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There needs to be a Patch


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There needs to be a patch where its a Dueling server, or a Small FFA with dueling, with ONLY FORCE JUMP, SABER OFFENSE, SABER DEFENSE, AND SABER THROW...


Im sick off noobs with Drain, Grip and Push. I dont even use Dark anymore...Light (esp Mind Attack) rocks...Occassional Dark to kill that annoying Noob...


But I would love to see a server (with a patch) that only allows PURE Saber fights...Also not that flailing pos dueling, where you press forward and hold down attack in Fast stance prayign to Buddha that you hit the NME...


And incorporate new Attack moves...The Obi Won Flip move rocks..I always use that when Im Mind attacking and I ned an instant kill for the flag carrier...

Like cartwheel and butterfly kick...

oh..I love backward flipping off NME, i knock them down and then Saber throw, for that nice chop...

Can you use g_SaberRealisticCombat for MP? or does it require cheats enabled? It shouldnt.

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You dont need a patch for this..its all there in the server setup as it is.....all you need to do is set up a server with force powers disabled..or find a server with that there.

I personally like the force powers (but I dont use drain..find it cheap) it is part of the game....and there is geberally a way to counteract most of them



ps. still **** at mp though lol:)

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Originally posted by PappySmurf

Im sick off noobs with Drain, Grip and Push. I dont even use Dark anymore...Light (esp Mind Attack) rocks...Occassional Dark to kill that annoying Noob...


Well that's your opinion... There's nothing wrong with using push, it's a good way to get out of a lot of things...


Sounds like you're a "noob" for not using your light sided forces to counter-attack those dark forces.

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I've said it several times before... They need to slow down backpeddling! That'd solve a lot of problems. They shouldn't be able to run from me backwards. If someone wants to run, they should have to actually turn around to do so...

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"Im sick off noobs with Drain, Grip and Push. I dont even use Dark anymore...Light (esp Mind Attack) rocks...Occassional Dark to kill that annoying Noob... "




whos the "noob" here ? ..... :rolleyess

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Originally posted by Mattman

I've said it several times before... They need to slow down backpeddling! That'd solve a lot of problems. They shouldn't be able to run from me backwards. If someone wants to run, they should have to actually turn around to do so...


NO Mattman! If the backpeddling were slowed down it would completely ruin saber fights. Then we would have no defence at all against those damn "Headless Chicken" style fighters. They just hold down mouse1 and try to get close... if your suggestion were included saber fights would be completely destroyed.

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Well, not really. Headless chicken fighters are generally extremely easy to take down. All I do is sidestep and attack in strong stance, they usually run into my attack if they feel the need to use the "headless chicken" technique, and it only takes like 2 shots to take them down. You can always roll away from them also. I do agree that backpedaling is way too fast as well though. In real life people cant run sprint races or play tag running backwards, its just not realistic, even if you do have super duper force abilities.

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You sir, are the n00b if your whining about ways to get kills. Pushing, Drain, Grip etc are all ways of getting kills, and if your so thick headed that you think they are cheap and just won't counter them properly, then YOU sir are the n00b here.

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BTW, I forgot to mention that those Force Powers are part of the gameplay, and they factor into a player's skill when he uses them. One who uses Drain, Grip and Lighting and WINS is OBVIOUSLY more skilled than someone who is whining and complaining about how it's cheap and is loosing.

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back peddling should be slowed. It wouldn't ruin saber duels, becuase headless chicken fighters are easy to block... and strafing and hitting them will still be easy enough.


I went AFK once and came back to find a newbie attacking my front... I blocked every attack and took no damage. then i sat in my chair and killed him in seconds.

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Originally posted by Canis_Aureus


NO Mattman! If the backpeddling were slowed down it would completely ruin saber fights. Then we would have no defence at all against those damn "Headless Chicken" style fighters. They just hold down mouse1 and try to get close... if your suggestion were included saber fights would be completely destroyed.


Chanke4252 beat me to the punch... I was going to add... Why don't use come running at me headless chicken style, and we'll see just how long you last. ;)


I've been practicing my saber skills. :D


Anyway, while I do feel that it'd improve dueling immensely, I'm also for it because of the fact that people can run from me while shooting. Hell, in most situations, they could even use explosive weapons (rockets, etc.) and not get hit by their own splash damage. If backpeddling's slowed down, they'd have to wait for a decent shot, away from close-quarter fighting to set up their shots. Who in real life, movies, or otherwise, fires rockets at near point-blank range... and lives because they can out-run the explosion moving backwards?

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yeah the speed of back peddling is a little annoying.. but


its all about the strategy, with practice you should be able to take people out who use all kinds of moves lightning, grip, and drain included.



and by the way push is my best friend on the CTF levels, theres nothing funnier than seeing a guy running with the flag just steps away from his base and get pushed off of a cliff,





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"BTW, I forgot to mention that those Force Powers are part of the gameplay, and they factor into a player's skill when he uses them. One who uses Drain, Grip and Lighting and WINS is OBVIOUSLY more skilled than someone who is whining and complaining about how it's cheap and is loosing."


grip and lightning are not cheap....


