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Bots N' stuff


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Hey , I have just finished my boba fett bot skin and personality, and wanted to know if anybody knew how to assighn special "powers" to bots to better challenge us tougher players? It would be much more challenging and cool if Boba could fly every once and a while.

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I sent it... Tell me what you think. the bot personallity is very close to Boba Fett likelyness if you ask me... but hte skin could use some work.:D:fett: Don't worry I figured it out... its still kinda new to me. Maybe You or someelse could create the team colors for it.

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to know if any one knows any advanced bot programming, so I can start making bots interesting. I've figuered out all the force power stuff. But it would be cool if I could introduce something like Mark I and II, bots with their attributes from single player, maybe even Galak in his powerarmor suit, not just the model, but the attributes too. these would be great additions to the bot universe I think, I also would like to know if any one could assign "powers" to bots, like the flyer model in single player. I think its some type of bird or something, would be a cool jetpackin Boba Fett though!:fett:




"Every key to a puzzle,... is in the puzzle itself." Aaron Michael Barton

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