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Is it just me....


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...or does anyone else prefer to play on duell-servers with force-powers off?

I think it is much more intensive that way coz there is much more skill involved.

Also u can often find honourable players on those servers who respect their nmes. That sounds quite romantic, but i think it just adds a lot more amtmosphere to the game when boths contrahents bow before they start fighting.

I think without force-powers the duells are getting more like they are meant to be. Tey are getting movie-like.

Think at the duells in the Star-Wars-movies. Did u ever see Darth Vader jumping miles in the air, throwing flashes at Luke while he pushed Vader all the time and dont even thought of using hes light-sabre?

In the films it is more about the pure sabre-fights. Maybe a push here and there, but mostly sabre-action.

On force-off duell-servers u can play those kind of matches.


What do u think?

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I just enjoy wandering FFA servers challenging people to duels. Honestly I don't care about coming top on the scores, I just enjoy dueling people :)


I was playing a game earlier on one of the Jolt UK servers, lots of people gathering in areas of the maps to duel. Of course some lamers would run in with rocket launchers, so they would get most kills, but none of the duelers cared. We just had a cool time dueling :) It really doesn't bother me anymore if someone tries to kill me while I am walking around with my saber deactivated, they get no accomplishment from killing an unarmed dueller. It's also satisfying to watch them run away when you turn on absorb, draw your saber and challenge them, because they know they can't beat you :-p


Unfortunately when I logged onto the server tonight it was full of gun users and few duellers. I still came second with 24 kills on ns_streets, using only saber powers and Absorb (none of my kills from pushing people off edge) - the amount of people that stand there continually trying to grip you while you put Absorb on and cut them to pieces is amazing. When will they learn? It wasn't nearly as fun as the duelling earlier though, even though my score was much lower then.

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Because it is fun?


Where else am I supposed to find so many duellers? I get a lot more duels on a FFA server than on a Duel server where you have to wait in a queue as spectator for 15mins (even longer when two guys decide to just stand around doing nothing to piss the rest off).

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If you want a more realistic movie-like experience, set g_forceRegenTime to something like 1000 or 1500. It makes drain a WHOLE lot more 'draining' since you don't regenerate NEARLY as much, but as for the other powers, it severely limits their use since your regeneration is reduced to barely anything. So people will rely more on sabers and *shudder* guns than force powers.

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Just find a small server with 6 player or so.

U wont have to wait too long, but still have duells with different nmes.

I dont want to say u are stupid because u are playing ffa. Its just not my kind of game, and i dont see fun in it.

But ppl are different.

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I just prefer good FFA servers. I like it when you get 10 people all gathering around in a circle with their sabers off while taking turns dueling. Or wandering around with my saber off and then finding a like minded individual who challenges me. I've met a lot of cool people that way. Plus when you duel someone in FFA it always disables force powers (except jump and the saber powers), which I like too.


I also think that to some degree the chaos going on elsewhere is a part of it. There's something kinda cool about people chaotically battling each other around the map to get their precious points, while a few noble Jedi Knights calmly draw their sabers and fight in an honorable and skillful duel. Just different tastes I guess :)

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Our taste is not so different. U described exactly the style of duell i prefer. :D

But i never found ppl on a ffa-server who would challenge me, or accept a challenge, so i went over to duell servers.

Perhaps u are just luckier than me.

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I suspect that FFA game type will become a far more popular place to duel when the community finally releases multi arena dueling maps. The duel-game-type lacks many of the features that made games like H2 an Rune a great dueling experience. Now with the addition of the "kick player" feature lamming should be far less of a problem.


And ,yes, now having played online a bit I think force power (including throw) cheapen the experience of a sabre duel. Force jump seems to be the only power that adds stratigic value to melee combat. Dueling with force and weapons other than sabre makes more sense.


Here is a similar thread and some suggestions that I made:





P.S. I'm constantly looking for non-force dueling servers, but they're not easy to spot. :( Or, there most always full.......

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I definately agree with blocki.