I fail to see how you figure a force that can heal you to full in seconds and steal all the enemies force leaving you about 2/3 full is not cheap.


I have never seen anyone counter this. Ever. And with backpeddling the way it is drain is the only way to counter healing, but healing is not near as cheap as drain...


Whenever someone says 'its part of the game' it really pisses me off. Sure it is part of the game, however it is really unbalanced and ruins the game for people who do not wish to employ this tactic.


I could own somone in a saber only duel, but then in a force duel they beat me because they got drain off first and took all my force and then used lightning, whilst backpeddling, to take my hp down much further. Then continue using drain to keep my force down and wait for luck to allow them a powerful hit. Could I beat them? Sure. Its possible, however with no force for saber throw/grip/lightning/jump/speed/push/pull/anything the cards are way in his/her favor. But then next time I might get the drain in first and beat him.


Is this how you envisioned jedi knight 2 before you bought it? Imagine the description on the back of the box:


- Intense multiplayer action where the person who manages to drain their opponent first is given a clear winning advantage over their hapless opponents.


This does not wholey apply to battles with guns in them, but drain still is very powerful and can heal anyone who uses it from 1-100 in seconds with minimal force and minimal time wasted.


So, Emon, just because it is a part of the game does not mean it is a good part that takes skill to use effectively. Its the same thing as jumping puzzles being a part of the game, they're not cool, but they are a part of the game.

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drain and lightning are too cheap.


This guy drained me and ran backwards.. Then lightninged me.

I kept trying to chase after him but he just kept lightning me.


Its not fair that i cant kill him when i run in a line at him.

I never even though of draining him back..or using abosrb or running the other way.. I dont have the intelligence to think of doing anything other than running in a line at him.


Seriously, drain is only as powerfull as you let it be.


Do remember that if you have no force, his drain is worthless. How can this help you?

Why simple jump back out of his range, use force speed or something that drains you of force and stops your recharge. You then have extra speed and his drain is rendered worthless.


Or freaking force push him.. Its not like you lose all of your force instantly, a force push almost always hits when they are in the drain stance. And after you wack his with your saber when hes down, all that life he just drained will be gone.


Absorb, yes it drains your force..but

while its on, drain is useless..and after its turned off drain is near useless for a while.


For dark is easy..they drain you..you drain them.


Thats whats good about this game, each other person is only as powerfull as you let them be.


BTW im not a drainer, 85% of the time i play a mind trick light.

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There needs to be a patch...where..where...ALL you get is SHARP TWIGS. And then you can only poke them in the eyes!! Then the stupid n00bs that try to use stupid things like cheap FORCE POWERS will realize how stupid they really are. Because I will have a stick, and then you should be able to *pant pant* get a rock too that would be cool the stupid noobs wouldn't know what hit them. *whew*


Seriously, your post was so rambling and innane that no one is even going to listen to any valid point you may have made somewhere in there. You call people cheap for using the same force powers that EVERYONE else has access to, then you admit that you do, in fact, use them?


Then you go on to tell us how "cool" you are and the "cool" things you can do. Does anyone want to bet that this guy is, in fact, one of the biggest (as he puts it) noobs out there?


Now, excuse me while my head explodes from his stupidity.

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all the light side is basic defence while dark is more aggressive minded yes.


thing is you can defend quite well 1v1 even 2v1 at times but when you have more than half the server with drain/lightening its kind of hard to keep those power bars up protecting yourself as they are spammy and hit not just one target but everything in a radius clearing out thier defence they dont even have to aim.


this isnt a complaint more a question as to is this really balanced that well ,i use absorb very well in my mind i keep moving all the time but you can guarantee just as my powers are beginning to grow again theres another drain guy letting rip and my powers are gone before i can react and he wasnt even aiming for me.


bit like spray and pray in it they still have to finish me off mind and alot of the time in 1v1 1v2s i really have been as quick as humanly possible in reacting and when i have looked its some guy just running through a crowd letting it rip then another will come along lightnening the group thats already been fighting finishing them off hardley skillfull in my mind if they had to aim at targets i would then say yeah now your talking skill.


anyways again not a complaint im pretty sure it will stay as is and i will still enjoy it regardless im just curious to see if anybody else has had same thing happen and what thier thoughts are if they had to acctually aim at indivual targets same as they do with grip.


or would that unbalance it to much???



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I think it's safe to say EVERYONE is a "n00b" at this game, considering its barely been out a week!


Some of you may think you are really good now, but in 3 months you will look back and realize how bad we all suck right now lol.

