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Binding /thedestroyer?

The D

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Okay what's up with this, first off I've tried binding a command that puts away the light saber then uses the destroyer cheat:


bind n "weapon 1; /thedestroyer"


Now I've tried every variation on that I can, such as using the other slash, all caps, etc., but all that happens is the saber is toggled and it says it doesnt' recognize thedestroyer. However I can bind JUST /thedestroyer and it works fine.

I have cheats on and the destroyer command works manually as well.

So what's up with this?


Also why is it that so many people have trouble with the destroyer command? I tried it and the neighbors' and it works from the console but I can't bind /thedestroyer to a key, which I can on my computer. Pretty bizarre.

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Go to the console and type



bind ? consolecommand



Where ? is the key of your choice and consolecommand is the console command ;)


For instance to bind the destroyer cheat I typed


bind v /thedestroyer


My problem is that this only works on certain computers for some wierd reason. It worked on mine but not my neighbors'.

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I've been trying to get this to work but have been unsuccessful so far.


First of all, is it ONLY in mp that I can get this to work? The codes section of gamespot doesn't make that a stipulation.


Second everyone says the lightsaber has to be "holstered" or "put away". By this do you mean that you have to have the lighstaber in hand but turned off, or does it mean I must have something else picked (ie. bryar pistol)


would appreciate some lovin

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Also as I had to play with the time part to get it to work correctly I believe I finaly had to have it as:

bind ? "sv_saberswitch; wait 75; thedestroyer"


instead of:

bind ? "sv_saberswitch; wait 50; thedestroyer"


you might have to play with the time to get it to work more reliably.

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Alright to clear things up

This is a multiplayer ONLY code.

Yes for destroyer to work your saber has to be in hand but turned off. The bind that I posted does this automatically.

The bind worked perfectly for me AS TYPED EXACTLY like I posted it. However, for other people to get it to work, they may have to add a slash before thedestroyer, or make it all caps. Or fiddle with the timing, as darkhold said.

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