Duels completely rule, and I agree that most who play them are real cool nice guys. Mostly because for the keyboard-mashing monkeys out there, kills on ffa will be far easier than in a duel. So they tend to stay out.


You get the odd one who come in, and completely get their ass beat, then start moaning about how duel is for p*ssies then they leave. I had one once, who accused me of cheating, then straight away just left. I would've been totally happy to give him some tips and show him how to actually use the saber, but nope. Just a "you're so cheating, you loser" and he was off back to his ffa server no doubt.


Ppl like that have no patience and don't spend the time to actually get any proper skills. It's also the same for people who say duel sux coz they gotta wait toooo long. The wait is probably the most important thing to winning, you get to study everyones style, you see how the top guy plays, you pick weaknesses, you adjust your own strategy. This ends up so everyone each is learning constantly from each other, and building on their skills with every match.


So I gotta say, if you wanna get some serious skills, and learn from some real skilled saberists, and get some great strategies, then play some duel. You'll find a lot more respectful ppl, as most people there are trying to tone their skills instead of just getting a high number beside their name.


Also, as people duel, all the guys watching often talk about the battle. Giving each other tips, talking about their last kill etc.


In short, you learn sh!t loads more than you will in ffa servers *period*



- Sorry I rambled long enough, but have to add I love Jedi-master servers too. They're great fun :)

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>>In short, you learn sh!t loads more than you will in ffa servers *period*<<


Your experiences differ to mine. The duel servers I've tried were full of people complaining about waiting and spamming the chat with "come on losers" etc. Not only that but I've had a dozen experiences where the two duellers were just friends messing around on their own server and not actually fighting each other. Granted that is my bad luck, but the same applies in FFA - there are some great servers out there. And just as FFA contains some great duellers, so does Duel mode have plenty of lamers. So how about we don't knock the duellers on FFA servers as some how being inferior to you, ok?


The most important thing in learning is NOT watching, it is practice and hands-on experience. Watching good players plays a part and is a great way to pick up tips - you can do this a lot on the good FFA servers too. But watching a great player is no substitute to going up against him, then going up against him again and again and again. It is even arguable that on the FFA servers I get to see a far greater wealth of diversity amoungst fighting styles. And as I said before, it is all pure saber fighting with no force powers.

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I think it is much more intensive that way coz there is much more skill involved.

I wouldnt say that. I do enjoy pure swordfighting servers a lot more, but there is definate skill involved in using your force correctly. If anything Id say theres more skill involved with force on than off.


It is impossible though to find such servers... I guess thats what bots are for.

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I think the way they made the fights for sabers with powers is more of episode 1 or what it will be like in episode 2. Meaning that its what the saber fights should really be like with fully fledged jedi knights. Luke Skywalker eventually became a jedi master but in the movies he was not. Also the reason the jedi battles in the movies were not with the amazing action scenes we see in recent flicks today, was that the technology behind it was not what it is today. Im sure if george lucas had access to the abilities of computers and whatnot we have now he would have used it and you would have see darth vader doing a 10 mile high jump, As I beleive we will be seeing Anakin (Thats Darth Vader before the mask for those of you who dont know) doing some amazing stunts in episode 2. Like in the trailer where we see him jump out of the flying car 1. What I want now is to see dual light sabers meaning 1 in each hand.

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Originally posted by Hitogeki

I think the way they made the fights for sabers with powers is more of episode 1 or what it will be like in episode 2. Meaning that its what the saber fights should really be like with fully fledged jedi knights. Luke Skywalker eventually became a jedi master but in the movies he was not. Also the reason the jedi battles in the movies were not with the amazing action scenes we see in recent flicks today, was that the technology behind it was not what it is today. Im sure if george lucas had access to the abilities of computers and whatnot we have now he would have used it and you would have see darth vader doing a 10 mile high jump, As I beleive we will be seeing Anakin (Thats Darth Vader before the mask for those of you who dont know) doing some amazing stunts in episode 2. Like in the trailer where we see him jump out of the flying car 1. What I want now is to see dual light sabers meaning 1 in each hand.


i agree

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