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Help in Caim Reactor


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I'm not quite sure where you are, is there like a floating platform thingy with a pedestal + button on it there? If so, you need to get on it.


There really isn't any part in the game where there are three places for you to go, it's pretty linear.


If that isn't where you are, please give some more details about where you are, what have you just done / passed etc. That way I'll know better where you are stuck :)



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Legameboy, I think I know where you are. Are you down in the reactor core of the Imperial base? If so, I know where you are...I'm stuck there too.


This is after being in the room with the electrified floor, defeating the Reborn and getting attacked by the AT-ST on the Imp base. After that, you drop down into the reactor core, and have to use force speed to dash around missing the energy pulses of the reactor. I have made it all the way to what appears to be the "core". It shoots the pulses out in 4 directions. I have not been able to figure out where to go from here.


It sounds like the same place I am...of course I could be wrong though. In either case, I too would like some help with where I am. I am obviously missing something.



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well jedidad i can answer your question...


you need to shut off the core looking thing.


On one side of the core is a panel, you will need to use force speed to get to the core.


Once it is off, go back to where you destoryed thouse three boxes that put 2 holes in the wall. (hope you know where i mean.)


once there look around and UP

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AH-HA! So that's it! I just missed the panel on the core. I saw the UP you refer to, but couldn't figure out how to shut off the core so I could get up in there.


Okay, that makes sense. I'll go back and look for the panel on the core.


Thanks Wraith!:sweating:

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