacking the other guy with your saber to try and knock him off.

More specifically, here's the best setup we've come up with:

1. Start up a server with cheats enabled, the best level for this is ctf_bespin

2. 2 players per jousting session, each player turns on God mode and enables the destroyer

3. noclip up to the middle pipe at the top of any one of the three cylindrical rooms in this level

4. One player stands on each end of the pipe

5. Players wave their saber to announce they are ready

6. When both players are ready they run towards each other, and right before they meet in the middle, they both jump, slashing with their saber to try and knock the other player off



This is really fun and the pipes in the bespin stage are perfect, due to their being narrow and slippery.

Even better would be if someone could make this into a simple mod where points are issued for the opposing person when someone is knocked off. Additionally there could be maps made for this, with lava or a huge shaft underneath the jousting walkway.

Here's a couple pictures to demonstrate how this works:


Step 5-






God mode does 2 things for this, one it makes sure you don't constantly die from hitting each other, and 2 it adds an extra bounce to your hits which helps a lot in trying to knock the other guy off. The pipes on the sides add an extra touch, sometimes you can save yourself by landing on them, but it's hard ;)

Give it a try I think you'll find it's pretty damn fun, we've been doing it a lot lately in our MP matches... and you can have 6 people jousting at once in that map.

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heh! Thats looks sweet. I agree that this should be coverted into some sort of mod, as im practically a n00b and have no idea how to do the whole cheat thing. Plus, i dont know anyone with a host-worthy connection, so its gonna be hard to do.

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lol exactly

I find it funny when people call other guys n00bs when we've all been playing the game for only a week ;)

Well I'm glad you guys like our idea, now for someone with the skill to make up a mod with maps :)

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Heh thanks, my friend and I take a LOT of screenshots, so we both have a large number of really good ones... that one wasn't particularly impressive to me but it was the best looking jousting pic I had to demonstrate the gameplay.

We generally just start up the level and play MP like normal, then once in a while one of us will ask the other(s) if they want to joust; turn on God mode, noclip up there, and away we go ;)

We originally had used the top of a building in ffa_bespin but after a while we got too good and the roof was too wide for us; we'd never knock the other guy off. So after looking through the maps we found this little gem and have been using it ever since.


Here's a shot of the original bespin location-


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you have to let me play w/ you on your server, i tried to set my own game up and people were pissing me!!! they just didnt get it, they ran around w/o god mode or the destroyer and just tried to attack me, even though they knew i had god mode on, it was like they had no brains,


if anyone has a joust server set up plz let me play on it, cuz i just keep getting morons in my server!!!!!




oh, and here u can email me about it



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