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Yesss! A Cyan Lightsaber!


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*cue mad scientist laugh*

Igor, it LIVES...! *erh* yes, well...


Yesss! I am the first JediOutcast player on this planet to have a CYAN colored Lightsaber!


*cue laugh again*


Ok, it won't let me play on the internet but still...

Strike that. Now it works. Read below

:D :D :D

And NO, that image is NOT manipulated.

It is really cyan.





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Basically, it's about extracting some images from the assets.pk3 file, doing some very simple hue editing and then reimporting them. (feasible with WinZip for example)


As for the glow and trail... well, the glow is cyan as well.


But the trail... mean one. It still has a blueish shade here and there, and I have positively NO idea how to get my fingers on THAT aspect. :(


But here's how I did it :


1) open assets0.pk3 with WinZip

2) extract the following 5 graphics






3) be sure to keep the directory structure created while extracting

4) load each of them into a Graphics prog (I used CorelPhotoPaint10)

5) change hue of all images accordingly

6) reimport images into the pk3file


The two 'gfx' images replace the actual 3d-engine-saber while the three 'menu' ones just take care of the image you see on the MP color selection screen.


NOTE: this thingy replaces the original BLUE lightsaber. I think there should be a way to make it work with an external pk3file, but I didn't get that one to work yet. As for the moment, you WON'T be able to play online with this!



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I wouldnt exactly advise people to change the assets0.pk3 file, if they want to play with it, copy the assets0.pk3 file and do this to the copy of it. Or they might have to reinstall, you might not be able to play on alot of servers with an altered pk3.


*edit* sorry essobie didnt see your post .

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Thanks Essobie, Valdarious, but I know about all that 'pure sevrer' trouble - and even mentioned it in RED above there, but that's out of date now anyway...


It worked, I got the external version up and running. Got a lot easier to "install" too :


1) download the newly-created assets8.pk3 file


2) put it into the ".../gamedata/base" directory where the other pk3s are


You're already finished. :D

No more need for editing the assets0.pk3 !


You will have a cyan lightsaber wherever it is allowed (SinglePlayer, non-pure MP servers, local servers etc.) and a blue one where the cyan is forbidden. Don't want it any longer? Delete the assets8.pk3 and it's gone for good. :)


Ah, I love it when a plan works! << © Hannibal, A-Team >>

Have fun! Oh - and if anyone would tell me how I could get my fingers on the "trail color" settings, then I would highly appreciate that.



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I'm a bit annoyed that there are so few lightsaber colors available. I think the saber models should be grayscale, and when you choose a saber color, the model is drawn or lit in that color... know what I mean? This would allow for any RGB combination, and the three-byte color can just be sent to everyone else in the MP game so everyone sees the sabers as the colors they're supposed to be.

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i've been having that same damn problem with the trail, i've made a violet and a silver blade but it just seems to combine them with the ones i replace (well try too). When standing still it looks fine except for the "light" that emits from it, i can't seem to replace that at all....i don't get it :confused:

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Black saber with white trails...


Well, basically : Yes.


But just as scarlet said, the game has the mean habit of coloring the sabertrail in the color of the default lightsaber that you replaced. It isn't that obivous when dealing with cyan/blue, but it's there.


And there really doesn't seem to be a single colored trail texture in there. BUT I found a greyscale one by now that must somehow be 'painted' accordingly by the engine each time depending on what 'default sabercolor' you chose.


I bet that this is the spot where I have to dig, but I just don't find the second (should be text) file that is steering the trail color mechanics. It has to be somewhere there, but it must be perfectly hidden. :(



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It tried that - with no effect. As for the moment, I'd even swear that this file isn't even used by at all in JO.


It works that way... the game takes

gfx\effects\sabers\blurcore.jpg (a greyscale texture)


gfx\effects\sabers\blurglow.jpg (also a greyscale texture)


and then does SOMETHING to them, according to the saber you chose. I even just found the shader file responsible for this, but there is no real color reference in there (an excerpt for blue saber and blur follows)




cull disable


map gfx/effects/sabers/blue_glow2.tga

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex






cull disable


map gfx/effects/sabers/blue_line.tga

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex







cull disable



clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurglow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex



clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurcore

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen identity




This one eludes me... I'm smart enough to see the two highly interesting "rgbGen" lines, but I don't have the slightest idea how they work. :(



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Well I still have to try to get a point out.. I think, heh. You kind of answered it yourself in your post.

map gfx/effects/sabers/blue_glow2.tga

I just looked again in the sabers folder and there "isnt" a blue_glow2.tga file in there, only a yellow one. Maybe this is why you are having problems. Maybe I am just not seeing something in what I am looking at but I still think there is something wrong here.


*edit* have you tried making your own blue_glow2.tga file to see if it uses it?

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Just noticed.

Seems your right - there aren't any of the .tga files that the shader refers to. Except yellow.


But unfortunately it is no solution.

Why? Well, my very first try to manipulate the sabers concerned the YELLOW version, since I thought :

"Hey, now when I replace a saber at all then I should take the yellow one - since it looks so similar to the orange version, I won't miss a "yellowish" version after I replaced it with the cyan -since I still have the orange one then."


So my first shot was replacing all three yellow files, including the infamous .tga one. It was only later that I noticed that the other saber didn't have such a tga thing. Same effect. Blade cyan, but the glow was STILL yellow, although I _had_ replaced that tga file. Therefor crating own "color"_glow.tga files won't work. :(




That shader file is obsolete. Not even the blurglow/blurcore references are correct if one looks at it. They are missing the jpg extensions. So wrong shot. Will have to look again.



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I would crawl over code as well, I've done it many a time with the chatgui's for t2, however, I mistakenly set word to open the .pk3 files instead of winzip. If anyone would inform me as to how I can set it to a different file for opening, it would be much obliged. (I've done this many times before as well. I'm just too headstrong or something. *shrug*)

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