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Originally posted by TieDefender75

Is it good?



I hear it was great! I downloaded a video review of it last week, they said it was the best 1-st person shooter game. It looks awsome. I think might rent an XBOX just to play it!

(It is the only game I like for XBOX.)


I hope it is released for GC!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Nah, I'd bet that a GC version will never happen. I'll consider us lucky if it does get ported to PC, MAC and Linux...


Quite simply, there are only two flaws in Halo: a 30 fps framerate, and repetitive level design.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

this is what my best friend says about it:



Over the weekend i rented an xbox to play. I got the game halo, and ended up playing for a total of 28 hours and completeing the entire game. 3 of those hours are recored to video tape, which i am going to send to r15 one of these days. I also have footage of me setting uo my xbox and testing it (am i obsessed?).


my next post will be explaining the dynamic storyline and gameplay of Halo. It is by far the best game i have played in my life, with unsurpassed graphics, load times, enviroments (WITH NO DISTANCE FOG AT ALL. you can see from one end of the level to the other if you have the line of sight, or if the beautifuly renderd snow does not get in the way.), and the most advanced AI i have ever played with. not just AI they say is there, AI you notice and have to think alot about when your fighting. many time i thought i had killed everything when 5 or 6 new blips apear on my motion sensor behind me. Not to mention the great AI of you fellow marines, who stay out of your line of fire (Rainbow 6, anyone?) and engage the enemy with skill that is only slightly less than the person playing the game. Aliens and humans both will duck, dodge, hide, and communicate with each other realisticly.


Although all this stuff is great, you really have to play the game to understand.

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