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We need force block.


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It would be nice to have force block for shot deflections

and force block for saber fighting to knock the opponent

back like in Obiwan for xbox. Both blocks must be timed right

to work if your timing is off you still use the force but don't get a


If you use the for block shot it should use 1/5 of a full force meter

If you use the force block saber then it should use half of a full

force meter.

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I noticed that in SP, Force Push pretty much deflects everything, but in MP I've noticed that it doesn't deflect thrown sabers... Maybe it was my aim, but I tried it in face to face duels and it didn't work...


Does anyone know whether it works on thrown sabers in MP?

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It would be nice to have force block for shot deflections

and force block for saber fighting to knock the opponent

back like in Obiwan for xbox.

If you max your Saber Defence, you will be able to block most frontal attacks.


Both blocks must be timed right

to work if your timing is off you still use the force but don't get a


This has already been incorperated into the game, if you don't poistion yourself right, you will get hit


If you use the for block shot it should use 1/5 of a full force meter

1/5 is alot of force, it takes that almost much to start up grip.


If you use the force block saber then it should use half of a full

force meter.

1/2 eh? Force Lightning doesn't even use that much in 3 seconds of activation.



I don't think this will be considered, since there is some stuff you have to work out first. Balance of the force, delays, and so on.

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Well, manual blocking is already an option in the game. It's not some super blocking or force-aided blocking...it's just regular blocking. Go to the console and enter:


g_saberautoblocking 0

bind X +block


Where X is the key you want to use for blocking. I love playing this way. You can't attack while blocking, so it requires a little more skill. You haven't played JO until you've played through SP on the most difficult setting and using manual blocking. Much more interesting.



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Originally posted by Hux

no it doesnt work for sabers but its great on big maps when someone shoots a rocket at you and you send it back direct into his eye! He gets pissed of it and calls you a cheater! LOL


ROFL! I actually got one of those kills last night. Some momo tried to MA (Mid-Air, for all you Tribes rookies) with a rocket, and I Force Pushed it back into his face. Both of us were ROFL. Damn, I wish I demo'ed that.... ;)

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