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Outcast is Outstanding


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Finished the single player (I don't care much for multiplayer, I'm that 3% that likes the single player missions). Absolutely amazing. The light sabre swordplay is incredible.. and I love the force!


There's nothing like walking into a room of stormtroopers, pulling their weapons out of their hands, and they scurry off, befuddled :)


Shadows! Nice implementation of shadows, as well as all the facial movements and such.


Next time give me more control of the light sabre.. I wanna write my name on all the walls ;)


Nice work Raven, very nice :cool:

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Your not alone in loving the SP. Thats pretty much all i play. Most MP games are pretty derivative. And there are so many people cheating. I really dont feel like having to figure out how to cheat at a game just to keep up with the crowd.

I think this is the best game ive ever palyed.

i already listed my reasons in other posts.

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I must agree, I thoroughly enjoyed the single player game. It was a great progression of learning the force. It was funny, at first I was like "why would I use the saber when these guns are so much better". But after growing with force powers, and better saber control, by the end, I was never using the guns. I really did feel as if I became a jedi. It was a blast entering a room full of stormtrooper and just knocking them down, choking a few, pulling a few others. Ah, the power was intoxicating.


Really a big hurrah for Raven, great job on this. I really liked how they also picked up things that people where hoping to see in the game. Fighting side by side with Luke, Driving a ATST or droids, just neat stuff like that added a lot to the game.


I too am shy of the multiplayer. Q3 games are just too fast for me. I am more of the less hyper Quake II/HL speed type of player.


I really can't wait for the expansion pack(s) on this one.


I also really like to overhear the stormtroopers conversations. One of the few weaknesses that I found in the game, was that the reborn, did not have very much cool dialogue. I would have liked to have seen them try to seduce Kyle to the dark side, or just something a little more substansitive than the regular one liners during the fights. Each time Vader fought in the movies, it was never a bunch of "is that all you got?" blurbs being thrown out.


But again, I really had a great time playing this game.



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I thought that about the Reborns myself. how about" Kyle you are powerful, come join us" or " we have the hottest chicks on the Darkside" anything but the constant "do you fear me" .Other than that I loved the game.

If you are looking for a slower type MP game, You could try MOHAA objective or TDM. Its really good.

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I love SP also...the saber is awesome. I never get tired of spawning reborns everywhere. I don't even play the game anymore...I just choose a lovely spot to fight and spawn away. (my fav is in the cloud city ventilation shaft)


But really...its all about the light saber isn't it. WOW...Bravo Raven. I am still in awe when the 2 light sabers lock and this beautiful glare of light shines. What more could a Star Wars nerd like myself ask for.


Also there are a few other effects that I just have to mention that really blew me away. These aren't game changing effects...but they really put a game over the top in my book!!


1. The water droplets hitting the light saber in the swamp area. The way the drop hits the saber, sparks up and smoke comes off the saber...I was like...OMG!!


2. The swamp level in general. All the vegetation...wow. And that beautiful fog hovering over the water...another wow.


3. Have I mentioned the light saber?! hehehe How cool is that thing...from the looks, the seamless moves to the great sound effects. It is truly what I've always yearned for in a star wars game.





Quote from seanMO:

...And there are so many people cheating. I really don’t feel like having to figure out how to cheat at a game just to keep up with the crowd.


Are you really sure about this?? I mean...If you are on a pure server its pretty much cheat free. I've only seen one creditable argument arise concerning cheats and it seems to be a bug more than anything else. I see way to many people crying cheat at the first encounter of a skilled player.




Next time give me more control of the light sabre.. I wanna write my name on all the walls

Well...I know one good old fashion way of writing your name on the wall...but its not to relevant to the game...hehehe :)

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Oh yeah, the SP is definitely outstanding, with exception of Deus Ex (my lovebaby), it's the best SP game out there. Awesome job Raven!


MP... It needs some balancing to make it perfect. It's alright right now, but suffers from some idiotic things, on which there are 2billion posts here already. And it REALLY sucks that the lightsaber battles are so pathetic when compared to the SP game. I mean, after playing SP, how CAN you feel satisfied with the MP saber combats?


I'm on my sixth go through the SP game already, this time using guns only.. Now THAT becomes quite hard at the later levels :)

(I know I know, why bother. Well, i've done pretty much everything else already, and I need to come up with a new angle to play it everytime I go through the SP game again.)

Maybe on my next go, I'll summon a few Rebel Troopers or a Jedi as my sidekick :D



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Actually as far as the cheating I was talking about MP FPS games in general. Most MP games eventually get ruined by cheats.

I try a game out when its new to see how it goes. This SP game is keeping me plenty busy. And the fact that I can spawn NPC makes me have no reason to play MP.

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i agree wif Creston.......

the MP sabre battles just dont do the SP game justice....

yeh the MP battles are a million times better than the base-ball-bat-style combat from the original JK but it is still not as gd a SP

The Ladder by JediKnight is wot i always wanted!!! sabre battle followed by sabre battle....etc...

it saves all the time of summoning reborn into a open space...

(yeh i no most of u have bond the summoning command 2 a key but it is still easier to play the ladder)



hopefully the patch will solve sum MP cheating issuses.....



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