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Never seen this whine before...


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Ok we've all seen the threads with ppl complaining about gunners and such. Well check this out...


In a small game with only 3 people..


Me and another guy are fighting with sabers.

A guy with a big boomin gun starts lobbin crap at us.


So Naturally (IMO) we both turn and start attacking the gunner.


After awhile of this he starts complaining that we are teaming up on him. Even though we keep fighting eachother still.


Does anyone else think he's a whiner?

It makes sense to me that the saber guys go for the gunner, we always do that, even in the big games.


Anyway, just a new whine I saw.


Flame away!

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Not to sound mean or anything...But what exactly do wish to accomplish with a post like this?


You want a pat on the back with "ya..you were right he was wrong"?


You want people to start arguing?


You seem to be aware what this will get...You even ended your post with "Flame away!"


Sorry dude if I sound mean...

But I think most people don't really want to hear everyone’s little "crisis" in the game.


In my opinion, by posting this, you just became a much greater whiner then the guy you are talking about.



Nothing personal Mattock

But post like these are getting old very fast.

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Actually, the "Flame away" was meant towards me.


I haven't posted anything here yet without getting flamed :)


I'd say my streak is still half alive, you didn't flame but did point out how you felt about my topic.


Sure it was childish of me to post it up on the boards, but I've seen far worse up ;)

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hehe...If it would make you feel better...I can still flame you..hehe Just kidding :)


I agree...with you Mattock..I've seen much worse also. Actually your post wasn't that bad...I guess your post reminded me of all the others and made it seem worse.


I yearn for a gaming world where people play and keep a smile. Or at least try harder. Too much whining, name calling and finger pointing going on out there.

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Well, for my unbiased opinion. I hate all gunners and feel they should be strung up and ....erm.... sabered! Anyone can point and click, but it takes skill to move the saber. As for shooting during a duel, well, if you had declared a REAL duel, he wouldn't have been able to attack you. What I hate is when gunners kill you when you are TRYING to declare a duel.

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Well, for my unbiased opinion. I hate all gunners and feel they should be strung up and ....erm.... sabered!




I'm sure alot of the saber addicts agree on that. I do also to a certain extent. The thing is 99.9% hardcore online gamers are FPS in the style of quake, unreal or half life. Not to name numerous others. I'm a Half Life buff myself. Not to many saberist out there until Jedi knight. So its not going to be surprising to see a whole lot of people coming into this game with guns a blazing :)


No one said it was going to be easy being a jedi with only a saber. Especially if you are going up against people that have been playing FPS since Quake 1. But its that much more rewarding when you take down a gunner with only your saber. Keep that in mind :)


I think alot of the people that are complaining about the "gunners" are probably new to FPS online type game and don't realize that some of these players have been playing other FPS for years. hehehe


Anyone can point and click, but it takes skill to move the saber.


Don't be so quick to make that kind of comment. Like I've said...some of these people have been playing FPS for years. They have the so called "point and click" down to a science :)

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pointing? i though it was just clicking and moving *g*.

seriously, 3 stances, a bunch of attacks and a few special attacks SHOULD be more complex than the decision between primary and secondary fire. though as someone who loved the railgun i respect the practice it takes to hit a moving target at long range.

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Originally posted by Mattock

Ok we've all seen the threads with ppl complaining about gunners and such. Well check this out...


In a small game with only 3 people..


Me and another guy are fighting with sabers.

A guy with a big boomin gun starts lobbin crap at us.


So Naturally (IMO) we both turn and start attacking the gunner.


After awhile of this he starts complaining that we are teaming up on him. Even though we keep fighting eachother still.


Does anyone else think he's a whiner?

It makes sense to me that the saber guys go for the gunner, we always do that, even in the big games.


Anyway, just a new whine I saw.


Flame away!


Dude, all this sounds like is you complaining about someone using guns against you rather than the sabre.


If you wanna have a duel with no on interupting with guns either actually DUEL the person (ie. call a duel so you're immune to other people) or go to a sabre only or duel server.


If you're on a FFA with guns, then don't complain about people using guns.



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i dont think its about him using a gun but complaining that they teamed up on him, when he fired into the fight. but with three people on a server theres not much to do anyway *g*


strange. if we complain about gunners interrupting saber fights its 'stop whining, go to a saber only server', if we laugh about gunners complaining that sabers team up against guns its 'stop whining, go to a saber only server' ?

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Originally posted by Mattock

Ok we've all seen the threads with ppl complaining about gunners and such. Well check this out...


In a small game with only 3 people..


Me and another guy are fighting with sabers.

A guy with a big boomin gun starts lobbin crap at us.


So Naturally (IMO) we both turn and start attacking the gunner.


After awhile of this he starts complaining that we are teaming up on him. Even though we keep fighting eachother still.


Does anyone else think he's a whiner?

It makes sense to me that the saber guys go for the gunner, we always do that, even in the big games.


Anyway, just a new whine I saw.


Flame away!



LOL you guys should just pull out your own guns - blow this guy away and then get back down to the twirly twirly :)


Mind you shouldn't a Jedi be able to deal with anything? No sense in whinging if it's a FFA - it stands for Free For All after all.


As for the guns - I'm with Solo on that one :-/

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Originally posted by GhostOfYoda

Well, for my unbiased opinion. I hate all gunners and feel they should be strung up and ....erm.... sabered! Anyone can point and click, but it takes skill to move the saber.


Well, you're entitled to your opinion, of course...but you should keep something in mind. Not everyone has a fast enough connection with low enough ping to enter into a proper saber duel. I would love to spend most of my time using the saber online...however, a ping between 450-999 is not conducive to good saber play, when most of your opponents have pings around 50-200. I am dead before I even see my opponent move on screen - so it's a little hard to parry a blow you don't even see. ;)


Hence, I will enter an FFA game (I avoid very low ping servers) and use whatever weapons are at my disposal, be they guns, mines, TD's or whatever. I have to use my saber as a last resort, and usually go in swinging. I try to avoid people who are duelling with sabers one-on-one, and similarly do not shoot people who have their lightsabers unignited. I attack either groups of saberists or gunners (trying to anticipate where they will be, not necessarily where they are on my screen), and try to keep my distance. I've managed to come into the middle ranks and even won a couple of games on a couple of servers using these tactics. They don't always work, of course. ;)


I'm just happy that I can play Jedi Outcast at all online and get any kills, because my connection pretty much sucks.


So next time you see a mad gunner...take a look at their ping at the end of a game, and see if they have a really high ping like me. That might explain their tactics. If they have a lower ping than you...well, I won't go into that. :D

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