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Imperial Officer's Blaster can be used by Kyle in singleplayer.

Zahriel Omega

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You'll need to do the "devmap" to enable cheats (thats the way i did it anyway)


Then type the following console commands (there's 2):


give weaponnum 22

weapon 22


et viola! you should have that sleek black blaster as modelled by our very own imperial officers!




if you need help with the binding, an example would be to type into the console:


bind = "give weaponnum 22;weapon 22"


that would bind your equals key to do get the blaster.



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I think it would've been cooler if the officers pistol was the default gun in MP. It could still act like the Bryar, but just have the imp pistols model. The Bryar's supposed to be Kyle's trademark blaster (if I recall correctly, it's an older model blaster rifle that's been sawed off.) It's kinda funny seeing everyone in MP sporting one.

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What I wanna know is where the hell the Blastech DL-44 (Han's pistol) is?? This was included (much to my enjoyment) in MoTS, but didn't make the cut here?? What gives??? Oh well. I suppose they'll release that in an add-on probable or someone will make a mod with it.

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I figured it out, I seem to have to get weapon 15 (the atst guns) first. THen it will let me get it. I like it alright, its quite accurate, so I use it for headshotting stormies at long range. THe model isnt positioned very well, so Im going to edit it up as soon as I can and Ill toss it up here.

Does anyone know if the SDK will have modelling tools, as the md3s seem to be in a different format or something.

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It works for me, but only when I cycle through the previous weapons too (give weaponnum 14, weapon 14, give weaponnum 15, weapon 15, etc).



Weapon 14 is your fists, and it's just like it was in MotS (primary = jab, alt = hook). You seem to be an incredibly weak boxer though, and there doesn't seem to be any difference in damage between the jab and hook, but the jab is faster. It takes about 10 hits from either to knock out a stormtrooper.


15 is the blaster turret gun (the ones you can hop into). Primary and alt are the same.


16 is an odd one. Primary fires a slow-firing blaster shot that seems to autoaim within a certain range and only if you're at the same height as somebody. Alt is a freakishly rapid-fire version of the same shot, but no autoaim. I'm talking about at least a hundred rounds a second.


17 doesn't seem to work. When I try it, it gives me some unknown weapon with no ammo (of which give ammo doesn't give any ammo for it) and switches back to my Merr-Sonn when I try to fire.


18 is the standard AT-ST cannon, primary is fast-firing, alt is faster.


19 is the AT-ST side cannons. Primary fires the small concussion missiles, alt fires the Merr-Sonn-ish big missiles.


20 is another AT-ST main cannon, but slower than the others. Primary and alt are the same.


21 is an odd one. Primary is the same as 20, but alt fires repeater alt-fire rounds. Don't think I ever saw anything like this in singleplayer.


22 is the aforementioned Imperial officer blaster. Primary and alt are the same, and it seems to be as powerful as the Bryar's primary.



That's as high as it goes I believe. I went up to 30 and there weren't any more weapons. The Imperial blaster is the only one that had a weapon model, and there are animations for the punching as well (both 1st and 3rd person).




And to answer an earlier question, I highly doubt that the SDK will have a full-blown modelling program, but it definitely should have conversion tools or a JK2 exporter plugin for 3d Studio.

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