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Bug? Force disabled servers allowing forces


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I joined a server that had force disabled yet everyone else could use all forces (I saw drain, lightning and grip). I had push, pull and level 1 jump (or level 0 not sure) but no other forces. Has anyone else seen this, is it a bug or am I just doing something stupid?


You can clearly see in the picture that someone is using force lightning yet my player menu is showing force as disabled (it wasn't just one person, the whole server seemed to be able to use it). I tried asking but everyone was too busy playing to answer.





I found the answer, the server had g_forcePowerDisable set to 1 (probably the admin assumed it was a boolean value, it's actually a bitfield). This had the effect of disabling heal and due to the bug in this setting the sideffect of disabling jump and sabre throw and showing force as disabled in the player screen. Absorb probably would have worked if I'd tried it but I made the assumption that it wouldn't.


I hope Raven fix this in a patch.


The above information is from this thread in the Server forum:



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