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tech support still in existance?


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I posted a message in regards to X-Wing Alliance Version 2.02 on the tech forum and no one has responded yet. Is that forum still running. And does anyone know if there is tech support for this game at all? I e-mailed support at lucasarts.com and have heard nothing there either. I keep having lock-ups where I have to perform a hard boot. If anyone is interested, my post is the last one in the tech forum.


Thanks for your time.



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It's probably just that nobody knows what's wrong, and that's why they haven't posted a response. Check out http://www.lucasarts.com - try Yoda's Help Desk. I've found it to be very useful. If that doesn't help, try calling their technical support phone number. You might also try asking over at http://www.xwlegacy.net - they actually do stuff with the game ;)


I have to commend you on your excellent posting of system specs, though!

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