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your all saying he's a noob for saying that grip drain and lightning are cheap, i think he's talking about when people spam them

and you guys are all saying its part of the game which i find quite hypocritical seeing as you guys are all saying slow down backpeddle when its 'part of the game' and your saying its unrealistic, well news flash Jedi are unrealistic, and even if they did exist they have good reflexes so they COULD backpeddle with speed.


thats my 2 cents :o

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Well everyone has so far missed one point of the original posters idea on why there needs to be a patch and that is to have the server choose which force powers get disabled. And I dont mean the way it is now. Doing this now also disables all saber att, def, and throw abilities and no level 2 or 3 force jump. Plus you have to have your powers set before you can join the server since when you join one of these you cant choose your powers while in game, you have to set them in another game then join the one you want.

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Originally posted by Mattman


Chanke4252 beat me to the punch... I was going to add... Why don't use come running at me headless chicken style, and we'll see just how long you last. ;)


I've been practicing my saber skills. :D


Anyway, while I do feel that it'd improve dueling immensely, I'm also for it because of the fact that people can run from me while shooting. Hell, in most situations, they could even use explosive weapons (rockets, etc.) and not get hit by their own splash damage. If backpeddling's slowed down, they'd have to wait for a decent shot, away from close-quarter fighting to set up their shots. Who in real life, movies, or otherwise, fires rockets at near point-blank range... and lives because they can out-run the explosion moving backwards?


Hmmm didn't you read my post. If you did it should be clear that I am not a member of the dojo of "the headless chicken style" :D I have no problems dealing with them. I run backwards and around them while giving them a few saber throws... this way they never hit them and I slowly kill them. If I get the chance I give them a heavy hit and finish them off. I am talking about being able to kill these people without risking anything yourself... if you would run slower backwards... there WOULD be a chance they killed you with a lucky swing while spinning all around you. And about the game beeing realistic... please :D. The only problem I see is gun users running backwards and raining great blue balls of death on you. With weapons your speed should perhaps be slowed down a bit. Drain is the problem IMO not the speed of running.


DRAIN should:

- Have a more narrow firing arc

- Drain slower

- Have a warmup period of a few seconds before it starts to drain.

- Drain the same amout of power from both user and victim.


Drain lvl2 is perfect... that is the way lvl3 should have been. And drain is not cheap! Without drain the dark side has no defence against lightning. IMO it should drain and heal you at the same speed as lightning drains your health (if the same lvl powers are used of course).


At the moment I have a few problems dealing with drainers, BUT nothing major. If they drain you try to take out your blaster and give them a shot... I have killed a few drainers that way... or if your quick you can give them a saber throw and cheat them of a bit of power... absorb also helps although it is a weak defence because drain is way too fast. But draining don't stop me from swinging at them... and if they try to drain while I'm close... they're dead... they have no defence at all when draining.

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Well, perhaps I should be more specific. I'm not asking for a huge decrease in backpeddling speed. Something like %15 to %20 would be enough to allow plenty of backwards running, while still allowing a foward runner to close the gap. Besides, if you need to move backwards in a hurry for a dodge, there's always rolling and backflips. That's what they're there for.


Let me give a very good example... A duel match on the carbonite map. With that big hole in the middle, I've seen many duels last forever, because one of the combatants kept running backwards, constantly draining, and never engaging. You can't pull them, because the drained you, nor can you clear the hole for the same reason. It's frustrating as hell. In fact, one time I left the server, because the other guy kept at this for nearly 10 minutes.


Speaking of patches and duel servers, Raven really needs to enable spectator voting on duel servers. There are several other methods of causing annoying stalemates in a duel that can effectively last forever, and currently, we have no way of kicking the bastards from the server. For instance, there's the trick of waiting for your opponent to fall into the hole in the carbonite chamber map, and then constantly draining them so they're stuck (it requires a force jump to get out.) And my personal favorite, the one where some ass gets on top of the ruins on the jedi battleground map, and uses push to keep you away (this can be done on the catwalk of the shuttle hanger too, but it's harder to pull off.) Not even absorb can get you passed that.


Had a guy do that to me as well (keep me off the top of the battleground ruins.) We couldn't kick him, so we had to leave in protest. Though, somehow, I bet he got some enjoyment out of that.

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Originally posted by Canis_Aureus

But draining don't stop me from swinging at them... and if they try to drain while I'm close... they're dead... they have no defence at all when draining.


...and if they couldn't keep away from you by draining while backpeddling, they'd be dead even quicker. ;)


Oh, and I read your post. I wasn't accusing you of being a headless chicken fighter, I was just saying that I'm not very concerned by them (and using you as a hypothetical partner to test my theory.)


By the way, you'd still have strafing to make sure you're clear of any frenzied hack-and-slashers. ;)

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The bottom line is that there needs to be an option to only have neutral powers enabled. I personally just like saber fighting, occasionally force is fun, but it seems to make people forget they are even holding a lightsaber.


I host a no force duel server and it's pretty fun, but it gets boring after awhile so i turn it up to lvl 3, but that gets boring too, it would be freakin awesome if we could just use neutral powers.

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